Page:The Bangladesh Gazette, July 6, 1972.pdf/19

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‘ 3, '1 r .- 15" (- '» i c ‘ .1” 7 -' V-TT r T" ' ilv'r'fli‘nfiVIS{:F_THTV,TT' t .'...‘7;._' f .4 ‘ ' - ‘ ‘ ‘ J I. " a I‘m \ . ‘ r ‘ \ 7 {Mn 1] m BANGLADESH GAZB’I'I'E, JULY 6. 1972 907



No. l246—A/O—22nd 'Junc l972—Mr Md. Shah Alam, AdminiStmtivc Otiiccr of Co-operntivc Socie- tics. Bangladesh, is allowed to cross the Efficiency Bar with reflect from 8th June 1972 raising his pay tnTakn 610 from Tnku 575 in the scale of Tnkn 400—25—575—138—35—7 50—50 +800.

L. R. KHAN Registrar.



No. 1784—16tltlune l972—In exercise ofthc pow:r confe'red upon me unJer rule 29(1) if the B ingledcsh Co-opettttch S 'cieties Rules, 1942, I do hurt-by appoint‘ the following gentlemen to cunslitute lhe first Board of Directors (1' the Buhirdeu Grchonirmnn ‘0' Punarhnsnn Snmabuya Snmily Ltd.

Under rule 29 (2) the Directors 50 ugpointcd shall hold office till the Directors are elected y members at a Genetnl'Mectlng:

(I) Mr Sunil Kumnr Chose—Chairman. (2) Abdur Rahmnn fielder—Vice Chairman.

Directors. (3) Mr Krisna Prosnd Ghose. (4) Mr Kim: Bnln Sen. (5) Mt Sunil Kurnar Sen. (6) Mr Abdul Malek Sk. (7) Mr Uma Rani Ghose. (3) Mt Aflabuddin Sk. (9) Mr Sobed Ali Sk.

A. B. M. AYUB Assistant Registrar.

nmncromm: or AGRICULTURE


e Research and Education NOTIFICATIONS

No. 2437—l7th June 1972-Mr Nurul Hoque Basusin, Research Assistant, Ishurdi. Pabna, under Economic Botanist (Fibre) Division, in the Bangle- deth Agricultural Service (Junior), is transferred as Research Assistant, Burirhat. Rangpur, under the 3am: division and in the same service with effect from the date of ‘his joining, vice Mr Abdul Awal transferred.

~ No. 243711—17“: June 1972—Mr Abdul Avail, Re- search Assistant. Burithnt, Rangpur, under Economic Botanist'gFibre) Division, in the BangTadesh Agri~ cultural Service (Junior), is transferred as Research Assistant, Tejgaon. Decca, under the same division ‘and‘in the 5am: service with effect from the date of his joining.

No. 2453—l9th June l972—Mr Md. Aminul Haque, Plant Pathological Assisunt. chgaon, Dncca, under Mycology Division in the Bangladesh Ag‘iCUItutal Service Junior), is sanctioned tone on average pay . for 1'] eye With efiect from the 7th February 1972, to the 23rd February 1972, under mle 3(l)(b)(ti) of the Prescribed LeaVe Rules, 1959.

Mr Momtnzuddin Ahmed. Farm Superintendent. Hathamri, Chittagong, under Economic Botanist (Pulses and Oilsccds) Division, is transferred as Fnrm Superintcndcnt at Ishurdi. Pabna. in the same service and in the same Division with efl’cct from the date of his joining.

No. 2476—20th June l972—Mr Munsur Ali. B.Sc.(Ag), Research Assistant at Bhurdi. Pabna, under Economic Botanist (Pulses and Oilsecds) Division in the Bunglndesh Agricultural Service (Junior), is transfcr'cd us Research Assistant at Jnmnlpur. My- mcnsingh, in the same service and in the same DiVISiUII with died from the date of his joining.

No. 2476/1—20th June l972—Mr Jnnnendm Chan- dra Bhowm‘k. M. Sc.(Ag.). Research Assistant under Ecunomc Botanist (Pulses tmd Oilsecds) Division at Jamnlpur. Mytncnsmgh. in the Bangladesh Agricul- tural 8 nice (Junior), is traml‘trrcd as Farm Superintendent at llnthnznri, Chittttgimg, in the same servite und in the same Division with effect from the date of his joining.


No.2357—l3th June 1972—l’lcrtsc rmd “Mr Md, Ashraful Islam" in place of “Mr Ashraful Islam," Assistant Botanist (Pulscs and Oilaccds) recurring in this oliice notification No. 16170, dated 10th Sep- tember 1969.

M. lSHAQUE Director.

Extension and Management NOTIFICATIONS No. 5081—24th June 1972—Mr Aminur Rahman. Assistant Statistical Officer, Dintjpur, is tr n-t‘erred and posted at Khulna as ASSistant StatiStical Officer, vice Mr Ahul Hossnin, transferred.

No. 5081(l)—24th June 1972—Mr Abul Hossain, Assrs‘nnt StatIS'ical Officer, Khulna. is transferred and posted at Barisal as ASsistant Statistiml Oflicer, of Bnkcrg‘tnj.

Np. 5081(2)—24th June l972—Mr Noor Ahmed, Asmsrant Statistical Ofiirer, Khustia, is allowed to continue at Kushtia, until further orders.

The transfers and postings are made in the interest of public service. '

These cancel this office memo. Nos. 260, 258 and 259, dated 25th Afril 1972. CORRIGENDUM

No. 5073—23rd June 1972—Please read “Tit'thn Raj Mulo Das" in place of "Tirtha Raj Das” as

shown in this ofice notifimfion No. 13765, dated the 215: October 1970 against 51. 3. S. A. KHAN Iii-charge D“. m.

DIRECTORATE 0F FISHERIES BANGLADESH NOTIFICATIONS No. Es-3/15-66/3060—24th June l972—In partial modification of this Oflice notification No. Es-3/15 -66/2082, dated .6th May 1972, Mr Md. Mizanur Rahman, Fisheries Technologist, Fisheries Training Institute, Chandpur, Camilla, is provisionally granted leave on average pay for 14 days With effect from 11th May 1972 to 24th May 1972, under rule 3(1 )(b)(t‘t‘) 'ol‘ the Prescribed Leave Rules, 1959.


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