Page:The Bangladesh Gazette, July 6, 1972.pdf/20

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No. 3083—28th June l972—Mr Golain Ambin Middyn, District Fisheries Development Ofiiter, Jcsiiorc. now under suspension is hereby transferred to Dnccn, vice Mr Md. ldris, District Fisheries Development Oil'iccr. Dacca, reverted. He will, htWever, remain under su~pension as per order No. l344, dated the let March 1968 of the Managing Director, Bangladesh Fisheries Develop- ment Corporation.

The appointment and transfer are made in the iifiltcrcst of public service and will take immediate e cot.

No. 3084—28th June I972—Mr Md. ldris, District Fisheries Deve.opment Ofliccr, Decca, tinder order of reVersion to the post of Thann Fishery Ollioer. is appointed to ofliciate on an adhoc basis, until l‘u.ther orders as District Fisheries Development Officer- on a purely te-nporary basis, vice Mr Golarn Ambia Middya, District Fisheries Development Oil‘icer under Suspension.

The appointment is made in the interest of public service and will take immediate efl'ect.

No. 3085—24th June 1972—Mr A. F. M. Anwarul Ha’snn, Thana Fishery Oflicer is ttnipOiarily appointed to ofliciate on an ad hoc has 3, until flirther orders as Diitrict Filitries Development Officer in Bangladesh Stibordimite Fisl'crics Service (anetted, Class lb? with eii‘cct from the date of joining. vice Mr okbul Hossnin, District Fisheries Develortment Oifieer dismissed. He will l‘rpmt for duty in this office on the 10th July 1972 failing which the appointment will stand cancelled.

He will. have to undergoashort course of training in this Directorate for a period of 3 weeks from the date of joining.

The appointment is made in the interest of public service.

No. 3086—24th June l972—Mr Abdul Hai is temporarily appo‘nted to officiate on an ad hoe b sis, until further orders as District Fisheries Deielopment Officer on a monthly 5130’ OfTaka 5000 in Bz'ngiadesh Subordinate Fisheries Service (G 2 tied. Class H) wih efi‘ect from the date of his jtining subje’t to having satisfactory politicnl antecedens and being found medic-lily fit for Government service, vice Mr Moniruzzaman, District Fisheries Development Officer, expired.

He should report for duty in this oflicc on the 10th July 1972 failing which the appointment will stand cancelled.

He will have to undergo a short course training in this Directorate for a period of 3 weeks from the dn.e of joxning.

The appointment is made in the interest ofpublie service. V


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No“HS/S-l/SA-l-72/l0l04—20th June l972—The following temporary .Assistsnt Surgeons, in thc Bangladesh Health Services (Upper): are hereby trans- ferred from their prtscnt sppt ininicnt and temporarily posted to the places 110th against their names,

The moves are in the interest of public service:

(I) Dr Md. Naeir Hcssain. Assistant Surgeon. Sad'ar Iio'pital.. Tangail—Rerirrar, Surgical Until, Mymensingh Medical College Hos- Pita .

(2) Dr Md. Scrajul Islam, Assistant Strgeon on supernumerary duty. Sadnr Hospital, Tangail ~As..istant Surgeon, Sadat Heapi'al. Tangail, vice Dr Md. anir Hossein, transferred.

No. HSfEtl)SASi25469—22nd June l972—Sub-Assiso tnnt Surgeon Dr Md. Shamsul Hoque Mii, Medi‘ cal Officer, Mohadebpur Government Thsna Dis. pensary, Rajchahi, ls herebytmn‘ferred and posted to Shusha Government Thane Di:pcnssry, Jesscre until further ordch. ’

The move is in the interest of public service.


No. HS/S-IiSA-l-72/20673—215tv Jun'e I972—Dr A. M. _Ashrafuzz'man. a temporary Assistant Sur— gem, in me Banglndcsh Health ‘Services (Upper) now posted as _Assistant St Igeon‘on supernumerr}; duty in the Institute of Blast-Graduate Medicine, Dacca, is lie'eby temporarily pt st d as Clinical Assistantinthe. same Hospital, vigil); Md, M022- mm Hassain, did not join. ' '

No: HS]E(I)SAS[29614—215t June 1972—Pending recruitment of cardic'ates through P blie Service CommlSSlon, Bangl deih, Dacca, Drthan Anwara Begum, Care of Dr _2th 'ur Rahman, MBBS (Cal), Kztncrrarzi, Bog-rags. ,ppointsd to cfliiiate as sub- Atsistant Stirget'n, in theB rg"desh Health Services chwer), on adhoc baSiS, until fur’her orders, on a

xed pay cf Taka 225. pm. and temporarily posted as Sub-Assistant Surgeon, Sadat H05pital, Bogra.

bio. HSJSJ/SAS/20643—215t June IQTZ—Sub- Assistant Surgeon Dr A. M'.L deml HOsSain‘, now posted on supernimerary duty, Zigatola Gt vemnent outdoor Dispensary, D‘cca, is hereby temporarily pt sted as _ edicle Offit‘cr, Khilgain Goverurnent Outdoor Dispensaryh Decca. until further orders,

No._ HS/S-l/SA-l-72/20677—215t June I972—Dr Hossnin Shahid I bal, Medical Ofliccr, T. B. Clinic, Khulna, who has become Ofiic r on Sp’cial Duty due to resumption ofduties by Dr. Sisir Kimar D38. 15 temptmrily pcsted aS‘Assis‘art Surgeon on super-numerfiy duty,, Modernind Szdar H 'pital, Khulna, with efl'ect from the 9th March 1972.