Page:The Bangladesh Gazette, July 6, 1972.pdf/25

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No. 372 (A tt.-—l9tlt' hint: I972—Mr vaat Chandra Nathygmgiating Lecturer in Sanskrit. Bl. M. College, Barisal, in the Bangladesh Junior Educaticnal Service, is hereby appointed to act. on the exrstmg terms and conditions ofhis nppotn'ment. us Lecturer inthc same subject in the same service at Victoria College. Camilla. withefl‘eet fromthc date on which he joins there. vice Mr Chuni Ln! Roy Chowdhury. trans-ferred.‘

No. 373 (Apptt.;—-l9th June l972'—Mr (‘hunilal Roy Chowdhni-y. oiiiciiting lecturer in Sanskrit. Victoria College. Cornitla. in the Barglne'ceh Junior EducationaISt-rvice. is hereby appointed to .act, on the existing terms and conditions of his apponxtmcm. as Lecturer in the same subject inthe same setv ee at B. M. College. Barisal, wittefl'ett from the date on which‘ he joins there. vice Mr Pi‘avat Chandra Nath, transferred.

N‘o. 374(Apptt.)-—l9th June 1972—Mrs Shikltu Roy, temporary Lecturer in Bengali, A: H. College Bogra, in the Bangladesh Junior Educational Sethce, is hereby appointed to act. on the exnstmg terms and conditions of her appointment. as Lecrurer in the same subjecr in the same service at Rajshahi College, Rajshahi, with effect frem the t'ate on which she Joins there, vice Mr Muhammad Aminur Rnhmnn, promoted.

No. 375 (Apptt.)—l9th June l972—Mr Md. Abdul Majid, Officer on Special Duty, attached to the De- partment of Bengali as Lecturer. in the Bangladesh Junior Educational ServiCe, A. H. College, Brgaa. is hereby appOinted to act, on the existing terms and conditions cf his appointment, as Lecturer in the same subject in the same service and in the same College with effect flom the date on which he joins there, vice Mrs‘ Shikhi Roy, transferred.

No. 376 (Apptt.)——19th June 1972—Mr Md. Ghulam Mustafa, Ofiicer on Special gDuty, attached to the Department ofBrngali as Lecturer, Carmichael College, Rangpur, '. BangladeSh Junior Educationcl Ser- vice, is here Y aSi’orrited to act, on the existing terms and conditions of his appointment, as Lecturer in the Same subject in the same service and in the same College with effect from the date on which he joiins there, vice Mr Rani Krishna Adhikary, de- cease .

No. 377 (Apptt.)——i9th June 1972—Mr M. M. Golam ‘Kadir, ofiiciating Lecturer in Bengali, Rajen- dra College, Faridpur, in the Bangladesh Junior Educational SerVice, is hereby appointed to act. on the existing terms and conditions of his appointment as Lecturer in the same subject in the same service at A. M.COllegc, Myrnensiogh, with efi'ectfrom the date on which he joins there, vice Mr Azizul Haq Chpudhury, promoted.

No. 378 (Apptt.)—l9th June 1972—Mr Md. Abdur Rafiq, Oficer on Special Duty, attached to the Department of Ben li as Lecturer. in the Bangladesh Junior Educationa Service, Dinajpur Collcgc. is herebyfappotntcd to act, on the existing teims and

conditions ofillls appointment, as Lecturer in the same subject in the same service at Rajcndra College, _Faridpur, with cfl'ect from the date on which he Joins there, vice Mr M. M. Golam Kadir, transferred.

_ No. 379 (Apptt.)—20th June I972—Miss Necluiar Ahmed, formerly Lecturer in Geography, Central Government Girls’ College, Isltmabad, is hereby appointed to act, on ad hoc basis, uatil further orders, as Lecturer in Geography in the Bangladesh Junior Educational Service at Jagannath College. DaCca, with effect from the date on which he joins there, vice Miss Najma Haque, on study leave abroad.

11. This cancels this office notification No. 35. (Apptt), dated the 13th June 1972.

No. 380 (AppttJ—ZOth June I972-Mt’ M. Rauf is hereby appointed to act. on ad linebasis for a period of six months or for _as long as a post is available. whichever period is shorter. _as Lecturer in Arabic in the Bangladesh Junior Educational Service at Madrasah-e-Alla. Decca. with effect from the date on which he joins there. vice Mr Md. Abdul Khaleq. retired.

His services may be terminated at any time with- out notice and without assigning any reascnwhat- soever.


No. 3M (Ap tt.)—-2()th June I972—1he Services of Mr Md. Abul t.barak,cificiat:'ng AssistantProl'cssor of Arabic. A. N. College. Begin. in the Bangladesh Educmional Service, are hereby placed at the disposal of the Chairman, Bangladesh’ School Text Book Board. Decca. for cmp‘oymtnt' as Senior Subject Specialist. on Foreign Service term» until further orders. with died from the date on uhrch hejoins the post.

No. 38‘2(/‘lpptt‘.i—fi‘0‘t‘h J'une l‘fif—O‘n ieVeision from his present employment as Senior Subject Specialist. Btngludesh School Text Book Board. Mr Mohammtd Abdur Raquib, ofiiciting Asitant Professor of. Arabic. in the B.ngltdcsh Educmicnal Service, is hereby appointed to not. until further orders, as AsSislant Professor of the same sutject in the same scrvice at chca Collage. Decca. with effect firm the date on whith he joins thcre. vice Mr Muzafl’arul Islam, promoted.

No. 383 (Apptt.)—-20th June i972—Mr Nazir- uddin Ahmed. eflieiting Lecturer in Arabic. M.M. College. 1655010. in the Bsngladesh Junior Educa- tional Service. is hereby appointed to act. on adhoc basis for a rciiod of one year or for as long as a post is available, whichever reriod is shorttr. as Assistant Professor of Arabic in the Bangladesh Educational Service at A. 1-1. College, Bcgra, with effect from the date on which he joins there, vice Mr Md. Abul Mubarak,tran5fcrrcd.

No. 384(Apptt.)—20th June 1972—Mr A. r. M. Nasir, officiating Lecturer in Islamic Studies, in the Bangladesh Junior Educational Service, now on deputation to Madrasah Education Board as Assis- tant Registrar, is hereby appointed to act, on adhoc hosts for a period of one year or for long as a post is available, whichever period is shoner, as Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies in the Bangladesh Educational Service at A. H. College, Bogra, with effect from the date on whiCh he joins there, vice Mr Muhammad Eunus, transferred.

No.385 (Apptt.)—-20th June l972—Mr Md. Badiul Alain, officiating Lecturer in Psychology, Jagannath College, Dacca, in the Bangladesh Junior Educa- tional Service, is hereby appornted to act, on ad hoc bass for a period of one year or for a: long as apost 18 available, Whichever peried is shorter. as Assistant Professor of Psychology in the Bangladesh Educational Service at A. H. College, Bogra, with effect from the date on which he joins there against :1 Bangladesh Educational Service post

created in terms of 6.0. No. SVI,’277-Edn., dated the 3rd April 1968.

No. 386 (Apptt.)—ZIst June l972—On return from training .abroad. Dr Md. Sltamsur Rahman, oflicia- ting Assrstant Professor of Botany, in the Bangla- desh Educational Service, is hereby appointed to act, until further orderS, as Assistant Professor of the same subject in the same service at Chittagong College, Chittagong. with efl‘cct from the date on

which he ‘oins there, vice Mr Am‘ed A' transferred. J J h Khan,

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