Page:The Bangladesh Gazette, July 6, 1972.pdf/26

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‘No. 387 (Apptt. ——22nd June I972—The services of Mr Md. Ab ul Ilnmid. oiliciating Assistant Professor of Chemistry. Carmichael College. Rang- pur, in the Bangladesh Educational Scryice, formerly officiating Assistant Professor of Chemistry, M. M. College, lesson, are hereby placed at the diSposal of the Chairman. Ad [we Cnmmiuee, Ha'i Moham- mad Mohsin College, Mahipur. Panchhi i, Bogrn. for employment as Principal of the said College on Foreign Services terms. until further orders. with effect from the date on which he joins the past.

No.756(x\pptt.)—S-—l9th June l972—Mr Saycdul Islam, Deputy Assistant Director of Public Instruc- tion, Chittagong Division Chittagt ng (now on leave), is granted leave, preparatory to retirement. for 6 months from the lat April I972 to the 30th Sep- tember 1972 on average pay as admissible in terms of rule 3(I)(h)ti'i) of the Prescribed Leave Rules, 1959.

No.562 (Apptt.)-S—201h June I972—In Continua- tion of this ollice No. 48714-8. dated the l0th April 1972. Mr Sycd All Azlnr, Deputy Assistant Dirtctor of Public Instruction, Raishahi DiViSion, Rajshahi, is granted supplementary leave for 38 days l'romthc 24th May 1972 to the 30th June I972 on full ave- rage ply as admissible, ride Government orch No. R-IlI;'3L,~"62;'252. dated the 1st July I968.

No. 87(1.)-l’ry.—-l6th June I972—Mr Tayzul Islam, officiating Subdivisional Education Oliicer, Bagerhat, Khulna. is granted lea\e on average pay for one month twenty-live days from the 12th April 1971 to the 5th June I971. in terms of rule 3(I,l('b)(ii) of the Prescribed LeaVc Rules, 1959.

No. 89 (Ll-Pry.—l9th June I972—Mr Md. Ansar- uddin, officiating Subdivisional Education Ofiicer, Jhenaidnha, Jessore, is granted leave 0:1 average pay for one mooth five days from the 15th November 1971 to the 19th December l97l, in terms of rule 3(1)(b)(ii) of the Prescribed Leave Rules, 1959, with permission to prefix to his leave Sunday, the 14th November 1971.

No. 90 (L)-Pry.-l9th June I972—Mr Altai” Hossain Khandakar, formerly officiating Subdivisional Educa- tion Ofiicer. Barisal Sadar, now officiating District Lnspcctor of Schools, Bakcrganj, is granted leave on average pay for 15 days from the 4th October 1971 to the 19th October 1971, in terms of rule 3(!)(b)(r‘i) of the Prescribed Leave Rules, I959.

No. 91 (L)-Pry.—22nd June I972—Mr Md. Abdul Aziz Sardcr, formerly officiating Subdivisional Educa- tion Ot‘ficer, Rangpur Sztdar, now ofiiciating District Inspector of Schools. Dinajpur, is granted laws on average pay for 15 days from the 4th February 1972 to Isth February I972, in terms of rule 3(1)(b)(ii) of the Prescribed Leave Rules, 1959.

No. 92 (L)-Pry.——22nd June I972—Mr Anwarul Islam Siddique, ofliciating Subdivisronal Education Officer. Patuakhali Sadar, now Bagerhat, Khulna, is granted leave on average pay on medical certificate for 17 days from [0th April 1972 to the 26th Abril I972, in terms of rule 30? (1)) (ii) of the Prescribed Leave Rules, [959, will permission to prefix Sinday, the 9th April and afi'ix the Ed-e Miladun—Nabi, the 27th April I972 to his Ieave.‘

No. 93 (L)-Pry—220d June I972—Mr Anwarul Islam Siddiqui, officiating Subdivisional Education Ofiicer, Patuakhali Sadat, now Bagerhat, Khulna, is granted leave on average pay on medical certificate for one month and twenty-feur days from lst November 197I to the 24th December 1971, in terms of rule 3(1) (b) (ii) of the Prescribed Leave Rules, 1959. with permission to suflix to his leave the holidays from 251h December I971 to the 26th December 1971.


No. 94(l..)-Pry.—22nd June I972—Mr Md. Yakub, Subdivisional Education Olliccr Chittagong South, now oliiciuliug District Inspector of Schools. Comilla, is granted leave on average pa for 18 days from the 26th May I971 to the l2t ,luiicl97l. in terms of rule 3(l)(b)(ii‘) of the Prescribed Leave Itu’cs. I959, with permission to aim to his leave Surday, the lilth June I971.

No. 6-13 ~26th January I97°-Mrs Sclima Daisy, otiieiating Lecturer in Bengali. Government AJI. College, Bogra, is granted leave on half-average pay on medical certificate for one month from the Isth .lune I97l to the 14th July 1971, under rule 3(/)(h)(ii) ol‘ the Prescribed Leave Rules. 1959.

No. 32-8—«10thlunel972—Mrs K. F. Al'roza'Begum, oiliciitins Lecturer in Botany. Dacca Government Girls‘ College. Dacca, is granted extraordinary leaVc for three months from the ISth June 1972 to the 14th September I972, under rule 9 (l)(b) of the Prescribed Leav: Rules. I959.

No. 79-8—22nd May I972—Mr Md. Darmean Ali, ofliciatng Lecturer in English, Government Inter- mediatc College, Rajshahi, is granted extraordinary leave for one month and eight days from the let June 1971 to the 8th July 1971.,under rule 9(l)(a) of the Prescribed Leave Rules, 1959.

No. S4-B—26th May l972—MrA. K. M. Saiduz- zaman. Assistant Professor of Arabic, Goverrment B. L. College. Daulatpur. Khulna, is granted leave on average pay for 21 days from the 9th March I972 to the 29th March 1972 on medical certificate by conVersion of leave on half-average pay into average pay for 42 days under rule Sid) of the Prescribsd Leave Rules, 1959.

No. 85-13—26th May I972—Mr Habibur Rahman Khan, Lecturer in Commerce, Iagannath College, Dacca. IS granted leave on half-ayeragc pay for 29 days from the 22nd December 1971 to the 19th January 1972, under rule 8(d) got the Prescribed Leate Rules, 1959.

No. 91-B—l7th June I972—Mr Momtazuddin Ahmed, Assistant Professor of Arabic. in the Bangla- deSh Educational Service, M.C. Intermediate College, Sylhct, is hereby granted leave, preparatory to retlrcmeat, on average pay for two months and sixteen days from the 22nd March I972 to the 6th June 1972, under rule 8(6) of the Prescribed Leave Rules, 1959 and supplementary leave for sixty days frOm the 7th June 1972 to the 6th August 1972 in terms of G. O. No. R-IlI/3l/63/66/12, dated the 22nd January 1968.

No. 92-B—l9th June I972—Mr Abdul Ghani Khan, officiating Assistant Professor of Economics, Jagannath College, Decca (Day Shift). in the BJnSla~ desh Educational Service, is hereby granted leave on average pay for one month and I3 days from the 17th January 1972 to the 29th February I972 by conversron of leave on half-(vertigo pay into leave on averags pay for 2 months and 26 days On medical certificate under rule 8(d) ot‘ the Pres- cribed Leave Rules, 1959.

No. 93‘-l§—.19th June I972—Mr Md. Shah Abdul Hat, olhciatmg Assistant Professor of Bengali, Carmichael College, Rangpur, is granted leave on medical certificate on average pay for two months twenty-six days from the 5th June 1971 to the 3rd August l97l after Conversion of leave on half- averagc pay on medical certificate for 5 months and 26 days into leave on average pay uz-dcr rule 8(d) of the Prescribed Leave Rules, 1959 and extra- ordinary leave for the period from the 4th August 1971 to the 24th September 1971, under rule 9(1)(a) of the Prescribed Leave Rules, 1959.