Page:The Bangladesh Gazette, July 6, 1972.pdf/30

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No. Estt/ZA-l/‘Ilflidti/ClHMS—23rd June 1972- Mr Malik Shnhitluzmmnn l1st been unpainted on adlroc basis, until further orders, to the post of w Inspector of Standing Orders under this Inspectorate nnd posted‘nt the Headquarters. Dneca, with efl‘ect iro‘m the 8th April 1972.

‘No. Esn/TA-4/70;34stc1F&E~2‘nh June l972—On the recommendation (‘I‘ the Public Service (Fll‘Sl)C(tm- mission, Bangladesh, and in continuation to this Inspec. torate notifintion No. Flatt,:"l'A-4,'70,:'87/l(l9), dated the Ititlt February I972 and No. ESN.,/2A‘il6l/l47g'l- ((2‘),I'Cll“&E, dated the 15th March I972. tie terms 0 at! [too appointments of the following oiliccrs in the post of Labour Inspector (General) are hereb extended till the 30th September l972 or til such time the posts are filled up by promotion on regular basis whichever period is shorter:

(I) Mr S. B. Zttmzm.

(2) Mr K. N. Alam.

(3) Mr Ahsnnullah Bltuiynn. (4) M.- 'l'. K. Ilhuiynn.

(5) Mr A. K. M. Rulutl Amin. (6) Mr Shofinddin Snrder.

(7) Mr Al'jnl Hossnin Tnmfder.

(8) Mr A. K. Mridhtt.

No.351-CIF&E»—26th.lune l972-—-Mr M. ldris, Assistant Cliicl’lnsrector of Factories, and Establish- ments. (General), who was allowed I8 dnys’ lenvc on average pity pending leave odmisnbility rerort from the Accountantflcneml, Bangladesh, ride this Mike order No. 216/CIF&E, datedthc 12th April I972, is hereby allowed eighteen duye’ It:ch on average pay with effect from 27th February l972 to 15th March 1972 under rulc 3(1)(I))(ii) ol‘ the Prescribed Leave Rules, 1959,

No. Estt.,'2L-ll7li356;'ClF&E—28th June l972—Mr ~S. B. Zaman, Labour InSpector (General) of this Inspectorate, is hereby allowed the following leaves: (I) Leave on average pay for 2months18 days from the 24th February 197i to the 12th May 1971, under rule 3(1)(b)(ii) of the Pres- cribed Lezve Rules, 1959;

(2) Leave on half-average pay for 2 months 12 ' days from the 13th May.l97l to the 23rd July 1971, under rule 3(I)(b)(iii) of the

Prescribed Leave Rules, 1959.

S. M. A. HAFIZ Chief Inspector.



No. 809,v'Admn.-—26th June 1972—Mr Lun‘ut Haq. Section,0fiiccr, Police Directorate, now on leave preparatory to retirement. is allowed, on his own request, to retire from Government service with officer from the 30th June 1972.

The unexpired portion of the leave preparatory to ertirement from the 30th June l972 to the 30th November 1972, granted to the officer, vide notifica- .;tion No.1/Estt. l83—70/ll45, dated the 7th Decem- ber 1971, is hereby cancelled.

7‘ No. GAll403/A—20th June I972—Mr AbdulMatin zMollnh, ofiiciating Inspector of Police, 'Dacca. ls ‘permitted to retireflfrbm‘Government servrce on the 'lexpir' of his leave prep‘dratory to retirement on the Gist. ay 1972, p.111.

aThe order of his retirement will take efi'ect from the let June 1972. ’

we? BANomoesH GAzn'rie, JULY 6. 1972

.‘l t‘ P


[mi 1

No. GA,"8-72,/14t9/A—-2tsrJune l972—Mr Md. Abdur anuib, officiating Inspector of Police. R. F., Bangladesh. Khulna. is appointed-to , act. until further orders, as Town Inspector of Police. Khulna.

This ennecls this Directoratenotification No. GA/ 8-72l‘llli9A, dated the L3“! May 1972.

No. (lA/S-72/l42l,’A—2lst June ten—Mr Kalil- uddin Molln. oilieiating Court Inspector of Police. Kishoregnnj. Mymcnsingh. is transferred to the C.I.D., Bangladesh, Decca.

No. GA,"207-72/l423/A—-22nd .lunc [972—In modi- ticzttiOn of notification No. GA/207-721l029A. dated the l9tlr April 1972. promotion at Subedttr Ma‘or Muurllnr Ahmed at SI. 5 of this notification 5 been cnncelled.

No. GA,"6-72/l4391A—-24th June l972—Thcfollowing officinting Reserve/Range Reserve inspectors'ot' Police are appointed to act, until further orders,asRescrve Inspector; of Police, its noted against each:

(I) Mr Helaluddin Ahmed, officiating Reserve Inspector of Police, Banglndcsh' Railway, Chittagong—ReserVe Inspector of Police, Furidpnr. ‘

(2) Mr Abdus Samnd,ofllciuting Rcsenfé‘lnepector of Police, Mymensingh~Reservc Inspector of Police, Patunkhnli.

(‘3)‘Mr Turn Min, officiating Rescr‘ie inspector of Police, Ptrtuukhttlt-ékescrve Inspector of Police, Mymensingh.

(4} Mr Sharuser All Mondnl. officiating Range Reserve Inspector of Police, Comilla— Reserve Ins tor of Police, Bangladesh Railway, Chittagong.

Th: appointments are made in the interest of

public service.

No. GA/6-72/1440/A7-24th‘1une l972—Mr Abul KashempfiiciatingAl'me‘d Inspector of PoliCe,B.R.P.F., Decca, is transferred“ tOjIRescrve' Force, Bangladesh and is appointed to act; untilfurther orders, on tempo- rary ad hoc basis asilnspector of Police, Reserve Force, Bangladesh, Daccnf 7

The appointment'is madeinzth of public

service. ,_ ,

No. GAI6-72i'l441/A—24th June‘1972—Mr Shaikat » Hossnin, ofliciating Reserve Inspector of PolicehLFsrid- pur, is transferred to Reserve Force, Bangladeh ind is appointed to act, until further orders, as Inspector of Police, Reserve Force. Bangladesh, Rajshahi.

The appointment is made in the"interest of public service. 7 .

No. GA]6-72!l442/A.—24th June, lm—Mr'iloynal Abedin ofiiciatir g Armed Inspector of Polioc,B.R;P.F.; Decca, is transferred to Chittr gong Ring: 7 and _ is appointed to act, until further orders; on temporary ad hoc basis as Range Reserve InSpect'or. of Politic, Camilla.

l The appointment is made in Ithejnterest of public service.

No. GA/6-72/ l443,’A—24th June :1972t—Mr Aban Quddus, oflici ntingArmedInspector of thce,B.R.P.F., Doom, is transferred tqlgese‘rveForce, Bangladesh and is appointed to act, until ~‘l‘urtlier orders, on tern porary ad hac basis as Inspector 'of Police; Reserve Force,

Bangladesh, Khulna. i

The appointment}; made, in the interest of public service. 7 f 7 ' ‘