Page:The Bangladesh Gazette, July 6, 1972.pdf/31

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, No. GA/S-72/I444/A——24th Junc l972-—Tilil Direc- "torate notificmion No.GA.5-72/l087/A, dated the 25th April I972; wherein Mr Mia Md. Rustom .AII, officiating Inspector of Police. Rangpur, was appointed as Inspector‘ot'i RulIWay Police. Lnlmonirhat Circle. Bangladesh'lktiilway, Saidpur, is hereby cancelled.

The afifiointmcnt is made in the interest of public service. ' ,


Ingthis oflice notification No. GA/4-72/1280/A, dated 31st May 1972 published in the Emigladcsh GaZt‘m', Partfli‘ttated the 22nd June l972,at page 835~ ' ‘I’Ieasc Insert the word “C. H. Ts" in [)1an of . “Chittagong” in respect Of Mr Mosharral'

Hossnin, Inspector of Police at serial No. 9.

A. KHALEQUE Inspector-General.



No.3 GAIS-72/l445/A—24th June 1972—Mr Md. Hafizur: Rnhman. officiating Circle Inspector of Police, 'Shtlar'B‘v Circle, Rangpur. is transferred to Railway .Itan‘gegcmttagongfls appointed to set, until further orders,ias--Impector:of Railway Police, Lalmonirhat Circle, Bangladesh Railway. Saidpur from the date of joining the post.

The apoointntcntis made in the interest of public scrvrcc.

A..K. M. SERAJUL HAQ - Inspector-General.

V oiinnitsauyrisria'nnrmv INSPECTOR- ‘ GENERAL OF POLICE. ' ChittagongRange . ORDERS , Norm—3rd May 1972—(1) Mr Md Hussain, r officiating InspeetOr of ‘Police, D. N. S. 1., Sylhct

is appointed to act as D. I. 0. (1), Sylhet.

H(l), ,Th'i's‘ cancels ‘his posting as D. I. O. (I) Mugamatigssued in this oflice R. O.No. 53, dated the‘ISIh April 1972.

(2) .Mr'Mil‘zafl‘ar Ali Khan. officiating Inspectm- of Police,;Circlc Inspector, Laksmipur, Noakhali, IS transferred and posted as 0.1.0. (I), Chittagong Hill’Tracts.

v (3} Mfd. of ,Noakhali is promoted to act as. aspectorffihd. posted as Circle Inspector, Laks— t’ntpu’r, Noakhali,— I

"The above vor'dErs are made~ in the interest of public servme.

.S. K. CHOWDHURY ‘ Deputy InspectOr-General.

Khulna Range ' ORDERS Q9:,290—‘.2‘3rd June I972—Mr Quazi Moazzem Hossamh officiating Inspector of Police, D. N. 3.1. Khulna,’11srygranted 21 days’ leave on average pay with efi'ect’frornttheiztithMarchl972 to the 17th April 1972 “on inedtcalmroufidsisubjectto the report of its ad- nglblhty by the Amountanthencral, Bangladesh,



No. 29l—23rd June l972—In modification of this oflice Range order No. 73. dated the 24th February 1970, No. 2”, dated the 29th May 1970 and No. 230, dated the 11th June 1970, Mr Golam Hossnia, otliciating Inspector of Police, Khulna Range, formerly C. l. D.. grantcdo months'lenve on average pay and 6 months and 19 days,’ leave on half-average pay with effect from the l5ih May I969 to I40: November I969 and from the ISth November I969 to 2nd June l970 respectively and leave without pay from 3rd June I970 to 6th August I970 on medical grouads, subject to the reports of its admissibility by Accountant-General. Bangladesh, Daccn.

He has been discharged on invalid pension.

S. A. MAIIMOOD Deputy Inspector-General.




No. lll-SA-l9i‘7li‘704H22nd June I972—Mr Md- Tajul Islam. Circle Officer (Rchnuc), Glu'or under Manikganj subdivision. Dacca. is hereby transfer. red to Muksudpur Cirtlc under Gopalganj sub- division of the Faridpur district.

The transfer is made in the interest of public‘. service.


Commissioner. V


No. VI-LGRD-S8/72/lO47—22nd June 1972—Mr Md. Nurul Haq Miah, CiICIc Ofiicer (Development), Purbadhala in Netrakona subdivision of Mymcnsingh district, is transferred to Jajira Circle in Madaripur Silbdivision of Faridpur district.

The transfer is made in the interest of public service. '

This partially modifies this office notificationrNo. VI-BDLG-18i'70i280, dated the 22nd February 1972 so far as it relates to the transfer of Mr Md. Nurul Haq Miah to Nakla Circle in Mymensingh disuict.

No. VI—LGRD-36i72/l058—22nd June 1972—Mr) Reza Asadul Haq, Circle Officer (Devel0pment), undch orders of transfer to the Office of the Assistant Direc- tor, Rural Development. Faridpur. as Training Deputa- tion and Leave Reserve Circle Ofliccr (Development), 15 transferred to Rajoir Circle in Madaripur subdivi- sion of Faridpur district.

The transfer is made in the interest of public servrcc.

This partially modifies this offiice notification No. VI-LGltD-l3/70j853, dated the 15th May 1972 so far as it relates to the transfer oI'Mr Reza Asadul Haq to the OffiCe of the ASsis'ant Director, Rural Development, Faridpur as Training, Deputation and LcaVe Reserve Circle Officer (Development).

M. - . Comintssr‘ 'oner.