Page:The Bangladesh Gazette, July 6, 1972.pdf/33

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Wfi_ ‘ - i . H o

mm] THE BANGLADESH GAZETTE, JULY 6, 1972 'l‘ .1 . 921 Name of U. C. Name oftlte members. Designation. Ram meld” (2) Mr Nirode Baron Member. NOTIFICATIONS

Si. Sfi-Roshnn- girl.

SI. 56-Dharmn- pur.


Dhnt. Teacher, Khi- ram Primary School.

(3) Mr Harun-ur-Rashid oi‘ Mnizbander.

(I) Mr Badrul islem, Headmaster Roshun- giri High School.

(2) Bobu Dani Lal Chow- dhury, Hendmnrter. Azimnagur Primary School.

(3) Mr Siddlque Ahmed.

sofl‘bf Ramjnn All

of Roshnngtri.

Mr Kninaluddin.

Advoortte oi'


(2) Mr Bazal Ahmed, Teacher, Kobbadiu Primary School.

(3) Mr Nurul Islam, B.Sc.. Assistant Ten- clier.‘ Dhnrmnpur High School.


Subdivisional Oflicer. Sadar (North).




Do. (I) Chairman.



No.16,” sxij72/487—i7th June I972—The follow ing persons tire hereby appointed to‘ be the non oflicml Jail Visitors of the Kurigrnm Sub-Jail in the district of Rnngpur for a riod of two years with efl‘ect from the 12th Octo r I971:

(l) Mr Renzuddin Ahmed, M.C.A.

(2) Mr M. A. Wuhab, Principal. Kuriaram College. (3) Mr Ahmed Hossain Sarlrer, Matthieu.

(4) Mrs Aniln Nnndi (Teacher). I

No. 526-L. G.-~~20th June l972—Mr Md. Abdul Jalil, formerly Circle Officer(Dchlopmcnt),.Kaheloo, Bogrn, now Circle Ofl‘iccr (Development). Charghnt in the district of Rujshuhi. is granted leave on average pay for twelve days with effect from the 6th May 197] to the 1711) May i971” under rule 3tii)(bl(ii) of the Prescribed Lcuvc Rules, I959.

No. S42-L.Cv.-—22nd June l972—Mr Syed lsfaqul Kabir. Circle 003cm (Development),Gobtoii, in the district of Bogru, is transferred to Dimle Circle of Rnngpur district.

The above transfer is made in the interest of public service. S. AHMAD Commissioner.


No. resubmit—2’1» June ism—n is hereby notified Boob, Duplicate Carbon Receipt Books and other

below against ench during the last disturbances: (I) RENT RECEIPT BOOKS

81 Rent Receipt Book Page number. No. No. with year. 1 28,003]! 6-541348-541400 33/6170 - 2 29170-7 1 _r (3-541574-541600 333/?9-70 ‘o ‘_ 3 30f70-7l“ tit-541601641700 384159-70 4 31/70.?! 6-541701-541800 285/69-70 5 32170-71 0-54 1801-54) 900 286/69-70 6 33/707] 6441901642000 287/69-70 7 54/70-71 Q898001t898100 . 8 55/7071 Q-898101.898200 9 56/704! Q-898201-898300 10 57/7071 Q~898301~898400 ll 58fl0o71 Q-898401-898500 12 84/7071 0-174501-174600 13 85/70-71 6-174601-174700 l4 86/70-7] 0474701474800 15 87/70-71 G-l 74801-174900 16 88/707] 6-174901-175000 17 , 8/70-71 05539366544000 268/69-70 18 9/70-71 6-553843-553900 267/6940 19 IO/70-7l F—578120-578700 300169-70 20 11/70-71 F4578301-578400 302/69-70. 2l 12/70-71 F-S78401-578500 363759776 22 64/70-71 0-91501-915100

for general information that the following Rent Registers had been lost from the offices timed

Name of the ofiice from where lost or destroyed.

Mashimpur Tahsil Office under Kotwali Circle. Ditto.

Ditto . Ditto. Ditto. Ditto.

Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Khanpur Tahsil Office: under Kotwaii Circle.

Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto.

