Page:The Bangladesh Gazette, July 6, 1972.pdf/32

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’1‘2509'82‘ ‘-

Chlttngong Division NOTIFICATION

No. A!XVII-6/72/730~l61h June l972—Mr Am:

bindn Nandi, Administrtivc Olliccr,Noakhnli Collec- torate, is allowed Ictwe on average pay for IS days with effect front the l21li .lunc I972 to 26th June 1972 with permission to uilix Sunday the Hill June 1972. '

By order of the Commissioner

M. A. QUASEM Administrative Officer.




No.963/C—l0th-Junc l972—In t‘artiztl modifica- tiontol' notification No. 724m, dated the 29th A ril .; 1972, regarding the setting up of Union Arbitmt on Court under Articles 4 of Bangladesh (Restorzh tion of Evacucc Property) Order. 1972 (President’s Order No. I3 of I972) the undersigned is pleased to modify the Arbitration Court in respect of SI. No. 46 under Sitokundu P. S. and to set up it with the following Number/Chairman:

P. S. Sitakund.

Name of U.C. Numc of the members. Designation.

Sl.46 Salimpur l. Muster Syetl Ahmed. Chairman, C ltowdhury. son nitrite Abdus Samad Chow- dhury of Salimpur.

2. Master Abul Quassem, Member. Teacher, Kattali High School.

3. Master Golam Rahman, Do. Head-Teacher, Central . Snlimpur Pry. School.

No. 983/C—15th June l972—In exercise of the powers conferred by Articles 4 of Bangladesh ‘ (Restoration of Evacuee Property) Order, 1972 (Fresh Vdent’s Order No. 13 of 1972), the undersigntd is pleased to set up the Union Arbitration Court named below consisting of the members mentioned against each Union. They should start their works immedia- tely as per instruction of the Government. This is incontinuation of this office notification No. 67l/C, dated the 18th April 1972 and 724/C. dated the 29th April 1972. .

P. S. Kotwali. Name of U.C. Name of the members. Designation.

Sl.47~Feringhce- (I) Mr Abdul Malek, Chairman. bazar. Professor, City Col- lege. Chittagong.

(2) Mr B. S. Bhatta- Member. charjee, 23-Bangshal Road, Chittagong.

(3) Mr Nut Ahmed Do. Chowdhury, Head- master, Alkaran Nur Ahamad Prymary Boys‘ School.

'Sl. 48-Dcwan- (1) Haji Akbar All. Chairman. bazaar. Sowdagar, son 0] late Haji Nezamat Ali Sowdagar of Char Chalttai.



Name of U. C. Name of the members. Designation.. (2) Mr Sycd Ahmed Member.

U lltth, Head Tea- cher. Lamabnzar I’Iimnrjyl School,

Korbtmigo nj.

(3) Mr Ahdui Humid, Do. Head Teacher. thmxt- ‘ bttzrr Junior High School. Korhnnigonj.

P. S. Donut-moorings.

(I) Mr Snycd Nurul Chairman. Alam. son of late Saycd Ahmed. 255 West Madurbnri.

(2) Mr NurulGani Sid- Member. diqui, Hendmatcr West Mzdnrbnri Pri- mary School (for BOyS), Chittagong.

(3) Mr Abdul Mojid. Do. Headmaster, South Madnrbari Primary School (for Boys).

(I) Mvi. Abul Fnzal. Chairman- Mahmood, M. Ed. Ll.._B., Headmaster Pranhari -Amcen Academy. South Kottuli. Chittagong.

(2) Mvi. Balagat Ullah. Member. Teacher. Stdhu Chowdhury Primary School, South Kat- tali, Chittagong.

(3) M:S.~K. Nazu Meah Do- Peshker, South Kat- talt, Chittagong.

(l) M!N%zimuddin, Ad- Chairman. meats... Kattali. ‘. Ch't‘ggo‘lgf

(2) Mr, Abul‘ Kalam, Member- " Teacher; N.,;M. C. High School. North Kattali, Chittagong.

(3) Mvi. Ali Ahmed, Do. Teacher, Kattali Primary School.

P. S. Fatlkchari.

(I) Mr Md. Nazirul Chairman, Haque, Professor Faticltchari College.

(2) Mr Mahbub Alam, Member. . Teacher. Fatickchari Primary School.

(3) Mr Tafazal Hussain Do.

81. 53-Sunderpur (I) Mr Ruhul Amin. Chairman. Headmaster Azim- pur Primétry School.

(2) Mr Shafiullah. Headé Member. master. West Sunder- pur Primary School.

(3) Mr I quam Kader Do. Chowdhury.

SI. 54-Nanupur (I) Mr Shamsul Alain, Chairman. ' B. Sc., Teacher, Nanupur High School.

SI. 49-West Madarbtlri.

Sl. 50-South Kattali.

Sl. 51-North Kattali.

St. samurai