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The Bangladesh Gazette, July 6, 1972
[Part I

of 1972). the Ministry of Industries is pleased to release the shares of Mr l-lnrun Rashid and Dr Anwnr Hossuin in M/s. Tiger Wire Products Ltd.. which was taken over by the Government under notification No. 186-Sl, dated the Matt December 1971. It is directed that in order to run the unit ‘ns u joint venture the Board of Directors bc'tcconslitutcd by including a Government representative to secure the interest of the Government in the shares of the absentee owners Vcslcd in the Government.

Joint Secretary.


No. Sec-Ill.’5ecret-l,"72t'224—24th June l972—Mr M. Y. Lutil‘ullah. Deputy Director of Industries (Division) under the Directorate of Commerce and Industries, Government of Bangladesh, now on depu- tation to Bangladesh Small Industries Coroprntion. is reverted to his parent cfiice, Directorate of Commerce and industries. with immediate effect.

By order of the President

Deputy Secretary.


No. Sec-IIl/lP-4.I72,I'202 19th June l972—Mr Mohammad Mubarak Ali. Assistant Inspector of Explosives. Department of Explosives. Daccn, has been granted leave on average pzty for 20 days with effect from 6th March 1972 to 25th March 1972 and further for 23 days with effect from 3rd April 1972 to 25th April 1972.

Section Officer.


No. lND-3A~XIIl-(157)/72/126—20th June 1972— In partial modification of this Ministry’s notifica- ‘ tion No. lA(60)/72-487(4), dated the 7th March 1972 and in exercise of the powers given under the Bangla- desh Abandoned Property (Control, Management and Disposal) Order. l972 and (President's Order No.16 of 1972) and rules made theremder the Ministry of Industries is pleased to cancel the appointment of Mr Shahabuddin, 11, Kumartuly, Daccn. as Adminis- trator ol‘ Mjs. Khztwja Box Polythene Industries and to appoint Mr Shamsul Karim as Administrator of the same concern. until further orders. He shall operate the unit and generally conduct all their afi'airs including operation of Bank accounts under Manage- ment Board Group E(l}—Dacca Area.

Joint Secretary.


No. IND/XIV-Ton-li72—23rd June 1972—1n eJth'Cise of the'authority under Article 15 of the Bangladesh Abandoned Preperty (Control, Managemant and Disposal) Order, 1972 (President’s Order No. 16 of 1972), the Minis-try of Industries is pleased to canch the appointment of Mr Khnirul Rasher, 103, Rayer Bow, Dacca, as Administrator and Mr Muhd. Mohsm, l92, Sultnngong, Ruyer thzar, Daceaws Manager-of M/S. lnnm Tanner made in this Ministry's natificahon No. l-A(92)/72-21 ,dntcd the llth February I972 and to place the unit under the high-poWeretl Management Board constituted under this Ministry's notification No. lnd/XVIII-ZA-l9/72—(pt. , dated the 28th April 1972. This also cancels the anztgcment Board consti- tuted for this unit under notifictttiort No. 186-51, dated the 3lst December l97l.

Joint Secretary.


No.1E.XV-l/72[33—10th June l972—In pursuance of Article 5(2)(b) read with Article 4 of the Bangladesh Abandoned Property (Control, Management and Disposal) Order, 1972 and rules made thereunder, the Ministry of Industries is pleased to take over, with immediute effect and until further orders. M/s. Decca Bobbin and Wood Products, 187. Tongi Industrial Area, Ton i. Dacca, including all its ro- perties and assets an to authorise Mr Raliqullsfam Accountant of the said unit to manage all its affairs including operation of Bank account subject to the general supervision of the Management Board Group ‘A’—-Tongi Area. -

Management Board

  1. Mr Md. Idris Sharif, Deputy Director of Industries (Engg.).
  2. Another committee of the Government to be named later on.
  3. A representative of the loan giving agency concerned.
  4. Manager of the Mill.
  5. Accountant of the Mill.
  6. President of the Trade Union concerned (Regd.).

Deputy Secretary.


No.1E-XV~3/72/43-—~14thvlune 1972—111 pursuance of provisions underxArticle 5(2)(a)(b) read with Article 4 of the Bangladesh AbandOned Property (Control, Managem‘é‘nt and Disposal) Order, 1972, the Ministr' of lndus ties is pleased to takeover, with immc iate effect and until, further orders, M15. Weather Pmof Packing Material Industries, 194, A/B. Tejgtton industrial Area, Dacca—S, including 'all its assets and prOperties and to authorise Mr A,N,M. . Habibur Rahmln, Manager of the unit to manage it. l-Ie will operate its Bank account and niayenter into any financial negotiation with any scheduled Bank in order to rnn‘it.

He will generally cenduct all its zfi‘airs subject to the Supervision of Management Board Group ‘F‘al — Tejgaon Industrial Area, Dacca.

Management Board

{{Numbered list| | Mir Mohammad Ali, Deputy Director, Industries (P&D). | Another nominee of the Government to be nominated later on. | A representative of the loan giving agency concerned. | Manager of the Industrial Unit. | President of the Trade Union concerned (Regd.).