Page:The Bangladesh Gazette, July 6, 1972.pdf/7

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Part I]
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No. 3A-xv-27/72/49—I4tn June 1972—12: partial modification of the notification No. Ml-427, dated the 3rd March [972 of this Minisrry, it is pleased to name] the appointment of Mr Mohrmmad Hossain Seracabat, 349, Sergeant Zahurul Huq Hall (formerly Iqbal Hall), Diem, Administrator, M/s Bengal Rubber Industries, 355-356, Tejgaon Industrial Area, Dawn and to authorise Mr Amirul Islam. Managerorthe unit to run it. He will operate its Bank account and may enter into any negotiation with any scheduled Bank for financial transaction in order to run it.

He Will exercise his above powers under the general supervision of the Management Board Group 'F‘Gll— Tejgnon Industrial Area, Daeea.

Management Board Group F(II)

  1. Mir Mohammad Ali, Deputy Director, Industries (P&D).
  2. Another nominee of the Government to be appointed later on.
  3. A representative of the loan giving agency concerned.
  4. Manager of the Industrial Unit.
  5. President of Trade Union (Regd.).

Joint Secretary.


No.,INDD‘VIII/BA/SOI'lZ/BS/Zo—l 2th June l972~ln partial~ modification of notification No.1nd/XVIIIf3A/ 50/72/35, dated the 2nd May I972, issued by this Ministry and in exercise of powers given by Article 5 (2) (exogdof the Bangladesh Abandoned Property (Control; adagcmont and Disposal) Order, I972, the Ministry of IndUStries is pleased to take over, with Immediate effect and until furtth orders, the Manage- ment of M/s.Yarnjrrading Company Ltd., 41, S. M. Malehjkoad, .Tanbazar, Narayanganj,ineluding all its units, namely (I) M/si’United BobbinFactory, Hajiganj, Narayanganj, (ii) Mismaja Hosiery Mills, Amlapara, ‘Narayanganj, (iii) M/s, Sukkur Oil Mills, Chakbazar, Cdrnilln and (iv) M/s. Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan) Hosiery Spinning Mills, Ltd, Kanchan, Daeea' (so far it relates to absentee shares rested in the Government), and to appoint Mr Mohd. Saifur Rain-nan, Administrator, M/s. United Bobbin Factory, to manage the affairs of the units. He shall operate the'ftctories and generally conduct all their affairs including Operation of Bank acc0unts, subjeet to the general supervision of the Management‘Board under Group ‘D’ (IF-Nara) anganj/Fatullah Area:

Management Board Group 'D' (I)

  1. Mr M. G. Mendel, Assistant Director of industries, Dacca Division, Dacca.
  2. Another nominee of the Government to be named later on.
  3. A representative of the loan giving agency concerned.
  4. Manager of the Mill.
  5. President of Trade Union concerned (Regd.).

Joint Secretary.


No_. IND/XVIII-3A/ 1 l7/ 72/ l 18—16th June i972—In muof the authority given under the‘Bangladesh .AhandonedIroperty (Control, Management and Dis- posal .‘thler, 1972 (President’s Order No. 16 of 1972), the unstry of Industries is pleased to accept the r resignation of Mtgs. MIA. Khan as Administrator -of landluddrn Stiles,7Corporation Ltd, Kailash Ghose Lnncand M/s. Mongla Trading Co.. 6. Benum Bazar and to appoint Mr A. K. M. Abul Hus§im 32, M. C. Ray Lane, Pecrkhana, Daccn, in his place to run and manage the abovcmentioned units. He shall operate the units and generally Conduct all their affairs including operation of Bank accounts under the general supervision of the Management Board Group END—Daren Area.

No. IND/XVIll-3A/66/‘72jl29—241h June 1972—11: exercise of the authority given by the Bangladesh Abandoned Property (Control. Management and Disposal) Order. l972 (President‘s Order No. 16 of 1972) and the rules made thereunder the Ministry of Industries is pleased to take over, with immediate effect and until further ortlers,‘ the Management or M/s. Bangladesh Steel Industries, 'l‘ejgaon. Decca. including all its prepertics and assets whereverlocated in Bangladesh and to tag it with the Management Board under Group “F”, Tejgnon Industrial Area. Decca. The Management Board may authorise one or more of its member to operate Bank accounts.

Joint Secretary.


No. lND,l‘X|x-3A~’80/72,r123—l7th June 1972—ln exercise of the authority given by the Bangladesh Abandoned Property (Control, Management and Disposal) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 16 of I972) the Ministry of Industries is pleased to release M/s. Daoca Engineering Works, 22, Bangshal Road. Dacca, which was taken over under notifies. tion No.1833, dated the 23rd February 1972, in faVour of its owners.

No.IND-XlX-lM-12f72/123—13th June 1972—In exercise of the authority given under Article 15 ,of the Bangladesh Abandoned Property(Control, Manage- ment and Disposal) Orders, 1972 (President's Order No. 16 of 1972), the Ministry of Industries is pleased to release Mfs. New Flower Ice Plant at Bazar Road, Barisnl which was taken over by the Govern- ment order No. Sec-IV-l42, dattd the 3|st January 1973.;3 in favour of its owner Mr Muhammad Hossain Sik r.

N0. IND-XIX‘lM-ld,“72,f124—th11 June l972—In exercise of the authority given under Article 15 of the Bangladesh A bandoncd Property (ContrOL Managcment and Disposal) Order, 1972 (President‘s Order No. 16 of 1972). the Ministry of Industries is pleased?) relgase Mfs. Balaka lee Cream plant at Barisslfiv " Twits taken over by the Government order Ndwg‘q'z' dated the 315! January 1972 in favonr‘of'Its’;io‘?‘?ner Mr Abdul Karim. "

Joint Secretary.


No. NM. 4A-42/72—l4th June 1972—In exercise of the authority given under Article 15 of the Bangladesh Abandoned Property (Control, Management and Disposal) Order, 1972 (President’s Order No.16of 1972), the Ministry of Industries is pleased to release New Diamond Ice and Ice Cream Factory, Barisal, which was taken over by the Government notification No. 1]L/B-7l/92(50), dated the 16th February 1972. in favour of its owners (1) Mrs Jnhnmm'hgnm and (2) Mr Sultan Ahmed.