Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 04.djvu/424

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vessel until the Merrimac escaped up the Eliza- beth river, where he could not follow, having no pilot on board. He afterward engaged in the attack on Fort Darling and the other naval oper- ations on the James river and accompanied the expedition to Charleston, S.C, in 1862 in which the Monitor was lost. He was executive officer



on the Florida and took part in the blockade of the Soutliern ports in 1803, antl was executive officer on the Iroquois in the search for the Alahiima, 1864-6.5. He was assistant profes- sor of mathematics at Annapolis, 1865-68, of astronomy, 1871-7.5. and assistant to the superintendent, 1878-82. He was promoted lieutenant-commander, 1866, and commander in 1872. He was commander of the Juniata. 1875, of the Monomjahela, 1876-77, of the Despatch, 1882-84, and of the Portsmouth navy yard, 1884. He died at Portsmouth, N.H., Dec. 11, 1884.

GREENE, Samuel Stillman, educator, was born in Belchertowu,, May 3, 1810; son of Ebenezer and Sybil (Hitchcock) Greene. He was brought up on a farm, paid his college expenses by teaching school, and was graduated from Brown in 1837. He was assistant and principal of the Baptist academy, Worcester, Mass., 1837- 40; superintendent of public schools. Springfield, Mass., 1840-42; assistant in the English high school, Boston, Mass., 1842-44; master of the Phillips grammar school, Boston, 1844-49; first agent of the Massachusetts board of education, 1849-51; superintendent of public schools. Provi- dence, R.I., 1851-55; professor of didactics at Brown, 1851-55; of mathematics and civil engi- neering, 1855-64; of natural philosophy and astronomy, 1864^75; and of mathematics and astronomy, 1875-83. He was president of the Rhode Island institute, of the American insti- tute of instruction, and of the National teach- ers' association. Brown conferred on him the degree of LL.D. in 1870. He was married: first, in 1839 to Edna Amelia Bartlett of Worces- ter, Mass., and secondly, in 1854, to Mary Adeline, daughter of Ebenezer Bailey, the author of Bailey's "Algebra" Professor Greene is the author of: Analysis of the EnqTish Laticiiiage (1848); First Lessons in Grammar (1848); Elements of Enn-

lish Grammar (1852); English Grammar (1867); and Introduction to English Grammar (1868). He died in Providence, R.I., Jan. 24, 1883.

QREENE, Sarah Pratt (McLean), author, was born in Suusbury, Conn., July 3, 1856; daughter of Dudley and Mary (Payne) McLean, and granddaughter of Allen and Hannah (Bishop) MacLean. She was educated by private teachers and entered Mt. Holyoke college in 1870, but was not graduated. Slie was married in 1886 to Franklin Lynde Greene of Fremont, Ohio. She is the author of: Cape Cod Folks (1881); Ton-head (1883); Some Other Folic (1884); Last Chance Junction (1889); Leon Pontifex (1890); Vest i/ of the r:<(xins (1892): Stuart and Bamboo (1897); Tlw Moral Imbeciles (1898); Flood Tide (1901), and contributiijns to periiidicals.

QREENE, Theodore Phinney, naval officer, was born in Montreal, Canada, Nov. 1, 1809. He was given a warrant as midshipman from Ver- mont in 1826 and was assigned to the Mediterra- nean squadron. He was promoted passed mid- shipman in 1832 and on board the Vincennes circumnavigated the globe, 1834-36. He was commissioned lieutenant in December, 1837, and during the war with Mexico he was attached to the Congress, meanwiiile conmianding the land forces at Mazatan for several months. He was made commander in September, 1855; was light- house inspector, 1858-60; on duty at Mare Island, Cal., 1860-62; was promoted captain, July, 1862; was orderea to the East Gulf squadron in 1863 as commander of the tSan Jacinto and became commander of the squadron in 1864 dirring the absence of Rear- Admiral Bailey in the United States. He was transferred to the West Gulf squadron as commander of the Bichmond in 1865 and directed the landing of troops for the attack on Mo- bile, Ala., pro- tecting them by his gunboats. He was ord- nance officer at the Ports- mouth navy yard, 1866; commanded the Fovj- hatan of the Pacific squadron, 1867, and the Pensacola navy yard, 1868-70. He was made commodore, July, 1867, and after leaving the Pensacola navy yard he was on various shore service till placed on the retired list with the rank of rear-admiral in March, 1872 He died at Jaffrey, N.H.. Aug. 30, 1887.

QREENE, William, governor of Rhode Island, was born in Warwick. R.I., March 16. 1695; son of Samuel and Mary (Gorton) Greene, and a de- scendant of John Greene, son of Peter Greene, of