Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 04.djvu/425

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Aukley Hall, Salisburj', Wiltshire, England. In 1718 he was made a freeman, and was deputy from Warwick in 172T, 1T32, 1736, 1738 and 1740. In 1728 he was ajipoiuted with John Sluniford sm'vej'or of the state line between Connecticut and Rhode Island and in 1736 received a similar appointment with two others. He was deputy- governor of Rhode Island in 1740-43, and 1743, and governor in 1743, 1744, 1746, 1748-34 and in 1737, eleven years. He was married to Catha- rine, daughter of Benjamin Greene. He died in Providence, R.I., Feb. 33, 1758.

GREENE, William, governor of Rhode Island, was born in Warwick, R.I., Aug. 16. 1731; son of William and Catliarine (Greene) Greene. He •was admitted a freeman of the colony in May, 1753, and was deputy from Warwick in 1773, 1774, 1776 and 1777. In August, 1776, he became first associate justice in the superior court of the colony. On Deo. 10, 1776, he was appointed to the council of war. In February, 1778, he be- came chief -justice of the superior court and in May was chosen governor of Rhode Island, serv- ing till 1786. The correspondence of Governor Greene was published in part in Vol. V. of the "Collections of the R.I. Historical Society," in Vols. VII., VIII. and IX. of "Rhode Island Colonial Records," and in "Rhode Island in the Continental Congress," edited by Reuben A. Guild. His wife was Catharine, daugliter of Simon and Deborah (Greene) Ray of Block Island. He died in Warwick, R.I., Nov. 29, 1809.

GREENE, William, lawyer, was born in War- wick, R.I., Jan. 1, 1797; son of Ray and Mary (Flagg) Greene. He was graduated from Brown in 1817 and subsequently from a law school in Liitchlield, Conn., after which he rode on horse- back to Columbus, Ohio, and there became pri- vate secretary to Governor Brown. Later he reuiovei to Cincinnati where he practised his profession and at one time was president of the school board. In 1863 he returned to Warwick. He was lieutenant-governor of Rhode Island, 1830-67; and a delegate to the Republican na- tional convention, Chicago, 111., in 1868. He was marriel, April 30, 1831, to Abby, daughter of Ei-astus Lyman of Northampton, Mass. She died July 18, 1863. and he was married for the second time, Nov. 20, 1867. to JIi's. Caroline Mathewson. He iliel at Warwick. R.I., Marcli 24, 1883.

GREENE, William Batchelder, author, was born at Haverhill, Mass., April 4, 1819; son of Nathaniel Greene. He entered the U.S. military academy in 1835. but left to take an active part In the Florida war. He was commissioned 2d lieutenant in the 7th infantry in July, 1839, and resigned from tlie service in November, 1841. Later he was interested in the Brook Farm com- munity, studied theology, and was graduated in

1845 from the Harvard divinitj' school. He was pastor of a Unitarian churcli in Brooktield, Mass , for several years and then went to Europe At the begiuning of the civil war he returned to the United States and was conunissioned colonel of the 14th Massachusetts infantry. In 1863 he was appointed to the command of the artillery brigade of General Whipple's division, and on October 11 of the same year he resigned his com- mand and returned to Boston and subsequently went to England. He was a delegate to the con- stitutional convention of Massachusetts in 1853 and was interested in various reform movements. He was a student of mathematics, of Hebrew literature and of Egyptian antiquities. He con- tributed to periodicals, published a number of discourses in pamphlet form and is also the author of: Bemarks on the Science of History followed by an a priori Autobiography (1849); Theory of the Calciilits (1870) ; and Socialistic, Communistic, Mulualistic and Financial Fragments (1875). He died at Weston-super Mare, Eng., May 30. 1878. GREENE, William Houston, chemist, was born in Columbia, Pa., Dec. 30, 1853, son of Steplien and Martha (Mifflin) Greene. He at- tended the public scbools of Philadelphia and was graduated from Jefferson medical college in 1873. He was demonstrator of chemistry at Jefferson medical college, 1873-76; studied chemistry with Professor Adolphe Wurtz in Paris, 1876-78; and was demonstrator of chemistry in the University of Pennsylvania, 1878-79. He was then elected ' to the chair of chemistry in the Central high school of Philadelphia. He was a member of various scientific societies in Europe and the United States and contributed largely to scientific papers. He published ; J/cfZ/cn/ Chemistry (XS'SXi); Lessons in Chemisti~y (1884) ; Elements of Modern Chemistry by Wurtz (translated 1879) ; First Steps in Scientific Knoicledije by Paul Bert (edited 1886). GREENE, William Laury, representative, was born in Pike county, Ind., Oct. 13, 1849; son of Washington and Lelia (Mosley) Greene, and grandson of George W. Greene. He removed with his parents, who v»-ere farmers, to Dubois county, Ind., and there worked on the farm and attended school. He was graduated at Ireland academy, Ind., taught school and studied law. He was admitted to the bar at Bloomington, Ind. , in 1876 and practised there till 1883, when he removed with his family to Kearney. Neb. He joined the Populist party in 1890 and was a can- didate for U.S. senator in 1893 and lost the elec- tion by two votes. He was judge of the 13th judicial district of Nebraska, 189.5-97, and a representative in the 55th congress, 1897-99. He was re-elected to the 56th congress, and was succeeded by William Neville. He died suddenly at Omaha, Neb., March 11, 1899.