Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 06.djvu/305

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being agent, the bxisiness forming a part of the svstem of B. B. & R. Knight. In 1^9^ he was elected president of the Hebron ilanufacturing company. He was director on the board of gov- ernment of the New England Cotton ilanufac- turers' association, 189>-9b. and president of that association. 1^9^-99.

KNIGHT, \\ iibur Clinton, geologist, was born in Rochelle. 111., Dec. 13. 1S5S ; son of David A- and Cornelia E. (Jones) Knight, and grandson of Hezekiah T. and Axma A. (Angel; Knight. He graduated from the University of Nebraska, B.S,, 1886. A.M., 1893 ; was assistant territorial geolo- gist of Wyoming, 1886-87 ; manager and superin- tendent of mines in Colorado and Wyoming, 188^-92 ; was elected professor of mining at the University of Wyoming in 1893; professor of mining and geology, curator of the museum and geologist of the experiment station at the Uni- versity of Wyoming in 1894 : was appointed state geologist in 1898, and directed the Union Pacific scientific expedition through the fossil fields of Wyoming in 1899. He was married. Oct. 16, 18S9, to Emma E. Howell. He was elected a fel- low of the Geological Society of America in 1897. a member of the National Geographic society in 1893. and of the American Institute of Mining Engineers in 1899. He is the author of many scientific papers and of contributions to scientific journals. He died in Laramie, Wy., July 30, 1903, KNOTT, James Proctor, governor of Ken- tucky, was born near Lebanon. Washington (now Marion) county. Ky.. Aug. 29, 1830 ; son of Joseph Percy and Mara (Irvine) Knott, and grandson of Thomas Percy Knott. He began the study of law in 1846. and in May, 1850. removed to Memphis. Mo. . and was employed in the county and circuit clerks" oflBces until 1851, when he was admitted to the bar. He was a representa- tive in the Missouri legislature in 1858, and was made chair- man of the judici- ary committee. He was married. June 14, 185.8, to Sarah R., daughter of Philip Edward McEIIroy of BowUng Green. Ky. He was appointed attorney-general of Missouri to fill a vacancy in 1859. and was elected to the office in 1860. serving 1859-61, when his office was de- clared vacant upon his declining to take the oath of allegiance. He was arrested and imprisoned in the arsenal, St. Louis, by order of Colonel

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Boemstein, but was released by order of General Lyon. He returned to Kentucky in April, 1862, and established himself in practice at Lebanon. He was the Democratic representative from the fourth Kentucky district in the 40th. 41st. t4th, 45th, 46th and 47th congresses, serving 1867-71 and 1875-83. He was chairman of the committee on the judiciary in the house. 1878-83 : refused a renomination as representative in 1882 : was gov- ernor of Kentucky. 188^-87, and a delegate to the Kentucky constitutional convention in 1891. He was professor of civics and economics at Centre coUege, Danville, Ky., 1892-94, and was made professor of law and dean of the law faculty there in 1894. He received from that insritution the honorary degree of LL.D. in 1885.

KNOWLES, Frederic Lawrence, author, was born at Lawrence, ilass.. Sept. b, 1869 ; son of the Rev. Daniel Clark and Lucia (Barrows; Knowles. and grandson of the Rev. Dr. Lorenzo Dow Bar- rows, and of the Rev. Enoch Knowles. He was prepared for college at Tilton seminary. New Hampshire, and graduated from Wesleyan tini- versity, Middletown, Conn.. A.B.. in 18&4. He taught in Tilton seminary. 18'&4-95 : took a post- graduate course at Harvard in 18^5-96. receiving the degree of A.B. from there in the latter year. He was editorially connected with Dana Estes & Co., L. C. Page & Co., and Houghton. Mifflin & Co., in Boston, and with the Atlantic Monthly from February to September, 18'98. He edited Cap and Goim, second series (1897): The Golden Treasury of American Songs and Lyrics (1897). He is the author of : Practical Hints to Young WHters (1897); A Kipling Primer (1899): On Life's Stairway, original verse (1900). He also published three books tinder pseudonyms and one anonymotisly.

KNOWLES, James Davis, editor, was born in Providence. R.I., in Jtily, 1798 : son of Ed ward and Amey (Peck ) Knowles. In 1810 he was appren- ticed to John Carter, editor of the Providence Gazette, and while learning the trade studied French and Latin, and also wrote articles in prose and verse for the newspiapers. In 1S18 he en- gaged as foreman in the printing office of the Rhode Island J.n(trjo<in, and in July. 1S19. became co-editor of that paper. He joined the Baptist church in March, 182<. and was licensed to preach in the following auttmin. He studied theology at the Baptist seminary in Philadelphia, Pa., and at the Columbian tiniversity, which absorbed the seminary. He was graduated from the Columbian university, A.B.. 1824. and during bis college course edited the Columbian Star. He was mar- ried. Jan. 11. 1836. to Susan, daughter of Joshua H. Langley . of I*rovidence. R.I. He was a tutor at the Colimibian university. 182-1-25 : was ordained. Dec. 38, 1635, and was pastor of the Second Baptist