Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 06.djvu/307

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1853-54 ; mayor of the cit}- of Worcester, 1855-56 ; and high sheriff of the county, 1856-71. He died in Worcester. Mass., June 10. 1871.

KNOWLTON, Marcus Perrin, jurist, was born in Wilbrahani, Mass., Feb. 3, l«3y ; son of Merrick and Fatiina (Perrin) Knowlton ; grandson of Amasa and Margaret (Toplitf) Knowlton ; and a descendant of William Knowlton, whose father, Capt. William Knowlton, sailed from London, England, for Nova Scotia, in 1633, and died on the voyage ; and his widow with three sons, John, William and Thomas, after remaining awhile in Nova Scotia, removed to Ipswich, Mass. Marcus Perrin Knowlton prepared for college at Monson academy, Mass., and was grad- uated from Yale, A.B., 1860. He was admitted to the bar at Springfield, Mass., in 1863 ; was a repre- sentative in the general court of Massachusetts in 1878, and a state senator, 1880-81. In August, 1881, he was appointed a justice of the .superior court of Massachusetts, and in September, 1887, was made a justice of the supreme judicial court of the state. He was twice married : first, July 18, 1867, to Sophia Ritchie, who died, Feb. 18, 1886, leaving no children ; and secondly, Ma}- 21, 1891, to Rose Mary Ladd, of Portland, Maine. He received the honorary degree of LL.D. from Yale university in 1895, and from Harvard uni- versity in 1900.

KNOWLTON, Miles Justin, missionary, was born in West Wanlsborough, Vt., Feb. 8, 1825. He was student at Madison universitj-, Hamilton, N.Y., and was graduated from Hamilton Theolo- gical seminary in 1853 ; was ordained, Oct. 8, 1853, and offered his services to the Missionary Union. Accompanied by his wife he arrived at Ningpo, China, in June, 1854, where he resided for about twenty 3'ears. He taught a class in theology, conducted the mission church at Ding- hai. and two out stations on the island of Clmsan, founded several other churches and prepared a manual for native preachers. He made a journey to Pekin and Manchuria in 1869. and one up the Yang-tse-KiaTig in 1870. He visited the United States in 1862-64 and in 1871. He received the degree of D.D. from Madison university in 1871. He is the author of: The Foreign Missionary, his Field and his Work (1872). He died in Ningpo. China. Sept. 10. 1874.

KNOX, Charles Eugene, educator, was born in Knoxboro, N.Y., Dec. 27, 1833 ; son of Gen. John Jay and Sarah (Curtiss) Knox. He was graduated at Hamilton A.B., 1856, A.M., 1859; attended Auburn Theological seminary, 1856-57, and was graduated at the Union Tlieological seminary. New York city, in 1859. He was mar- ried, Sept. 27, 1860, to Sarah, daughter of Peter Fake, of Clinton, N.Y. He was licensed by the presbytery of New York in 1859, was a tutor at

Hamilton, 1859-60 ; was acting pastor of the Reformed church, Utica, N.Y., 1860-62 ; stated supply at Oswego, N.Y., 1862-63 ; at Morristown, N.J., 1863-64 ; and was ordained by the presby- tery of Newark, N.J., June 8, 1864. He was pa.stor of the First Presbyterian church at Bloom- field, N.J., 1864-73 ; and president of the German Theological school of Newark, at Bloomfield, and professor of homiletics, church govern- ment and pastoral theology, 1873-1900. He re- ceived the honorary degree of D.D. from the College of New Jersey in 1874. He is the author of : Year laith St. Paul (1863) ; Love to the End (1868) ; David the King (1874) : a course of graded Sunday-school text-books in five numbers (1864-67), and reports, .sermons and pamphlets. He died at Bloomfield. N.J., April 30. 1900.

KNOX, George William, missionary, was born in Rome, N.Y. , Aug. 11, 1853; son of Dr. William Eaton and Alice Woodward ( Jenks) Knox, and grandson of John Jay and Sarah (Curtiss) Knox. He was graduated from Hamilton college in 1874 and from Auburn Theological seminary in 1877. He was married. May 11, 1877, to Anna Caroline, daughter of Judge Jacob Holmes. He was or- dained by the presbytery of Chemung at Elmira, N.Y., June 3, 1877, and immediately sailed for Japan, where he engaged in missionary work. He was pi'ofessor of homiletics at the Union Theological seminary, Tokio, 1881-93, professor of philosophy and ethics at the Imperial univer- sit}', Japan, 1886, and vice-president of the Asiatic Society of Japan, 1891-92. He returned to the United States in 1893, and was a stated supply and subsequently pastor of the Presbj-te- rian church at Rye, N.Y. He lectured on apolo- getics at the Union Theological seminary, New York, 1896-99. and in the latter year was made professor of the philosophy and history of religion there. He received the degree of D.D. from Princeton university, 1888. He is the author of : TJie Basis of Ethics (1883) ; A Brief System of TIteology (1884) ; Outlines of Homiletics (1885) ; Christ, the Son of God (1886) ; Tlie Mystery of Life (1890); A Japanese Philosopher (1891) ; and contributions to periodicals.

KNOX, Henry, soldier and cabinet oflficer, was born in Boston, Mass., July 25, 1750 ; son of Wil- liam and Mary (Campbell) Knox. His father emigrated from St. Eustatius. West Indies, and became a shipmaster and wharf-owner in Boston, Mass. Henry was the seventli of ten sons. He attended the public schools of Boston, and upon the death of his father in 1762 he obtained em- ployment in a bookstore. In 1768 he joined the " Bo-ston Grenadiers " and became .second in command. He was on duty in the Boston mas- sacre, March 5, 1770. and endeavored to keep the crowd away from the soldiers. In 1771 he