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THE BLACK CAT'S CLASSIFIED ADS Here you can talk to thousands of wide-awake readers for the email amount of 30 Smallest ad fire lines. Forms close 20th of second month preceding publication. AUTHORS— MANUSCRIPTS IF YOU ARE A WRITER W* caa aid 70a to find a suritct MM* AU0CX3&FUIXT PLACED CrMdatd. Kerb**, Typewritten. Sml far l«aS«t H. " ~* " Established sSjo. UMTED LITERARY PRESS ****** NEW YORK. If you are a writer, or if you have the great de- sire to write — the usual sign of inborn literary talent - study of THE EDITOR, the fort- nightly journal of information for literary workers, will enable you to produce salable manuscripts. THE EDITOR prints, in addition to practical articles by editors and writers, complete information of novel, short story, play, essay, and verse prize competitions, and statements from editors of their current requirements. Kaxy Boherxs BJUnebnrt Says: "THE EDITOR neJped to start me. cheered me when I was down and led me io the straight path until I was able to walk alone." Portal rhtly, yearly subscription $2.00; single copies 10 cents. THE EDITOR. - Box M. - RIDOEWOOD, K. J. UTHOrVS AGENCY-S3T£^£a

.••naussion. Terms 10 per cent. $1.00 reading lee for 5000 words or under

- te» critlctsnv he Wm.W.Labbsrtoa Agency* 5©o W. 150th St.,N. Y. City WR.ITECR.AFTEF.S The Critics Who Really Help You Sell Your Stories v < riecistten haee sold their own wotk to Saturday ETenlng Post, McClure's, ^cpoBtan. Cottier's, American. Everybody's. Harper's, Associated -~ay Hagaxjnes. Woman's Home Companion, etc., and hare helped ■ ^uads oi writers attain successful authorship. FEUrXOOlWB Y JOSXa, Froatfaont Story Writer. A- 1. K DtBAXL, PoTsaariy AsaoeiaU Editor of •• Ton Editor." LEWISS. UnnBRAYHE, Editor, Writer, and Orltte. Send for Writecrafterr Piatt. wtmciaruu, .... lowill, mass. SHORT-STORY WRITERS: <?SS criticised,

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aaxcAV and sold on commission. Story-writing taught. charges. National Bank references. BUBBAV. Box S3, Laosla. V. J. The Writer's Monthly Edited by J. Berg Esenwetn Here is a fresh bundle of inspiration and clear-headed authorita- e direction for all who would know the Literary fiarket and

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Single copies 15 cents; $1.00 a year 'H WRITER'S nONTHLY, Box C, 5prlngfleld, nass. WRITERS— ATTENTION! loVmV »■. «c.. are wanted for publication. Good Ideas bring big money. - ;.t serricc ; qnfca results. Hundreds making money. Get busy. Submit ■>r write. xSRBABY BoTtEATJ, B. 0. S. EAHRTBAL, M0. ? TC% Cat Aft F AfPW P aW ' or hundreds of old M before 1896 and send 10c. for our New Illustrated »n Value Book, size 4x7. showing Guaranteed prices, t posted ftt once. Clark Coin Co., Box 53, Le Roy, N. Y.

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