ADVERTtSEMEXTS SSUSS 4 Weeks' FreeTrial YES, ire'll ship to you on 4 weeks' absolutely free trial a Genuine highest grade Wing piano DIRECT from our own factory, freight prepaid. The most surprising — most amating offer ever made. An offer that pats you on the same footing* as the largest piano dealer — and at the very roclobottom DIRECT wholesale factory price! Since IB68 — for 47 years— we haro bom bu rid i n^Wi a g Pianos, renowned everywhere for their sweetness of tons and sterling merit — and we now make you the great- est of all offers on the Wing-, guaranteed for 40 years* Y/c will allow you to use any Wing piano — your own choice of 33 fupcrb new styles in any ftliadc of mahogany, walnut or oafc^in yourowu home far foEir full weeks at out expense. A Wins Upright, a Win a; Grand or a wonderful Wing: F1?iyer*Fiano that playa all the preitret eonrert and opera selections (you can play it perfectly the iirjt day without Likiiiff music lessons). No Money Down — Not a Cent of Freight We ask no money down — no security— no deposit in your bank— t, i KHitr:i n t ec* Jnat choose an y Wist f t ota ou r Larj e catfcl o^ m We em ploy r.o salwracn of any kiud to visit and annoy you. We'll ship the inetru* oon U no money down— frti$h t prepaid* Whi lo the piano is i a yoar home use It just as If you owned it. Compare with description fa the Wins Catalog — but note the rock-bottom dirmcl-whotmtalm-factory price ia quoted in the personal letter to you- Piny the piano— lot yoar frletida play It, Examine It carefully— thoroughly— inside and outside. Take music lessons ou it If you ItUe. Note the perfect boll-like tone, the re* markable easy reffulr.ri ty of the action, the deep resonance of the Ulbc, the timbre of the treble— note all this— then-* Five Instrumental Effects combined in the Wing, free, if if you w ish. Ko extra charge for oar wonderful patented device Lh*t reprodoeeB tlifl Burrt ainriTifr mu*ia of ciw Tyrolean Either, hurp, Rumr, ba^jo or nrnndoHn. You can hw« Ihfl effort of an entire pasta t at your commiul, Famous No teaeeord Free An invention by which you can teach ynurseir to play— pri«eo with. n;<,iriF IV:.- tt'j-. 111,* _^l.t!. -f_ It's Tike irettinir m
- Podrr
At tho end of the 4 weeks trial, If you wish, yon may return the piano at our expense, WepayrcturtifreigjittoNewYork, Nota penny to pay f^r the pleasure of usirtc; tlie piano four weeks. No saJftmnn to annoy j/ou—ytm and your frundr to Judy*. Now write for the piano hook (free). every Wine;, lessens free, Endorsed Hy; P*drre»*h<, Jean D* Rcemlt*, WlJJIatu M»«on. Emni f;*tr*, Phillip Soma, Anton &ridl» Victor llftWtt, S. b. Mirf*. Sm tbo v, jnr Catatoa Bird read the (ottn of these arret Bvta of ■MsK Stool and Scarf It Given with every Winp r>Uno. A handsotnv stool of newest di-sign to match the ph —'■Srt. AlSObeaUtf*^' Vclcur Drape: «a am M you prefer. rouftclprt. AidoLvatirifol Rrcea^l Drapes?, French Vcloor Drapery, Cnina BfUc Scar*. JapaiKW) Si Jk Scarf or Satin I Valuable Book on Pianos— FREE! "The Book ofComoiH* fa- formation A boat Piano* * The New York World says- 'This Is a book of ed neat fori*! interest fveryqno should own-' ' Would you like baknow »U atw>ut ciaiitii— bow they are made, how to judffo tho fioo point* of goal- ^ 11/ and price in buying a piano? Then send tbo coupon for tbo J** jpmno book which w« are sending out KHEE for the present. This book of 136 paxo tells about materials, maotifa ' i about cput^nals, msouf actum, assembling patented devices mnd what they do. : about soundboard, action, case, in fact every detail connected with the production of aniw.hitfh-flrado pi ano. You wi d be astonished a 1 1 b e amoun t of ** |nrarm«4i4a about pl&Ba guiJitj- *nd rUuw prtert. u4 j#^ >V* Est, IW. wtir>o«fe ew jf ^n«Woatb« pfjiooorJfMtf: o«au7^onl^ B T»kiB.'ofT^SS5i SS^^^^ 94 At*. * 13* SL D«t 1 42»~ WING & SON cat mm) •ft H; 8 Wing BMg., M Ave. and 134 St. NEW YORK, H. Y. Piano ™ Bt -^&r riano i*5^ThokCa^ai: ^ V Wing&Son TP* TrfH £bJe« vosr «Ut ' •pr<rpamtom be/orr yrou w*-il 4T trad* When writing advertisers please mention THE BLACK CAT