Page:The Black Cat November 1916.djvu/66

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ADVERTISEMENTS A WARTIME BOOK BARGAIN For Black Cat Readers ?~—v E322 2^E3 13*31 fSSSB I I * f N - EsSES ) i ^-3 CSS5-3 *223 PHOTOaRAPH, ORBATLY REDUCED Six Attractive Cloth-Bound Volumes, Good Bible 1 Paper, Urge, ij Clear Type, Gold Decorations, Duotone Illustrations IMPORTED STEVENSON SETS Dir«ct from the London Publisher Offered with the Black Cat for a Whole Year Now for Only The European War in destroying the book market abroad made possible this great opportunity for you. Nelsons, the famous Bible publishers, overstocked with new editions, turned to this country for buyers, and sold the sets for the mere cost of paper and bind- ing. The opportunity Is most unusual — the books are a real bargain — but the offer is limited, and to get the set** you must act promptly. EXTRA SPECIAL! In connection with our Extra- ordinary Stevenson Offer above, wo announce a limited number of six-volume sets of Famous Authors, including: HUGO $2.10 Dunxs DICKENS SHAKESPEARE KIPLINO POE THACKERAY The binding, paper, type and stee of these Standard sets are uniform with the Stevenson sets, and the same price— $2.10 per set including a year's subscription lo Black Cat and delivery charges will prevail as long as the sets on band last. Think of getting your favorite author — that particular writer whose books you have long desired —in size and weight that are adapted exactly to hand, or pocket, or bag— that In a word are lust what your ideas of a book are lor comfort and utility — and at a price lower than you nave ever known, or may ever know again for good books. Six Books lor the Price of One—Act Now The number of sets on hand Is limited. The first readers who send for the sets may count themselves lucky, lor these six elotb- bound volumes axe offered at a prte which is just about what yon would ordin- arily pay for one of the Stevenson books, We have made Die price especially low to give our readers an opportunity to own these masterpieces of romance ai Grasp This Opportunity Today! Tear Off Coupon Fill in, and Send to Us Now When writing advertisers please mention THE BLACK CAT