Page:The Black Cat November 1916.djvu/65

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If You Can Tell a Lachnite from a Dlamond-send/tback YES, we'll send you one of these exquisite man-made gems and you can wear it for 10 full days at our expense. Put it to every dia* mond test you ever heard about— fire — acid — diamond file. Compare its brilliance with the brilliance of a mined diamond. Notice how it 13 cut — by world renowned diamond cotters. Test It in every way. Wear it everywhere you pro. Then after ten days — if you are able to tell which is your Lachnite and which is your diamond — or if any of your friends have been able to tell the difference— send the Lachnite back to us* The trial docs not Cost you a penny. If you decide to buy the Lachnite, pay only this rock-bottom price, and if you wish — at a rate of a few cents a day. Our new jewelry bonk (sent free) tdb about our gea- eroua terms. Send the coupon for it today. You will be delighted* Set Only in Solid Gold Pay As You Wish Lachnite Gems are mounted only in solid gold. To hold these splendid jewels we have secured the latest and newest ideas in solid gold settings. In our new catalog you will see illits- trated rin#s by the score for both men and women — bracelets, La Valliercs, slick pins T cuff links— -all the newest jewelry — tnade of sohd gold. Write for our new catalog today It's free — and it has a message for you Send the Coupon For Our Hew Catalog! Put your rinme ami address in eoiipnn or on, m f-j*! Lcarrl mnd set o»r n**w jewelry book, ft ibowi hsndHnt fllostraTJona of newest woUA fold XDoantiog* from which yrm have to ffaoow, ToO — it tcrila thfl Interesting Atuty of how Lochrtitefl Are mads — and why their br»H- juioe ifl aamr*rtt*<*ii to we*r for«v« Send cou- poa for K todajf— it ia ttwa — no obligation. Do not decide to buy :i genuine Lach- nite Gem until you have worn it for ten full days. Then — if you 41* ■■*■*■ wish— yt hi may pay for H :it <*> r Harold the late of only b few cents a day. Terms as y- Lachman Co. Harold lachman Co. STAKES low as 3 1 cent* a day — no interrtt. Veil credit is good. A Be » U tm Chicago, HL ^^ Gentlemen: Pleaae srnd me,

  • ▼ nbaotatetv frt^c and prcouid, ynnr

~ new Jewelry Rook and full panic nLir* nf j-mir ire*: Irfol, p.-isy payment phiri, I a^ume Do obligations. .♦* .Yfime",. Addm*„ When writing advertisers please mention THE BLACK CAT