Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 2.djvu/310

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full moon. One day, as he sat in the shop, there came up an old woman, followed by two slave-girls. Night cxxxiii.She stopped before Taj el Mulouk and observing his grace and elegance and symmetry, marvelled at his beauty and sweated in her clothes, exclaiming, ‘Glory to Him who created thee out of vile water and made thee a ravishment to all who look upon thee!’ And she fixed her eyes on him and said, ‘This is sure no mortal, but a noble angel.’ Then she drew near and saluted him, whereupon he returned her salute and (being prompted thereto by Aziz) rose to his feet to receive her and smiled in her face after which he made her sit down by his side and fanned her, till she was rested and refreshed, when she turned to him and said, ‘O my son, O thou that art perfect in graces and charms, art thou of this country?’ ‘By Allah, O my lady,’ answered he in the sweetest and pleasantest of voices, ‘I was never in this country in my life till now, nor do I sojourn here save for my diversion.’ ‘May all honour and prosperity attend thee!’ rejoined she. ‘What stuffs has thou brought with thee? Show me something handsome; for the fair should bring nothing but what is fair.’ When he heard her words, his heart fluttered and he knew not what she meant; but Aziz made a sign to him, and he replied, ‘I have everything thou canst desire, and amongst the rest goods that befit none but kings and kings’ daughters; so tell me for whom thou seekest the stuff, that I may show thee what will befit her.’ This he said, that he might learn the meaning of her words; and she rejoined, ‘I want a stuff fit for the Princess Dunya, daughter of King Shehriman.’ When the prince heard the name of his beloved, he rejoiced greatly and said to Aziz, ‘Give me such a bale.’ So Aziz brought it and opened it before Taj el Mulouk, who said to the old woman, ‘Choose what will suit her; for these are goods only to be found with me.’ So she chose