Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 2.djvu/311

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goods worth a thousand dinars and said, ‘How much is this?’ And ceased not the while to talk with him and rub the inside of her thighs with the palm of her hand. ‘Shall I haggle with the like of thee about this paltry price?’ answered he. ‘Praised be God who hath brought me acquainted with thee!’ ‘The name of God be upon thee!’ exclaimed she. ‘I commend thy fair face to the protection of the Lord of the Daybreak! Fair face and pleasant speech! Happy the woman who lies in thy bosom and clasps thy waist in her arms and enjoys thy youth, especially if she be fair and graceful like unto thee!’ At this, Taj el Mulouk laughed till he fell backward and said (in himself), ‘O Thou who fulfillest desires by means of dissolute old women! They are indeed the accomplishers of desires!’ Then said she, ‘O my son, what is thy name?’ And he answered, ‘My name is Taj el Mulouk.’[1] ‘This is a name of kings and kings’ sons,’ rejoined she; ‘and thou art clad in a merchant’s habit.’ Quoth Aziz, ‘For the love his parents and family bore him and the value they set on him, they named him thus.’ ‘Thou sayst sooth,’ replied the old woman. ‘May God guard you both from the evil eye and the malice of the enemy and the envious, though hearts be broken by your charms!’ Then she took the stuff and went away, amazed at the prince’s beauty and grace and symmetry, and going in to the Princess Dunya, said to her, ‘O my lady, I have brought thee some handsome stuff.’ ‘Show it me,’ said the princess. ‘Here it is,’ answered the old woman; ‘turn it over, O my treasure, and examine it.’ So the princess looked at the stuff and was amazed at its beauty and said, ‘O my nurse, this is indeed handsome stuff! I have never seen its like in our city.’ ‘O my lady,’ replied the nurse, ‘he who sold it me is handsomer still. It would seem as if Rizwan had left the gates of Paradise open and this youth had

  1. i.e. Crown of Kings.