Night cccxviii.Meanwhile Zumurrud said to herself, ‘Now is the time to cast about for a means of escape. If I wait till these forty men come, they will take their turns at me, till they make me like a water-logged ship.’ Then she turned to the old woman and said to her, ‘O my aunt, wilt thou not come without the cave, that I may louse thee in the sun?’ ‘Ay, by Allah, O my daughter!’ replied the old woman. ‘This long time have I been out of reach of the bath; for these hogs cease not to hale me from place to place.’ So they went without the cavern, and Zumurrud combed out the old woman’s hair and killed the vermin in her head, till this soothed her and she fell asleep; whereupon Zumurrud arose and donning the clothes of the murdered trooper, girt herself with his sword and covered her head with his turban, so that she became as she were a man. Then she took the saddle-bags full of gold and mounted the horse, saying in herself, ‘O kind Protector, I adjure thee by the glory of Mohammed, (whom God bless and preserve,) protect me! If I enter the city, belike one of the trooper’s folk will see me, and no good will befall me.’ So she turned her back on the city and rode forth into the desert.
She fared on ten days, eating of the fruits of the earth and drinking of its waters, she and her horse; and on the eleventh day, she came in sight of a pleasant and safe city, stablished in good; the season of winter had departed from it with its cold and the spring-tide came to it with its roses and orange-blossoms; its flowers blew bright, its streams welled forth and its birds warbled. As she drew near, she saw the troops and Amirs and notables of the place drawn up before the gate, at which she marvelled and said to herself, ‘The people of the city are all collected at the gate: there must needs be a reason for this.’ Then she made towards them; but, as she drew near, the troops hastened forward to meet her and dismounting, kissed the