ground before her and said, ‘God aid thee, O our lord the Sultan!’
Then the grandees ranked themselves before her, whilst the troops ranged the people in order, saying, ‘God aid thee and make thy coming a blessing to the Muslims, O Sultan of all men! God stablish thee, O king of the age and pearl of the day and the time!’ ‘What ails you, O people of the city?’ asked Zumurrud; and the chamberlain answered, ‘Verily, He who is no niggard in giving hath been bountiful to thee and hath made thee Sultan of this city and ruler over the necks of all that are therein; for know that it is the custom of the citizens, when their king dies, leaving no son, that the troops should sally forth of the place and abide there three days; and whoever cometh from the quarter whence thou hast come, they make him king over them. So praised be God who hath sent us a well-favoured man of the sons of the Turks; for had a lesser than thou presented himself, he had been Sultan.’
Now Zumurrud was well-advised in all she did; so she said, ‘Think not that I am of the common folk of the Turks; nay, I am a man of condition; but I was wroth with my family, so I went forth and left them. See these saddle-bags full of gold I brought with me, that I might give alms thereof to the poor and needy by the way.’ So they called down blessings upon her and rejoiced in her with an exceeding joy and she also rejoiced in them and said in herself, Night cccxix.‘Now that I have attained to this estate, it may be God will reunite me with my lord in this place, for He can do what He will.’ Then the troops escorted her to the city and dismounting, walked before her to the palace. Here she alighted and the Amirs and grandees, taking her under the armpits, carried her into the palace and seated her on the throne; after which they all kissed the ground before her. Then she bade open the treasuries