Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 9.djvu/290

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  • Persian and the Kurd Sharper, Ali the, iii. 367.
  • Physician Douban, The, i. 37.
  • Physician’s Story, The Jewish, i. 259.
  • Pilgrim and the old woman who dwelt in the desert, The, iv. 322.
  • Pilgrim Prince, The Unjust King and the, viii. 204.
  • Pious black Slave, The, v. 16.
  • Pigeons, The Hedgehog and the, iii. 43.
  • Pigeons, The Two, v. 317.
  • Platter-maker and his wife, The devout, v. 19.
  • Poets, Haroun er Reshid and the Three, iv. 217.
  • Police of Boulac, Story of the Chief of the, iv. 118.
  • Police of Cous and the Sharper, The Chief of the, iv. 121.
  • Police of New Cairo, Story of the Chief of the, iv. 116.
  • Police of Old Cairo, Story of the Chief of the, iv. 119.
  • Police (The Three Masters of), El Melik en Nasir and, iv. 116.
  • Poor man and his generous friend, The, iv. 133.
  • Porter and the Three Ladies of Baghdad, The, i. 69.
  • Portress, The Story of the, i. 153.
  • Power, The Man who saw the Night of, v. 314.
  • Prince, The Devout, iv. 249.
  • Prince (the Pilgrim), The Unjust King and, viii. 204.
  • Providence, The Justice of, v. 40.
  • Purse, The Stolen, v. 342.
  • Pyramids of Egypt, El Mamoun and the, iv. 244.
  • Queen of the Serpents, The, v. 52.
  • Quicksilver Ali of Cairo, The Adventures of, vi. 264.
  • Reyya, Otbeh and, vi. 181.
  • Rogueries of Delileh the Crafty and her daughter Zeyneb the Trickstress, The, vi. 234.
  • Roc, Abdurrehman the Moor’s Story of the, iv. 261.
  • Rose-in-bud, Uns el Wujoud and the Vizier’s Daughter, iv. 174.
  • Ruined Man of Baghdad and his Slave-girl, The, viii. 175.
  • Ruined Man who became rich again through a dream, The, iv. 134.
  • Saïd ben Salim and the Barmecides, iv. 234.
  • Saint to whom God gave a cloud to serve him, The, v. 28.