- Sandalwood Merchant and the Sharpers, The, v. 386.
- Scavenger and the noble Lady of Baghdad, The, iii. 345.
- School, The Loves of the Boy and Girl at, iv. 213.
- Schoolmaster who fell in love by report, The, iv. 255.
- Schoolmaster, The Foolish, iv. 257.
- Schoolmaster, The ignorant man who set up for a, iv. 258.
- Seif el Mulouk and Bediya el Jemal, vii. 55.
- Serpent, The Crow and the, viii. 199.
- Serpent-Charmer and his Wife, The, viii. 210.
- Serpents, The Queen of the, v. 52.
- Sexes, Relative excellence of the, iv. 290.
- Sharper of Alexandria and the Master of Police, The, iv. 114.
- Sharper, Ali the Persian and the Kurd, iii. 367.
- Sharper, The Chief of the Cous Police and the, iv. 121.
- Sharper, The Simpleton and the, iv. 223.
- Sharpers, The Merchant and the Two, iii. 45.
- Sharpers, The Sandalwood Merchant and the, v. 336.
- Shehriyar and his brother, King, (Introduction), i. 1.
- Shemsennehar, Ali ben Bekkar and, iii. 49.
- Shepherd and the Thief, The, viii. 264.
- Sherkan and Zoulmekan, The History of King Omar ben Ennuman and his Sons, ii. 1.
- Shimas, King Jelyaad of Hind and his Vizier, viii. 185.
- Shirin and the Fisherman, Khusrau and, iv. 230.
- Shipwrecked Woman and her child, The, v. 13.
- Simpleton and the Sharper, The, iv. 223.
- Sindbad and his Falcon, King, i. 41.
- Sindbad the Sailor and Sindbad the Porter, v. 149.
- Sindbad the Sailor, First Voyage of, v. 152.
- Sindbad the Sailor, Second Voyage of, v. 161.
- Sindbad the Sailor, Third Voyage of, v. 169.
- Sindbad the Sailor, Fourth Voyage of, v. 180.
- Sindbad the Sailor, Fifth Voyage of, v. 193.
- Sindbad the Sailor, Sixth Voyage of, v. 202.
- Sindbad the Sailor, Seventh Voyage of, v. 210.