Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 9.djvu/292

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  • Singing-girl, The Goldsmith and the Cashmere, v. 289.
  • Six Slave-girls, The man of Yemen and his, iv. 92.
  • Slave, The pious black, v. 16.
  • Slave-girl, The ruined man of Baghdad and his, viii. 175.
  • Slave-girls, The man of Yemen and his six, iv. 92.
  • Sparrow and the Eagle, The, iii. 42.
  • Sparrow and the Peacock, The, iii. 47.
  • Spider and the Wind, The, viii. 213.
  • Springs, The Enchanted, v. 278.
  • Squinting slave-girl, Aboulaswed and his, iv. 220.
  • Stolen Necklace, The, v. 316.
  • Stolen Purse, The, v. 342.
  • Suitors, The Lady and her five, v. 306.
  • Tailor’s Story, The, i. 268.
  • Taj el Mulouk and the princess Dunya, ii. 207.
  • Taweddud, Aboulhusn and his slave-girl, iv. 324.
  • Thief, The Lover who feigned himself a, iv. 4.
  • Thief and the Money-changer, The, iv. 120.
  • Thief and his Monkey, The, iii. 46.
  • Thief, The Shepherd and the, viii. 264.
  • Thief turned merchant and the other Thief, The, iv. 246.
  • Thieves, The boy and the, viii. 252.
  • Thieves, The Merchant and the, viii. 257.
  • Thieves, The two, iv. 246.
  • Three-year-old child, The Debauchee and the, v. 341.
  • Tortoise, The Waterfowl and the, iii. 16.
  • Tortoises, The Heathcock and the, viii. 271.
  • Trick (The Lover’s) against the chaste wife, v. 267.
  • Trick (The Wife’s) against her husband, iv. 236.
  • Two Kings, The, viii. 220.
  • Umeimeh, El Mutelemmis and his wife, iv. 215.
  • Unfortunate Lovers, The Three, iv. 272.
  • Unjust King and the Pilgrim Prince, The, viii. 204.
  • Uns el Wujoud and the Vizier’s Daughter Rose-in-bud, iv. 174.
  • Upper Egypt (The man of) and his Frank wife, viii. 169.