Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night - Volume 3.djvu/383

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Eye (man of the = pupil) 286
—— (white = blind) 323
Fables proper (oldest part of The Nights) 114
Fairer to-day than fair of yesterday = ever increasing in beauty 331
Falak (clearing) = breaking forth of light from darkness 22
Falcon (see Hawk, Bází) 154
Falling on the back with laughter 306
Farting for fear 118
Fátin = tempter, seducer 82
Firdausi, the Persian Homer, quoted 83
Fire and sickness cannot cohabit (see Kayy) 59
——— worshippers slandered 326
First at the feast and last at the fray 81
Fist (putting into fist = putting oneself at another's mercy) 155
Flying for delight 26
Foot, smallness of, sign of "blood" 227
Formula of praise pronounced to avert the evil eye 224
Fortune makes kneel her camel by some other one = encamps with a favourite 141
Foster-brother (dearer than kith and kin) 256
Fox, cunning man (see Wolf) 132
Freeing slaves for the benefit of the souls of the departed 211
Fulán (fulano in Span. and Port.) = a certain person 191
Futúh = openings, victories, benefit 304
Gamin (faire le) ib.
Gates (two to port towns) 281
Geography in its bearings on Morality 241
Geomantic process 269
Gharám (Pr. N.) = eagerness, desire, love-longing 172
Ghazá (Artemisia-shrub) 220
Ghost (phantom = Tayf) 252
Ghurrah = blaze on a horse's forehead 118
Ghusl al-Sihhah = washing of health 266
Give a man luck and throw him into the sea 341
Goad (of the donkey-boy) 116
Gossamer (names for) 217
Grave (levelling slave and sovereign) 323
Hair-strings (of black silk) 311
—— (significance of) 313
Hájib = groom, chamberlain 233
Hajín (tall camel) 67
Hámah (soul of a murdered man in form of a bird sprung from his head) 293
Hammám-bath a luxury as well as a necessity 19
Hands behind the back (posture of submission) 218
—— stained in stripes like ring-rows of a chain-armour 176
Hárút and Márút (sorcerer-angels) 217
Harwalah = pas gymnastique 121
Hashsháshún = assassins 91
Hashish, see Bhang ib.
—— orgie in London ib.
Hawar = intensity of black and white in the eyes 233
Háwi = juggler playing tricks with snakes 145
Hawk, see Báshik, Bázi 61; 138
Hayát al-Nufús = Life of Souls 283
Házir and Bádi = townsman and nomad 234
Head (must always be kept covered) 275
Headsman delaying execution 42
Hemistichs divided 166
Hermaphrodites (Khunsá) 306
Heroine of Eastern Romance eats well 168
Hijl = partridge 138
"Him" for "her" 78
Hinges (of ancient doors) 41
Hips, leanness of, "anti-pathetic " to Easterns 226
Hoof (of the wild ass) 235
Horripilation = gooseflesh 2
Horse (names of the) 72
—— stealing honourable 73
Host (enters first as safe-guard against guet-apens) 208
Houris 233
Hudhud = hoopoe 128
Húr, see Houris 233
Hurr = free, noble, independent opp. to 'Abd = servile 44
Iblís = the Despairer 223
Ibn Abdún al-Andalúsi (poet) 319