Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night - Volume 3.djvu/384

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Alf Laylah wa Laylah.
Ibn Muljam (murderer of the Caliph Ali) 319
Ibn Síná = Avicenna 34
Ichneumon (mongoose) 147
Iddat = months of a woman's enforced celibacy after divorce 292
Ikhlás (Al-) = chapter of unity 307
Ikhwán al-Safá = Brethren of Purity 150
Iláh al-Arsh = the God of the Empyrean 106
Ill is thy abiding place 137
Insane (treatment of the) 256
Iron padlock (instead of the usual wooden bolt) 198
Irony 291
Isengrim (wolf) 146
Ismid = stibium (eye-powder) 307
Jalláb = slave-dealer 340
Jamal (Gamal) = camel, q.v. 110
Jamíz (Jammayz) = sycamore-fig 302
Jannat al-Na'ím = Garden of Delight 19
Jeweller (in Eastern tales generally a rascal) 186
Jihád = fighting for the faith 39
Jinnis (names of) 225
Joining prayers 174
Kahil = whose eyes are kohl'd by nature 346
Kahlá = nature-kohl'd 232
Káma-Shástra (Ars Amoris Indica) 93
Kamar al-Zamán (Camaralzaman = Moon of the Age) 213
Kamaráni = the two moons for sun and moon 300
Kámat Alfiyyah = a shape like the letter Alif 236
Kánát = subterranean water-course 141
Kanún (dulcimer, "zither") 211
Kapoteshwara and Kapoteshi 126
Kasídah = Ode, elegy 262
Katúl (Al-) = the slayer 72
Kausaj = man with a thin, short beard, cunning, tricksy 246
Kaysúm = yellow camomile 58
Kayy (Al-) = cautery, the end of medicine-cure 59
Kerchief of Dismissal 295
Khálidán (for Khálidát) = the Canaries 212
Khán (caravanserai) and its magazines 14
Khanjar = dagger, hanger (poisoned) 90
Khassat-hu = she gelded him 47
Khauf (Al-) maksúm = fear (cowardice) is equally apportioned 173
Khayt hamayán = threads of vanity (gossamer) 217
Khaznah = treasury of money (£5,000) 278
Khizáb (dye used by women) 105
Khunsa = flexible, flaccid (hermaphrodite) 306
Kiblah = fronting-place of prayer
Kissing (like a pigeon feeding its young) 275
Kinchin lay (Arab form of) 102
Kirát (weight = 2-3 grains; length = one finger-breadth) 239
Kohl (applying of = takhíl) 57
—— -eyed = Kahlá, f. 232
Koka Pandit (Hindú ars Amandi) 93
Koran quoted (x. 10-12; lvi. 24-26; lxxxviii. 17-20) 19
—— (xii. 31) 21
—— (cxiii. 1) 22
—— (ii. 186; lx. 1) 39
—— (lxxvi.) 57
—— (ii. 23) 65
—— (xxxi. 18; lxvii. 7) 117
—— (ii. 191) 123
—— (xviii.; xxii. 20; lxxxvii.) 128
—— (ii. 96, 256) 217
—— (ii.; iii.; xxxvi.; lv.; lxvii; cxiii; cxiv.) 222
—— (ii. 32; xviii. 48) 223
—— (xxiii. 20; xcv. 1) 276
—— (xxvi.) 294
—— (xi.) 301
—— (xxiii. 38) 302
—— (ii.; li. 9; xxxv. 11) 304
—— (cxii.) 307
—— (xxiv. 39 319
—— (xxi.) 323
—— (iv. 38) 332
Kubkáb = bath clogs 92
Kuhailat (breed of Arab horses) 346
Kun = be, the creative word 317
Kurds (Xenophon's and Strabo's Carduchi) 100