Alf Laylah wa Laylah.
Ibn Muljam (murderer of the Caliph Ali) | 319 |
Ibn Síná = Avicenna | 34 |
Ichneumon (mongoose) | 147 |
Iddat = months of a woman's enforced celibacy after divorce | 292 |
Ikhlás (Al-) = chapter of unity | 307 |
Ikhwán al-Safá = Brethren of Purity | 150 |
Iláh al-Arsh = the God of the Empyrean | 106 |
Ill is thy abiding place | 137 |
Insane (treatment of the) | 256 |
Iron padlock (instead of the usual wooden bolt) | 198 |
Irony | 291 |
Isengrim (wolf) | 146 |
Ismid = stibium (eye-powder) | 307 |
Jalláb = slave-dealer | 340 |
Jamal (Gamal) = camel, q.v. | 110 |
Jamíz (Jammayz) = sycamore-fig | 302 |
Jannat al-Na'ím = Garden of Delight | 19 |
Jeweller (in Eastern tales generally a rascal) | 186 |
Jihád = fighting for the faith | 39 |
Jinnis (names of) | 225 |
Joining prayers | 174 |
Kahil = whose eyes are kohl'd by nature | 346 |
Kahlá = nature-kohl'd | 232 |
Káma-Shástra (Ars Amoris Indica) | 93 |
Kamar al-Zamán (Camaralzaman = Moon of the Age) | 213 |
Kamaráni = the two moons for sun and moon | 300 |
Kámat Alfiyyah = a shape like the letter Alif | 236 |
Kánát = subterranean water-course | 141 |
Kanún (dulcimer, "zither") | 211 |
Kapoteshwara and Kapoteshi | 126 |
Kasídah = Ode, elegy | 262 |
Katúl (Al-) = the slayer | 72 |
Kausaj = man with a thin, short beard, cunning, tricksy | 246 |
Kaysúm = yellow camomile | 58 |
Kayy (Al-) = cautery, the end of medicine-cure | 59 |
Kerchief of Dismissal | 295 |
Khálidán (for Khálidát) = the Canaries | 212 |
Khán (caravanserai) and its magazines | 14 |
Khanjar = dagger, hanger (poisoned) | 90 |
Khassat-hu = she gelded him | 47 |
Khauf (Al-) maksúm = fear (cowardice) is equally apportioned | 173 |
Khayt hamayán = threads of vanity (gossamer) | 217 |
Khaznah = treasury of money (£5,000) | 278 |
Khizáb (dye used by women) | 105 |
Khunsa = flexible, flaccid (hermaphrodite) | 306 |
Kiblah = fronting-place of prayer | |
Kissing (like a pigeon feeding its young) | 275 |
Kinchin lay (Arab form of) | 102 |
Kirát (weight = 2-3 grains; length = one finger-breadth) | 239 |
Kohl (applying of = takhíl) | 57 |
-eyed = Kahlá, f. | 232 |
Koka Pandit (Hindú ars Amandi) | 93 |
Koran quoted (x. 10-12; lvi. 24-26; lxxxviii. 17-20) | 19 |
(xii. 31) | 21 |
(cxiii. 1) | 22 |
(ii. 186; lx. 1) | 39 |
(lxxvi.) | 57 |
(ii. 23) | 65 |
(xxxi. 18; lxvii. 7) | 117 |
(ii. 191) | 123 |
(xviii.; xxii. 20; lxxxvii.) | 128 |
(ii. 96, 256) | 217 |
(ii.; iii.; xxxvi.; lv.; lxvii; cxiii; cxiv.) | 222 |
(ii. 32; xviii. 48) | 223 |
(xxiii. 20; xcv. 1) | 276 |
(xxvi.) | 294 |
(xi.) | 301 |
(xxiii. 38) | 302 |
(ii.; li. 9; xxxv. 11) | 304 |
(cxii.) | 307 |
(xxiv. 39 | 319 |
(xxi.) | 323 |
(iv. 38) | 332 |
Kubkáb = bath clogs | 92 |
Kuhailat (breed of Arab horses) | 346 |
Kun = be, the creative word | 317 |
Kurds (Xenophon's and Strabo's Carduchi) | 100 |