Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night - Volume 3.djvu/388

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Alf Laylah wa Laylah.

Wives (why four, see Women) 212

—— (a man's tillage) 304

What happened, happened=fortune so willed it 68

Wine (a sun with cup-bearer for East and the drinker's mouth for West) 263

Wolf (wicked man); fox (cunning man) 132

Women (peculiar waddle) 37

—— (proposing extreme measures) 39

—— (are tinder, men fire) 59

—— (monkish horror of) 126

(Laylah, name of) 135

(true seducers) 208

(Wálidati=my mother) 208

(four wives, and why) 212

(compared to an inn) 216

(large hips and thighs) 226

(small fine foot) 227

(names of) 239; 263

(more passionate than men) 241

(head must always be kept covered) 275

(slender-waisted but full of hips, etc.) 304

(Sodomy with) 304

(all charges laid upon them) 335

Words (divided in a couplet) 166

Writing without fingers=being unable to answer for what is written 181

Yá Abú Libdah = O father of a felt calotte 62

Yá Abú Sumrah = O father of brownness 40

Yá fulán = O certain person 191

Yá Sátir, Yá Sattár = O veiler (of sins) 41

Yá Talji = O snowy one 40

Yaum al-tanádí = Resurrection Day 74

Zabbál = dung-drawer, etc. 51

Zakar (penis) = that which betokens masculinity 3

Zamiyád =: guardian angel of Bihisht, see Rizwán . . . . 20; 233

Zanab Sirhán (wolfs tail) = early dawn 146

Zarrat (vulg. Durrah) = co-wife, sister-wife 308

Zebra (daughter of Sa'adah 65

Zibl = dung 51

Zibl Khán = Le Roi Crotte 99