Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book.djvu/634

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Club Sandwiches

Arrange on slices of bread thin slices of cooked bacon; cover with slices of cold roast chicken, and cover chicken with Mayonnaise Dressing. Cover with slices of bread.

Ginger Sandwiches

Cut preserved Canton ginger in very thin slices. Prepare as other sandwiches.

Fruit Sandwiches

Remove stems and finely chop figs; add a small quantity of water, cook in double boiler until a paste is formed, then add a few drops of lemon juice. Cool mixture, and spread on thin slices of buttered bread; sprinkle with finely chopped peanuts and cover with pieces of buttered bread.

Brown Bread Sandwiches

Brown Bread to be used for sandwiches is best steamed in one-pound baking-powder boxes. Spread and cut bread as for other sandwiches. Put between layers finely chopped peanuts seasoned with salt; or grated cheese mixed with chopped English. walnut meat seasoned with salt.

Noisette Sandwiches

Use one-half recipe for Milk and Water Bread made with entire wheat flour (see p. 54), and add two tablespoons molasses and one cup English walnut meats or pecan nut oroken in small pieces. Let stand twenty-four hours, slice as thinly as possible, spread sparingly and evenly with butter, and put between slices orange marmalade. Remove crusts, cut in fancy shapes, and garnish with nut meats.

Colonial Sandwiches

Make one-half the recipe for Milk and Water Bread (see p. 54), using entire-wheat flour, and adding one and one-half tablespoons molasses, and after the first rising adding, while kneading, one-half cup, each, candied orange peel finely cut and pecan nut meats broken in pieces. Put into