+ Supplement to the ] / IV Rvinping NEWS, July 19, 1872.
Building Materials, continued :—
draught-excluder, 407; earth-closets,
351; “ Eclipse” range, the, 81; effects
of the Paris conflagration on build-
ing materials, 497; experiments on
mortar, 269; fireproof construction, 497;
flexible marble, 286; framed timbers,
471; glue, 387; granite, 62, 266,
325; gutters, 32, 64, 95, 170;
Hornblower's fireproof flooring, 193 ;
impermeable hospital walls, 281; im-
proved mortars, 495; improved system
of glazing, 236; improved wooden
pavement, 60; inventions, modern
building, 29, 62, 108, 127, 147, 169, 189,
214, 225, 232, 250, 304, 309, 331, 351, 365;
iron, 232, 434, 487; Italian fireproof
buildings, 281; James's patent sink-
traps, 489; joining rubber, 315; light-
ing and heating apparatus, 347; light-
ning conductors, 67, 150, 276; lime-
stones, 127, 147; Marezzo marble, 347;
material for London architecture, 251,
305; Morrell’s patent sanitary closet,
586; necessity and method of testing
building materials, 336; our present
knowledge of building materials, and
how to improve it, 433, 469, 487, 490,
510, 518; paper as a building material,
241; paste for paper-hangings, 205;
patent ligno mineral paving, 471; pre-
servation of stone, 109, 148; preserving
wood, 422; plumbers’ chaffer-pan, 95:
quarries for glazing, 96; Queensland
timber, 390 ; regulators for water-
closets, 351; rendering wood incom-
bustible, 450; Samel's patent standard
lock, 276 ; sandstones, 127, 147; selenitic
mortar, 269; short theory of the truss,
a, 129 ; stench traps, 347 ; stone,
strength of, 488, 518; stoves, patent,
3804; substitute for wood, 347; terra-
cotta, 214, 512; testing steel by the
microscope, 178; timber, 390, 433;
universal outside blind, 406; useful
cement, 315; vents in stone, 147; Wat-
combe terra-cotta, 512; water-waste
preventers, 347, 351 ; window fasten-
ings, 347, 407; wood pavements, 406
BUILDING News house planning competi-
tion, 8, 184, 194, 301, 316, 336, 344, 364,
385, 396, 404, 425, 436, 448, 449, 458, 468,
469, 487, 490, 500, 508, 510, 511, 522:
coEeas NeEWs and the Post Office,
Building: notion, a Yankee, 124; opera-
tives in Chicago, 268 ; practice,
American and foreign, 268 ; schools,
429; societies (see ‘“ Land and Building
Societies”); stone and how to judge it,
202, 225, 243, 284, 325, 344, 364, 365, 406;
superstitions, 367; with the aid of
modern inventions, 29, 62, 108, 127, 147,
et 189, 214, 225, 232, 250, 309, 331, 351,
Buildings : fireproof, 407; Italian fire-
proof, 281; and Management Bill,
Metropolitan, 151 ; public, 353 ; at
Victoria Park, 46
Burges, Mr., and the completion of St.
Paul's. 471
Burlingion House, Piccadilly, 247
Bury, St. Peter's Church, 90
CABINET, Prince Alfred's, 167
Caen, tlie abbey churches of, 172
Calais, harbour scheme for, 387
Camberwell: and the Metropolitan Board
2 Works, 8; Vestry Hall competition,
Cambridge, Pembroke College, 125, 203
Canals, interoceanic, 20, 24
Canon Rock's art eollections, 57
Canterbury: Cathedral pavement, 174;
School Board, 467
Capua, discovery at, 266
Carlisle Diocesan Church Extension So-
ciety, 342
Carpeted floors, 327
Carpenters and Joiners, Amalgamated
Society of, 60, 366
Carriages, 229
Cartoons, Raphael's, 407
Carved oak decorations, 124
Cashel Rock, the, 386
Castle, Warwick, 24, 27, 103, 284
Casts, preserving, 281
Cathedral clock, Wells, 24
Cathedrals; Canterbury, 174; Chichester,
266; Crimean, 44; Exeter, 45, 52, 76,
174, 247, 342; Glasgow, 468; Llandaff,
334, 404; Oxford, 151; Salisbury, 343;
St. Paul's, 124, 163, 286, 371, 401, 427,
448, 453, 469, 471, 491; Trent, 256;
Wells, 24; Worcester, 140, 403
Cattistock Church, chimes for, 450
Cau of: decay in stone, 98, 118; fires,
78, 120, 256, 274
Ceilings and cornices, 347
Cement: brick-dust, 111 ; for fastening
rubber to wood and metal, 124; from
Sewage, 362, 384, 416, 495; useful, 315
Cemeteries: Brighouse, South Lon-
don, 536; suburban, 316
Census, the, 301
Central: schools, St, Austell, 500; station
for Dublin, a, 34
Certificate of the American Institute of
Architects, 216
Cesspools of London, old, 193
Chairs, bishops’, 164
Chapels : building, 105, 117, 142, 162;
Cokethorpe, 242; St. Stephen
Chapter-house, Westminster,
Charges: district surveyors’,
professional, 476, 498
Charles’s monument, Bala, 489
Chateau de Lode, France, 256
Chaucer's tomb, 80
Chelsea : fall of houses at, 265; new
schools for, 47
Chester: Architectural and Historical
Society, 60; Diocesan Church Building
Society, 362; Diocesan Open Church
Association, 60; Wesleyan Chapel com-
petition, 402
Chicago, 448,494; Chicago building opera-
tives, 268
Chichester, discovery at, 266
Children in bricktlelds, 216
Chimes for Cattistock Church, 450
Chimney-cowls, 407
Chimney-pieces: Holmwood Villa, Glas-
gow, 236; Maison Communale, Cruy-
bere, 174
Chimneys of London, the, 112
Choice of a dwelling, the, 145
Chorley new town-hall, 139, 205, 402, 426,
469, 490
Christ Church Schools, Battersea, 68
Christian iconography, 261
Christ's Hospital, sale of, 307
Chromatic decoration for street archi-
tecture, 256
Church : architecture, modern, 296 ;
clocks for London, 46; spire blown
down, a, 24; towers, semi-detached, 512
Churches : Begbroke, 395; Birmingham,
34, 304; Blundellsands, 402; Bury (S.
Peter's), 90; Caen, 172; Dublin (St.
Augustine's), 132; Ducklington, 242 ;
Freeland, 395: Haggerston (St.
Columba’s), 52; Hull (St. John’s), 522;
Ifs, 216; Kensington, 326; King’s Nor-
ton, 342, 403; Leuchars, 20, 34, 151;
Newington, 370, 446; Normandy (Sb.
Lo), 194; Northfleet (All Saints’), 112 ;
Northleigh, 395; Sandgate, 275; Sompt-
ing, 68; Southleigh, 242; struck by
lightning, 44. 67, 403; Witney, 242;
Wood Green, Staffordshire, 120, 276
City: Architects’ Office, 256; branch ofthe
North London Railway, 200, 264; land,
value of, 268; of London and the
census, 391; of homes, the, 471
Civil Engineering :—Bridge over
the Ystwyth, 46; bridge building in
England and America, 322; Civil and
Mechanical Engineers’ Society, 32, 98,
180, 193, 200, 236, 264, 296, 512; cylin-
ders for the Albert Bridge, the, 32;
deepest well in the world, the 512;
Detroit tunnel, the, 307; difficulty of
estimating cost of drainage, 427; drain-
age of the Fens, 216; harbour scheme
for Calais, 387; hints on the employ-
ment of blasting powder, 406; Holborn
Viaduct Station, 46; Institution of
Civil Engineers, 47, 123, 193, 322,
385, 3887, 427, 515 ; inter-oceanic
canals, 20; Leicester Waterworks,
515; loads on girders, 382; London
and North Western Railway, new
works, 247; Metropolitan Extension of
the Great Eastern Railway, 236; modern
railway construction, 180; new bridge
at St. Louis, 163; North London Rail-
way, City Branch, 200, 264; Norwich
sewerage works, 188; notes on earth-
work, 249, 270, 291, 330, 352, 372, 451,
485, 505; piers and harbours, 283;
Russian maritime canal, 24; South
Dock, Isle of Dogs, 822; suspended, or
one-rail railway, 59; travelling-stage
used in the erection of the roof over
St. Pancras Station, 41; tunnel under
the Mersey, the, 282, tunnelling machi-
nery, 180
Civil Engineers, Institution of, 47, 123,
193, 322, 385, 387, 427, 515
Civil and Mechanical Engineers’ Society,
82, 98, 180, 198, 200, 236, 264, 296, 512
Clapton-park Congregational Chapel, 117
Clarifying sewage-water by lime, 83
Classes at the Architectural Association,
47, 124, 151, 205, 287, 327, 367, 375, 407,
Clean drains and improved mortars, 495
Cleaning and regilding, 109
Cleansing of rivers, the, 310
Clergy-house, St Peters’, Folkestone, 8
Clocks: church, 46, Wells Cathedral, 24
Cloisters, Westminster Abbey, 296
Closets: earth, 351; Morrell’s, 536; patent,
Closing of the Surrey Theatre, 387
Coach-building, 229
Cokethorpe Chapel, 242
Colleges: Old Aberdeen, 152; University,
47; Worthing, 286
Colouring: plans, 210;
white marble, 306
Coming of age of a firm, 415
Comments on the Conference, 529
Commissions: Benefit Building Societies,
275, 326; Sanitary, 342
Commodes, patent, 3'
Common at Plumstead, the, 306
Compensation to workmen for accidents,
COMPETITIONS : — Aberystwith
schools, 162, 183, 2 Berlin Houses
ment, 406, 422, 512;
planning com-
225, 301, 316,
veneers, 281;
of Parlis
5, 336, 2 404, 425
448, 449, 4 490, 500,
610, 511, 512 535; Camberwell
Vestry Hall, 52; Charles's monument, Bala, 489; Chester Wesleyan Chapel, 402; Chorley new town hall, 139, 205, 402, 426, 469, 490; competitions and the Architectural Conference, 479, 480, 495; competitions beginning to pay at last, INDEX OF CONTE}
TS. Competitions, continued :— 385; Crystal Palace music prizes, 535; Darlington new fever hospital, 267; Derby School Board schools, 89; Dewsbury School Board schools, 823; Huddersfield schools, 376; Leeds Exchange and News-rooms, 52; Leeds Union infirmary, 304; liberal premiums to competitors, 535; London School Board, 139, 395, 409, 414, 425, 435, 465, 507, 522; Louth new hospital and dis- pensary, 89, 100, 139; Middlesborough School Board, 164; Mirfleld endowed schools, 304; New Barnet Congrega- tional schools, 236; new church at Blundellsands, 402; new method of ap- pointing school board architects, 143; new Presbyterian Church, Liverpool, 275: new way of getting up a competi- tion, 78, 99; Newington mission church, 370, 446; Newington parish church, 870; Penzance public buildings, 236; perspective views in architectural com- pensions, 262, 285; Portsmouth School ‘oard, 139; proposed model dwellings at Sunderland, 34; public baths, Hanley, 120; regulations adopted by the Archi- tectural Conference for the conduct of competitions, 480, 495; Rochester schools, 522; Ross Union Workhouse, 304, 402; Royal Agricultural Society's competition, 405; Salford Library and Reading Rooms, 423, 446; Scarborough schools, 423, 436, 522; Sevenoaks cottage hospital, 489; sewerage scheme for Liverpool, 20; snow-melting apparatus, 75; Southport Town-hall and markets, 20, 34; Spalding Mechanics’ Institute, 489; Strasburg, reconstruction of the Temple Neuf, 236; St. Austell School Board schools, 402; St. Helen’s town- hall, 241; St. Martin’s Church, Bir- mingham, 34, 304; St. Paul's Church, Sandgate, 275; Sunderland workmen’s dwellings, 139; Surrey Chapel, 236; synagogue for Liverpool, 20; Tiverton Land and Building Company, 304, 405; Victoria Hall, Exeter, 535; Welsh Pres- byterian Church, Liverpool, 78, 99; Western Counties Idiot Asylum, 225, 245; Whittlesey workhouse, 52; Wood- green Church, near Wednesbury, 120; Worcester Guildhall, 75; Worcester School Board schools, 78, 101, 120, 121, 122, 142; Worksop schools, 402 Completion of: Moulsford Asylum, 24; St. Paul's Cathedral, 124, 163, 286, 371, 401, 427, 448, 453, 469, 471, 491 Composition ornaments, 109 Concrete, 108, 140, 144, 162, 247, 296, 322, 493, 519 Condemnation of a great French hospital, 80, 268 Conditions of builders’ contracts, 182 Conductors, lightning, 67, 150, 276 Conference of Architects: 1871, 18, 256, 262; 1872, 256, 291, 465, 467, 473, 495, 505, 515, 529 Conflagrations in Paris, the, 497 Congregational: chapel, Clapton-park, 117; Memorial Hall, 34; schools, New Barnet, 236 Conservancy of the Lea 185; conservancy of rivers, 185, 230, 365, 386 Conservative Land Society, 306 Constant water-supply, 227, 246, 410 Construction: of the Albert Hall, 74; of fireproof buildings, 407, 497; of rail- ways, modern, 180; Roman, 168 Contemporary chapel-building, 105, 117, 142, 162 Contracts, builders’, 182, 466 Conventual buildings of Westminster Abbey, 443 Ra Acai; Institute of Architects, 531 Copper gas-pipes, 267 Cornices and ceilings, 347 Correspondence :— ABERYSTWITH School Board, 162, 183, 203; Ancient oak furniture, 184 ; Archi- tects and the Royal Agricultural Society of England, 4( Architectural Con- ference, the, 183; Art v. Science, 45, 58, 77; Artificial stone, 345; Asphalte, its use for roadways and other purposes, 122, 183; Assistants and office-manage- ment, 424 BERLIN competition, the, 122, 142; Bicentrolinead, the, 345; Builders’ book-keeping, 184, 267; Builders’ co- operation, 101; Building with the aid of modern inventions, 225; Building stone and how to judge it, 202, 225, 243, 284, 825, 344, 364, 365 CAPTAIN SEDDON’S paper on testing materials, 469, 490, 510; Chorley Town- hall competition, 426, 469, 490 ; Chicago, 448; Closets, 365; Competitions, 405, 448, 510, 534; Competitions beginning to pay at last, 385; Completion of St. Paul's Cathedral, 448, 469; Concrete and beton-work, 45, 77, 100, 140, 162; Congregational chapel-building, 142, 162 “DECENCY " and the Victoria Em- bankment, 325; Devonshire marble, 305; Dilapidations, lay, 44; Dr. Hay- ward's model house. . B05; Drain-pipes, taps, &c., 45, 59, 78, 100; Dublin Exhibition, the, 511, 534 ECCLESIASTICAL Dilapidations Act (1871), 449; Economising the sewage, 9 ; Exeter Cathedral, 45, 52 Fergusson, Mr., and Gothic, 45; Few thoughts on art critics, a, 511; Fixed wash-stands, 365; Foundations for
January to June, 1872.
———_ ————qx—oeum:
Correspondence, continued :—
buildings, 58, 77, 122, 123, 141; Furni-
ture in the International Exhibition,
469, 490
GALLERIED churches, 142; Gains-
borough Corn Exchange, 245; General
Scott and the sewage problem, 384;
Granite in architecture, 266, 325; Great
Italian architects, 101, 121, 142
Hor water-pipes and fires, 45, 77, 100,
122; House at Bexley Heath, 244;
House at Shortlands, Kent, 448 ; House-
drainage and the ventilation of drains
and soil-pipes, 22, 23, 44, 59, 78, 100, 424,
448, 469, 490; House-planning, 184, 225,
244, 325, 344, 364, 385, 404, 425, 449, 468,
469, 490, 508, 511, 535; Housetop Gar-
dens, 266; How architects are treated in.
the West, 225, 245, 405
ILLEGIBLE lettering, 469, 490; Im-
proved chiming apparatus, 344; Initialed
correspondence, 122; International
Exhibition, the, 469, 490 ,
LIBERAL premiums to competitors.
535; Llandaff Cathedral, 384, 404;
London police-courts and stations, 244,
285, 305; London School Board com-
petition, 425; Louth new hospital and
dispensary competition, 100
MATERIAL and style for Londoa
architecture, 305; Modern Scottish
ecclesiastical architecture, 533; Mortar
and concrete, 45, 58, 77, 100, 140, 162;
Mr. Sharpe on the Holy Sepulchre, 78
NEw Law Courts, 22, 58, 59, 99, 140,
161; New Masonic Hall competition,
Liverpool, 142; New way of getting up
& competition, 78, 99; Nova-Scotian
style of architecture, the, 343; Novel
advertisement, a, 385
PEMBROKE College, Cambridge, 203;
Perspective, 285; Picturesque house-
planning, 404; Plagiarism, 468, 469, 490,
508, 511, 535; Plumbing, 78, 100, 101,
122, 141, 162, 184, 203, 225, 244, 266, 284,
424, 448, 469, 490; Popular art-criticism,
424; Pressure of gas in drains, sewers,
and soil-pipes, 45, 59,78; Prices in the
North and in the West, 426; Profes-
sional charges, 426
architects and operative masons, 535
RESTORATION of Llandaff Cathedral,
404; Roman exploration fund, 266;
Royal Institute of British Architects,
SANITARY, 23; Sanitary Engineering,
345, 365; School-planning, 534, 535;
Selection of building stone, 202, 2265,
243, 284, 325, 344, 364, 365; Separate
sewage system, the, 45; Sewer ventila-
tion, 44, 59, 78, 100, 162; Short-time
movement in the building-trade, 405;
Sir Christopher Wren and Free-
masonry, 163; Sketches of old work,,
101; Street improvements in London,
163; St. Alban's Abbey, 509; Sugges-
tions on the wages question, 384, 405 ;
Suspended or one-rail railway, 59
TAKING-OUT quantities in Scotland,
510; Tintern Abbey, 405; “To Archi-
tects of the Gothic school,” 510
UNPROFESSIONAL conduct, 141; use-
ful instrument, a, 345
Visit of the Architectural Associa-
tion to Croydon, 325
WARMING and ventilation, 243, 285;
Welsh Presbyterian Church, Liverpool,
78, 99; Western Counties Idiot Asylum
competition, 225, 245 ; Westminster
Abbey, 534; Wooden water mains, 490;
Worcester School Board schools _com-
petition, 78, 101, 121, 122, 142; Work
for leisure hours, 122
Cost of: drainage, 427; public buildings,
Cottage Hospital, Sevenoaks, 489
Courts of Law, the new, 22, 25, 34, 57, 58,
59, 90, 99, 140, 161, 261
Covered market, Preston, 327
Cowls for chimneys, 407
Cragside, 376, 404
Crimean cathedral, remains of a, 44
Critical notes on great Italian architects,
8, 39, 73, 84, 101, 110, 121, 137, 142, 146,
179, 341, 350, 374, 421, 454, 517
Criticism: architectural, 530; damnatory,
1, 45
Critics, architectural, 478
Crossing-sweepers, Ruskin’s, 7, 491
Croydon School of Art, 422.
Crystal Palace music competition, 535
Cubitt’s works, Messrs., 495 any
Cumberland, pre-historic remains in, 22
Cushions, new stuffing for, 327
Cutting large timber, 303 _
Cylinders for the Albert Bridge, 32
DA MAJANO, Benedetto, 374
Da Ponte, Antonio, 517
Damnatory art criticism, 1, 45
Damp houses, 33
Danes Inn, 24
Dangerous structures, 267
Darlington new fever hospital, 267
Dead art, 34
Deal, improvements at, 46
Deaths (see * Obituary”)
Decay in stone, 98, 109, 118
Decline of art, the, 132
Decoration (see “ Furniture and Decora-
Decorations: carved oak, 124; portable,
174, 435
Decorative: art, 390; processes, 6, 31, 49,
86, 109, 128, 149, 171, 190, 213, 231, 251,
271, 311
Deepest well in the world, the, 512