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UILDING NEWS, Vou. XXIL January to June, 1872. INDEX OF CONTENTS. [penn Supplement to the ING NEWS, July 19, 1872, | ¥,

Defacement of walls, 268 Deliberations, secret, 531 Demons of art and literature, 282 Derby schools competition, 89 Design, proximate principles of, 126, 210, 269, 412 Designs: for church at Newington, 370; for mansion, 316, 836; for the Natural] History Museum, 164; for windows, 412 Destruction of: a church by lightning, 44; martello towers, 306 Detroit tunnel, 307 Dewsbury School Board competition, 323 Diana, temple of, 159, 475 Diaper bricks, 127 mameulty of estimating cost of drainage, . 7 Dinner, the Conference, 495 Directions: to architects, 106; to builders, 49, 106 Dirt and wealth, 314 Discoveries at: Capua, 266; Chichester, 266; Reading, 423; St. Alban’s Abbey, 144, 242; Westminster Abbey, 404 Discovery of: ancient coins at Leith, 75; Roman remains at Murston, 75 Disfignring the Thames Embankment, 247 ‘ Dispensary at Louth, new, 89, 100, 139 Disposal of sewage, the, 20, 45 Distriet surveyor's charges, 314, 470 Docks at the Isle of Dogs, new, 322 Domestic stained glasswork, 96, 119, 131 Donato Lazzaro d’ Urbino, 84 Doorways, 290 Dowgate-hill, warehouses at, 194 Drainage: cost of, 427; of the Fens, 216 Drains, clean, 495 Draught-excluder, 407 Drawings: by M. Duban, 143; at the Institute, prize, 179; at the Royal Academy, 354, 381, 401 Driffield School Board, 436 Drill-hall, Edinburgh, new, 436, 458 Drinking fountains, 535 Duban’s drawings, M., 143 Dublin: Exhibition, 1872, 486, 511, 534; grand central station for, 34; School of Art, 89; St. Augustine's Church, 132 Ducklington Church, 242 Durability of framed timbers, 471 Duty upon houses, the, 307 Dwelling, choice of a, 125 Dwelling-houses and sanitary improve- ments, 24, 117 Dwellings: sites for healthy, 247; for the Jabouring poor, the Peabody, 124; for the workiog-classes, 52, 66, 138, 226, 268, 281, 289, 306, 307, 327, 346 EARLY architects of the Renaissance period, 73 $ Earth closets, 351 Earthwork, notes on, 249, 270, 291, 330, 352, 372, 451, 485, 505 East London Museum, 143, 287, 367, 536 Eastbury Manor-house, Barking, 293 Hecclepientical architecture, Scottish, 478, 533, “Eclipse” range, the, 81 Economy of Roman construction, 168 Edinburgh: Architectural Association, 76, 287; new drill-hall, 436, 458; School of Art, 75 Egyptian and Assyrian antiquities, 476 Elastic varnish for leather, 315 Electricity for lamp-lighting, 264 Elements of plane and solid geometry, 181 Eltham: Palace roofs, 42, 88; tower for sewer ventilation at, 124 Embankment, the Thames, 79, 246, 247, 325, 366, 386, 536 Employment of: blasting powder, 406; children in brickflelds, 216; surveyors, 256, 291, 498 Endowed Schools, Mirfield, 304 English: architecture forty years ago, 187; architecture, modern, 315, 333, 354, 369, 387, 406, 424, 432, 535; bridge- building, 322; church in Rome, pro- posed, 416 ; and German architects, 512; pictures at the Exhibition, 372 Engineers, Society of Amalgamated, 24 Engraving on wood, 267 Enlargement of Victoria Park, 205 Ephesus, temple of Diana at, 159, 475 Equity and Law Assurance Offices, 487 Era of school-building, the, 429 3 Estimate of English architecture, a foreign, 406 Estimating cost of drainage, 427 Eton and Windsor Art Classes, 327 Examination, Voluntary Architectural, 151, 158, 216, 294, 474 Exchange and News-rooms, Leeds, 52 Excluding draughts, 407 Exeter Cathedral, 45, 52, 76, 174, 247, 342 Exhibitions : Drawings by M. Duban, 143 ; Dublin, 486, 511, 534; Fine art, Ply- mouth, 341; International, 80, 164, 329, 347, 349, 361, 372, 375, 430, 451, 469, 490; Jewellery at South Kensington, 493 ; ‘ Royai Academy, 267, 354, 381, 393, 401, 431; Workmen’s International, 24; Works of Art in Black and White, 516 eee in ventilating and warming, Experimental gasworks, 407 Experiments on mortar, 269 eae of Palestine, 235; of Rome, Extension of: asphalte roadways, 143; Great Eastern Railway, 236; tramways, 124, 164 Extinguishing fires, 321 FACTORIES, ventilation of, 263 Failure of hammer-beam roofs at Eltham Palace, 42 Fall of Houses at Chelsea, 268 Family of San Gallo, the, 421 Famine, iron, 406 Farringdon Market, 314 Fastening rubber to wood or metal, 124 Fastenings for windows, 347, 407 Fees, district surveyors’, 315, 470 Female School of Art, 47 Females, art industries for, 132 Fens, drainage of the, 216 Fever hospital, Darlington, 267 Filippo Brunelleschi, 3 Final closing of the Surrey Theatre, 387 Fine Arts, the:—lnglish pictures at the Exhibition, 372; Exhibition of Works of Art in Black and White, 516 ; Fine Art Exhibition at Plymouth, 341 ; Fine Art at the International Exhibi- tion, 329, 361,372; Fine Arts at Liver- pool, the, 80; frescoes, our, 125; Hol- bein and his time, 28 ; how art declines, 132; Michael Angelo and Rubens, 453 ; physical geography and the fine arts, 342; pictures at the Royal Academy, 393, 431; preserving plaster-casts, 281 ; Raphael's cartoons, 407; Royal Aca- demy, the, 80, 267, 364, 381, 393, 401, 431; Sheepshanks collection of pic- tures, the, 386; Society for the Encou- ragement of the Fine Arts, 46, 57, 80, 97, 1382, 164, 267, 342, 396, 434, 500; Turner and Gillott, 286; Turner and his teachings, 394; Turner's “ Liber Studiorum,” 302, 394; works of Turner and Mulready, 407 Fine green bronze, 315 Fire: brigade, London, 97; extinguisher, novel, 321; protection of London from, 227, 255 Fireproof : buildings, 407 ; buildings ; Italian, 281 ; construction, 497; flooring 193, 250 Fires: investigation of, 120; origin of, 78, 120, 256, 274 Firm coming of age, a, 415 Fishers’ Gateway, Sandwich, 132 Fitting-up schools, 160 Fittings for baths, 347 Flexible marble, 286 Flooring, fireproof, 193, 250 Floors, carpeted, 327 Flushing sewers, 60 Folkestone elergy-house and schools, 8 Foreign: building practice, 265; esti- mate of English architecture, 406 Foresters’ Hall, the, 47 Fortifications, prehistoric, 7 Forty years ago, 187 Foul-air purifier, 316 Fountains: Bryant and May Testimonial, 458; drinking, 535 Fra Giocondo, 34! Framed timbers, durability of, 471 Freeing the Thames bridges, 536 Freeland Church, 395 Freemasons and the completion of St. Paul's, 124, 163 French architecture, modern, 456, 520 Frescoes, our, 125 Frozen ground, excavating, 264 Fumigation after smallpox, 144 Hd for the exploration of Palestine, 5 Furnitureand Decoration:—Ahout oils, 188; Binding a brush, 138, 407; Black-brown varnish for metallic bodies, 185; Bleaching oil, 138; Bronze, 282; Bronze paint for iron, 138; Bronz- ing, 139; Carpeted floors, 327 ; Carved oak decorations, 124; Chromatic de- coration for street architecture, 256; Cleaning and regilding, 109; Colouring veneers, 281; Composition ornaments, 109; Decoration of St. Paul's, the, 453; Decorative art, 390; Decorative pro- cesses, 6, 31, 49, 86, 109, 128, 149, 171, 190, 213, 281, 251, 271, 311; Elastic varnish for leather, 315; Fine green bronze, 315; Frescoes, our, 125; Furni- ture at the International Exhibition, 430, 469, 490; Gilding, 6, 31, 49, 86, 109, 139; Graining, 128, 149,171, 190, 213, 231, 251, 271, 311; Hints on painting and varnishing, 138; Imparting a yellow tinge to white marble, 306; Improving gilding, 315; Indian art, 434; Inlaying, 128, 149. 171, 190, 213, 231, 251, 271, 311; Japanese art; 221, 233; Jasper and bloodstone, 315; Keeping varnish, 138, 407; Liquid blacklead polish, 315; Letter- ing on glass, 138; Marblework at Gold- smith’s Hall, 194; marbling, 128, 138, 251; Marezzo marble, 347 ; Mexicanart, 97; Mohammedan art, 396; Oriental art, 90; Painted metallic hangings for mural decoration, 174, 435; Paste for paper- hangings, 205; Plastered ceilngs and cornices, 347; Poisonous paperhangings, 316; Preventing vermilion from fading, 139; Removing old paint, 282; Re-paint - ing of the Quadrant, Regent-street, 247 ; Re-varnishing, 407; Scrolls, 138; Stain- ing, 128, 189, 149, 171, 190, 213, 231, 251, 271, 311; Stuffing for cushions, new, 327; Substitute for wood, 347; Transpa- Tent painting on muslin window shades, 35 Future art action, 432 GAIN by restoration, 276 Gas: purification, 471; supply of Leeds, 327; supply of London, 80, 194, 246; pipes, copper, 267; and water mains and lightning, 67, 150; works, experi- mental, 407 Gateway, Sandwich, 132 Garden-building, 209 Gardens: Kew, 296: Parisian, 247; and parks, royal, 19, 120, 143, 185, 205, 209, 296, 326, 386 General Conference of Architects: 1871, 18; 1872, 465, 467, 473, 495, 505, 515, 529 General Scott’s sewage process, 362, 384, 416, 495 Geography and the fine arts, 342 Geometry, plane and solid, 181 German and English architects, 512 Gift to the nation, a, 132 Gilding, 6, 31, 49, 86, 139, 315 Giocondo, Fra, 341 Girders, loads on, 382 Giuliano da Majano, 874 Giulio Romano, 146 Cikastone, Mr., and the Quarterly Review, Glasgow: Cathedral, 468; gossip from, 46, 60, 150, 455; skating pond for, 46; street architecture, 436 Glass, lettering on, 138 Glazing, improved system of, 236 Glue, 387 Goldsmiths’ Hall, marblework at, 194 Good way of raising wages, 268 Gossip from Glasgow, 46, 60, 150, 455 Gothic: a plea for, 252; revival, the, 17; the survival of, 62 Government: architect, United States, 427; municipal, 346, 450 Gradienter surveying, 255 Graining, 128, 149, 171, 190, 213, 231, 251, 271, 311 Grand central station for Dublin, 34 Granite, 62; granite and asphalte paving, 247 Great: Eastern Railway, 236; French hospital condemned, a, 80, 268; Italian architects, 3, 39, 73, 84, 101, 110, 121, 137, 142, 146, 179, 341, 350, 374, 421, 454, 517; Yarmouth, school buildings at, 192 Green bronze, 315 Grosvenor mansions, sale of the, 103 Ground, frozen, 264 Guildhall restoration, Worcester, 75 Gutters and roofs, 32, 64, 95, 170, 199, 272, 312, 351, 391 HAGGERSTON, St. Columba’s, 52 Hall for the Foresters, 47 Hemniier peau failures, Eltham Palace, 42, 88 Hampshire Archeological Institute, 446 Hangings, metallic, 174, 435 Hanley public baths, 120 Harbour scheme for Calais, 387 Harbours, 282 Hayward’s model house, Dr., 191, 243, 285, 305 Health: the public, 120, 164, 246, 386, 470, BBs 536; of the Whitechapel district, 41 Healthiest sites for dwellings, 247 Heating and lighting apparatus, 347 Heckmondwike School Board, 436, 489 Hereford pastoral staff, 80 Highfield Grove, Stafford, 8 Hinge, Adams's spring, 143 Hints: on the employment of blasting- powder, 406; on house-building, 159; on painting and varnishing, 138 History: of the Gothic revival, 17; of Leathersellers’ Hall, 446 Hobbs, Hart, & Co, 415 Holbein and his time, 28 Holborn Viaduct Station, 46 Holmwood Villa, Glasgow, chimney-pieces at, 236 Homes, the city of, 471 Hoods for chimneys, 407 Hornblower's fireproof flooring, 193 Hospital walls, 281 Hospitals: Darlington fever, 267; Louth, $9, 100, 139 Hotel de Ville for the metropolis, 227 Hotel Dieu, Paris, condemned, the, 80, 268 House of Commons and the New Law Courts, 261 House-planning competition, BUILDING NEWS, 8, 184, 194, 301, 316, 336, 344, 364, 385, 896, 404, 425, 436, 448, 449, 458, 468, 469, 487, 490, 500, 508, 510, 511, 522 Houses of Parliament: accident at, 80; Berlin, 8, 122, 142, 406, 422, 612; light on the, 246, 471 Houses: adaptation of for the poorer classes, 281; Bexley, 216, 244; Boston, U.S., 236 ; building, 159; damp, 33; duty on, 307; falling of, 268; Lincoln, the Jews’, 276; model, 281 How: art declines, 132; to build scientifi- cally with the aid of modern inven- tions, 29, 62, 108, 127, 147, 169, 189, 214, 225, 232, 250, 309, 331, 351, 365; to fasten rubber to wood and metal, 124; to im- prove our knowledge of materials, 433, 469, 487, 490, 518; to judge building stone, 202, 225, 243, 284, 325, 344, 364, 565, 406; small pox is spread, 536 Huddersfield Schools Competition, 867 Hull, St. John’s Church, 522 Hyde Park, 223, 326 ICONOGRAPHY, Christian, 261 Ifs, church at, 216 Imitating marble, 128, 138 Imparting a yellow tinge to white marble, 306 Impermeable hospital walls, 281 Improved: Industrial Dwellings Com- pany, 138; mortars, 495; system of glaz- ing, 236; wooden pavement, 60 Improvement: of labourer’s dwellings in Ireland, 226; in St. Paul's Churchyard, 247 Improvements: Danes Inn, 24; Deal, 46; in dwelling-houses, sanitary, 24,

117; metropolitan, 90, 103, 119, 163, 204, 247, 306 Improving: gilding, 315; workmen's dwellings off the face of the earth, 289 Inclosures, 512 Incombustible wood, 450 Incorporated Society for Promoting the Enlargement, Building, and Repairing of Churches and Chapels, 60, 164, 245; 323, 423, 508 Tnereaking. scarcity of American timber, 06 India Office and Museum, the, 500 Indian: art, 434; Public Works Depart- ment, 193 Industries, art, 132 Infected bank-notes, 307 Infirmary, Leeds union, 304 Influence of: gas and water mains in determining the direction of a dis- charge of lightning, 67; our public gardens, 19 5 Inigo Jones, 444 Inlaying, 128, 149, 171, 190, 213, 231, 253, 271, 311 Institute of British Architects, 18, 41, 74, 151, 158, 179, 181, 182, 193, 216, 235, 247, 256, 293, 336, 376, 405, 433, 436, 465, 467, 473, 487, 495, 505, 515, 518, 529, 531 Institutions: Civil Eusineers, 47, 123, 193, 322. 385, 887, 427; Surveyors’, 47, 80, 111, 206, 327, 458 Interception of London sewage from the Thames, 236 Intercomm unication :— ALBERT DURER’S engravings, 470; American chimney moving, 346, 3866; ancient lights, 366; ants, red, 23, 46, 203, 226; arch, brick, 23, 46; archi- tects, photographs of, 245; archi- tects’ book-keeping, 385; ‘‘ Architectu- ral Dictionary,” the, 511; Architectural Examination, Voluntary, 405, 426; An- chitectural Parallels,” Sharpe's, 385; Architectural Publication Society, 511; architraves, oak, 326, 346; area of sewez, 345, 366; area of triangle, 305, 326; ar- morial bearings, 46; assistants’ insti- tute, an, 59 BASALT, 226, 285; basin, water-closet, 123; Bath stone, 101; bay windows, 46, 60 ; beam, strength of, 345 ; beams, bolted, 46; beams and hip-boards, 101; beams, trussed, 101, 163 ; bearings, armorial, 46; belfry, Ifs, Normandy, 245, 267; best form of urinal, 23; best scantlings, 385 ; black mortar, 385 ; blinds, sun, 163, 184; bolted beams, 465; book-keeping, architects’, 385 ; book on weights of wrought and cast iron, 184, 267; brick arch, 23, 46; brick-burning kiln, 426, 449; bricks, colouring, 426; bricks, old, 470; bricks, substitute for glazed, 385, 406; bronzing, 184, 203; builders’ profit, 46, 60, 102, 1238, 142); building, best time for, 46, 79; building with concrete, 535; building construc- tion, 267; building land, 142; building with paper, 285; buildings, contents of, 385, 405 ; burners for gas, 123; burning bricks, 426, 449; burning sheet lead in cisterns for chemical purposes, 123 CALCULATOR, wages, 184; calculating gas and water-supply, 385; calculating size of storage tank, 285, 306; calico for tracing, 303 ; Canterbury Cathedral, 886; capitals, Italian Renaissance, 426; cast iron, weight of, 184, 267; cause of Crystal Palace fire, 23, 45, 77, 100; cement, colouring, 511, 635; cement, mastic, 123, 143 ; cesspools, 59, 79 ; chancel wall, 491; charcoal as a deo- doriser, 59, 79; cheapest scantlings, 3855 chest for tools, 449; chimney-moving in America, 346, 366; chimneys, 142; church query, a, 491; church spires, Swiss, 184 ; church varnish, 470 ; churches, heating, 226 ; churches of Liverpool, the, 449; circular pews, 142, 163; cistern, contents of, 385, 406 ; cisterns for chemical purposes, 123; claim for estimates, 123 ; clerk of works’ railway fare, 142, 163 ; closets, earth and water, 79, 102, 123; coloured drawings, 163; colouring bricks, 426; colouring Portland cement, 611, 5;

colouring stucco, 366; com- mission on works not executed, 123, 143 ; competition, 285 ; competition drawings, 470; concrete, 305, 535; con- ductors, lightning, 163 ; contents of buildings, 385, 405; contents of cistern, 385, 406; construction, building, 267; construction of reservoirs, 163, 226, 267, 305, 326 ; copper, etching on, 245; cost, prime, 426; cost of town surveys, 267; Courts of Law, the new, 163; covering for spires, 184; Orystal Palace fire, 23, 45, 77, 100, 122; cubical contents of buildings, 385, 405; cutting terra-cotta, 79 DAMP walls, 245, 267; deal flooring, 101; deal stands ; decayed paint-

work, 405; decoration, house, 305; deeds, plans on, 345; definition of floor ing, 79, 102; deodorising by charcoal, 59, 79; design for mansion, 405; de- stroying mites, 163; destroying red ants, 23, 46; dictionary, architectural, 511; dilapidations, lay, 23, 44, 46, 101, 345, 366; Durer's engravings, 470; drains, ventilating, 59, 79; drainage of towns, 405; drawings, coloured, 163; drawings, competition, 470; drawings, ink for, 491; drawings working, 101 EARTH closets v. water-closets, 79, 102, 123; elevations, lines, and levels, 426; elm in joinery, 426, 470; Emerson's