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Marcu 8, 1872. THE BUILDING NEWS. 207 ot HeRtrorpsnire. —For additions and alterations to Watford Union Workhouse, Hertfordshire. Mr, Arthur Allom, architect. Quantities by Mr. Bagg:— AEN... eeeeeeseeeeee seseneeenes Pe £10600

Wright Brothers & Goodchil 9375 Sharpington & Cole.. 9220 Bentley.. 9175 Jarrett. 9060 Coles 8570 Brown. $500 Saul.... 8488 Blackmore 8292 Holland). s...-can.- 8100 G. & J. Watermai 7948 Ohad Wick <2... s...cces *6838 + Brror of £1,000; withdrawn. KENtEY.—F or the erection of curate’s house at Kenley. Mr, R. Martin, architect :

Taylor & Son, . £996 10 3 Simons ... 887 0 0

  • Jarrett... 864 0 0
  • Smethurst 835 0 0

Scrivener 785 0 0

  • Saker 775 0 0

Ward ... 748 0 0 Note.—To those marked thus *, quantities were supplied by Mr. F. Sparrow. Lonpon.—For reinstating the ‘‘Crown’’ public-house, Hatton-garden. Mr. Banister Fletcher, architect :—

Fairhall & Week .. £462 0 0 HTD HSLd) eecascesnsss= 45119 0 Bridgman & Nuthall . 383 0 0

Lonvon.—For building vicarage-house for S. Michael's, Chester-square, S.W. Mr. R. J. Withers, architect. Quantities by Mr. Poland :—

Rider & So. . £3120 Brass .. - 2965 Higgs.. . 2958 Sharpington & Cole ny ere Perry & Co., . 2750 Henshaw & 2740 ‘Adamson & Sons (accep 2667 LONDON.—For the erection of a warehouse in Curtain- road, Shoreditch, for Messrs. S. Moss & Sons. Mr. Lewis H. Isaacs, architect. Quantities supplied by Mr. L. C. Riddett:— Patman & Fotheringham Chessum .... King & Son. Elkington.... Killby (accepted) : seoe & 1260

» 1150 MAtvern.—For the erection of a villa at West Malvern. Mr. Banister Fletcher, architect -— If Cradley stone quoins and dressings in lieu of red bricks

Bridgman & Nuthall...... £1435 £1485 Porter!) <-n-..-00. + 1080 1131 Wood & Sons . - 1022 1097

MALVERN.—For the erection of villa, No. 2. Mr. Banister Fletcher, architect :— Wood & Sons .. . £513 13 0

~ MARLBOROUGH.—For new residence at Marlborough, Wilts, for Mr. Thompson. Mr. §. Overton, architect :—

Pope . £1835 Robert: 959 Hoskings . 875 Nightingale . 855 Dyer .. 840

(a THE CHEAPEST, BEST, AND MOST WIDELY-CIRCULATED SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL IN THE UNITED KINGDOM IS THE “+ ENGLISH MECHANIC AND WORLD OF SCIENCE.” Price 2d. weekly. No. 363, published March 8, contains, Schellen’s Spectrum Analysis; A New Star Atlas ; Professor Goodeve on Applied Mechanics ; Boiler Explosions in 1871; Cheap Observatory Olock; A Steam Tramway Car; Common Sense ; Calefaction ; Motive Power for Amateurs; How to Make Lantern Slides; Sodium as an Explosive Agent; The Weather-Waste of Coal; Microscopical Notes ; Military Examinations; The Celestial Cycle—Astronomy Generally—And Lunar Rotation; Cleaning Lenses—The Barlow Lens—and the Dyer Telescope ; Terrestrial Gravi- tation ; Rotation of the Moon; Parallax; Ferguson's Cen- trifugal Theory of the Tides; Flight and Leyitation; Pianoforte Construction; Piano Alliance; Linseed a Cure for Consumption; Floating of Fish; Shoeing Hor Scientific Education in England and India; Colliery Exp sions and their Prevention; The Metric System ; Jamaic. Ventilating Fireplaces; Iodine; Meteors, Comets, &c.; Beehives; Ratinga Clock; The Organ Built.—VI.; Another Combined Tool; Lightning Conductors; Chess; Earth- quake Waves ; Power of High Pressure Vertical Engine, &e.; Stellar and Astronomical Names; Electrical and Chemical; Confectionery, Sugar Boiling, &e.—IV.; Con- necting Links in the Natural History of Creation; Atomicities—To Mr. Bottone and “Sigma”; Flow of Water—Boiler Systems; Organ Feeders; Gassendi; with twenty-four columns of Queries and Replies of various matters of universal interest, Price 2d., post free 23d. Published at the office of the BurLDING Nuws, 31, Tavi- stock-street, Covent-garden, W.C. — COMPETITIONS OPEN. HUDDERSFIELD, April 1.—For designs for a public elementary school for 500 children. First premium, £50; second, £25.—O. G. Abbott, Clerk to the School Board, 27, Estate-buildings, Huddersfield. AGRICULTURAL Hatt, March 11.—For the best plan or model of a portable wooden floor. First pre- mium, £10; second, £5.—Secretary, Barford-street, Islington. CHESTERFIELD, March 13,—For plans and estimates for two schoolhouses to be erected in Chestertield— one in S. Helen’s-street, to accommodate 250 children, and one in Hipper-street, for about 300 children.— Offices of the School Board, High-street, Chesterfield. Dewsspury. March 25.—For designs for three groups of scliools to be erectel in Dewsbury. Two of the schools to afford accommodation for 750 scholars each, and one to accommodate 425. Premiums of £25

will be paid for each of the designs selected for the larger schools, and £15 for the design selected for the smaller building.—Mr. Waddington, Clerk to the School Board, Borough Offices, Dewsbury. Loneton, March 11.—Premiums of £25 and £10 are offered for the first and second plans for arranging and laying out the streets upon the land comprising the Spring Gardens,—Mr, E. Palmer, 11, Commerce-street, Longton. ge CONTRACTS OPEN FOR BUILDING ESTIMATES. DurRHAM, March 23.—Ior keeping and repairing the roadways of the county bridge, for a term of three or six years.—Mr. William Crozier, M.I.C,E., the County Bridge Suryeyor, Assize Courts, Durham. Epeware HicHway Boarp, March 11.—For masons’ and payiours’ work, in the parish of Willesden. —wW. A. Tootell, Clerk, Edgware. Essex, March 18.—For alterations at the Vicarage House, Canewdon, near Rochford, Essex.—George Wood & Son, Solicitors, Rochford, Essex. ANCHOLME DRAINAGE AND NAVIGATION, March 27.—For the construction and erection of a wrought- iron bridge across the River Ancholme.—John Hett, Thomas Freer, Clerks to the Commissioners, Brigg. ARDWICK AND ANCOATS DISPENSARY, March 14.— For the new building, in Mill-street, Ancoats.—Daniel Lewis, Architect. Srock BripGE, March 20.—For theerection of a wool-combing shed, warehouse, engine and boiler houses, engine chimney, stabling, gatehouse, &c., Stock Bridge, near Keighley.—Sugden & Smith, Archi- tects, Cook-lane, Keighley. Grimssy, March 15.,—¥For extending about 11} chains of streets in the East Marsh.—Mr. William Grange, Town Clerk. LeEps, March 18.—For the erection of S. Silas’s National Schools, Goodman-street, Hunslet.—George Cobson, Architect, 5, South Parade, Leeds. SrockrortT BorRovuGH GAsworKs, March 13.— For the erection and completion of Three Stores, for Cannel, at their Heaton-lane Works.—James Jacques, Engineer, Gasworks, Millgate. CHoritTon Union, March 15,—For the erection of a Hospital for Infectious Diseases, at the Workhouse, Withington.—William N. Edgill, Clerk to the Guar- dians, Union Offices, Grosvenor-square, Manchester. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, Mar®& 14.—For the con- struction of the first section of a railway from Scots- wood to Newburn.—Messrs. Harrison & Laws, Cen- tral-buildings, Neweastle-on-Tyne, BinGLEY, March 11.—For the following works in connection with the gas premises of the Bingley Im- provement Commissioners :—1. The masons’ work of a new retort house (including chimney), coal shed, workshops, and offices ; also a wall alongside a portion of the River Aire. 2. A wrought-iron roof and wrought-iron doors for the retort house. 3. The slaters’ work for the retort house, workshops, and offices. 4. The joiners’ and carpenters’ work for the workshops and offices. 5. The plasterers’ work for the offices.—Mr. Henry Jackman, Gas Office of the Com- missioners, Bingley. CHESTER, March 25.—For the supply of stones (broken and unbroken), cinders, and socket pipes.— Mr. Linaker, Clerk to the Highway District, Frod- sham, Preston Brook. AYLSHAM, March 23.—For the erection of a new tank and gas-holder.—M. W. H. Scots, Secretary of Gas Works, Aylsham, Norfolk. CuLtompron, March 18.—For the erection of schools, teachers’ residence, &c.—Mr. W. H. Stafford, architect, Cullompton. SHIREHAMPTON, March 15.—For the erection of a temperance hall, &e.—Mr. W. Perry, Pen Pole, Shire- hampton. S. MAryLEBoNE, March 14. — For bricklayers’, plasterers’, and slaters’ work, carpenters’, painters’, and glaziers’ work, plumbers’ and smiths’ work, horses, carts, and driyers ; also for the supply of gravel, sand, cement, timber, deals, and other building materials.— W. E. Greenwell, Court House, 5. Marylebone. S. MARYLEBONE, March 12.—For the supply of stoneware sewage pipes, bends, junctions, &c.—W. E. Greenwell, Court House, S. Marylebone. Saxrorp, March 18.—For the construction of a reseryoir at Highfield, in Pendleton, with an embank- ment, about 370 yards in length, and from 17it. to 22ft. in height.—Edwin Andrew, Town Clerk, Town Hall, Salford, PRESTON AND WYRE Ratiway, March 16.—For the supply of 750 tons of double-headed iron rails, 40 tons of fishplates, 20 tons of spikes, and 25 tons of bolts.—T. H. Carr, secretary. Nortu Union RAarbway Company, March 16.— Yor the supply of 300 tons of double-headed steel] rails, 12 tons of fishplates, 10 tons of spikes, and 10 tons of bolts.—T. H. Carr, secretary. LreEps, March 11.—For the erection of boys’, girls’, and infants’ schools, outbuildings, boundary walls, and master’s house, in Bewerly-street, Dewsbury-road.— W. Lee, Clerk to the School Board, S. Andrew’s- chambers, Park-row, Leeds. Croypon, March 11.—For the construction of about 2,300 yards of brick sewer, varying in size from 4ft. Gin. by 2ft. Sin. to 2ft. diameter, and for laying and joint- ing 1,500 yards of 15in. sewer pipes, together with the construction of all manholes, flushing apparatus, lamp- holes, charcoal ventilators, &e.—R. J. Cheeswright, Clerk, Town Hall, Croydon. SourTH-WEsTERN RarLwaAy, March 13.—For the erection of station buildings and houses on the new line of railway at Poole. —F. Clarke, secretary, Waterloo Station.

Woouwicn, March 12.—For supplying and laying about 1,470ft. of 18in. and about 1,270ft. of stone- ware pipe drain, and other work, at North Woolwich. —A. C. Reed, Clerk, Town Hall, Woolwich. CREWE, March 30.—For the construction of a brick sewer or drift culvert connecting the north section out- fall sewer with the pumping station on the south side. —F. Cooke, Clerk to the Local Board, Temple-cham- bers, Oak-street, Crewe. GREENWICH, March 13.—For laying down tar com- position pavement, granite kerb, and granite cubes for channels, and for other materials and works for making the roadways in Sidmouth-street, &e.—E. W. James, Clerk to the District Board of Works, Greenwich. RovrueRuHrrHeE, March 12.—orthe supply of broken Guernsey granite, Bombay and other stone, granite siftings, and dug flints; for the execution of drainage and sewerage works, masons’ and paviors’ jobbing works ; materials and labour; for the hire of horses, carts, &c.; and for scayenging.—Messrs. Hanks and Stokes, Clerks to the Vestry, Workhouse, Deptford Lower-road, TREBORTH (near Bangor), March 25.—For the erec- tion of a mansion.—R. G. Thomas, architect, Menai Bridge. Portsmoutn, March 18.—For dredging and re- moving the mud, &c., from the bed of the Outer Camber and floating harbour.—J. Howard, Town Clerk, Ports- mouth, Crry, March 19.—For paving the carriageways and footways of the City.—J,. Daw, Principal Clerk, Sewers Office, Guildhall. Convict Prisons, March 16.—For the supply of timber, deals, slates, lime, sand, bricks, and other stores.—Directors of Convict Prisons, 44, Parliament- street, Westminster. Leg, March 21.—For the formation of a new burial ground at Hither Green-lane, Lewisham.—F. Wicking Smith, Solicitor to the Burial Board, 63, Lincoln’s Inn- Fields, W.C. Lee, March 21.—For the erection of two new chapels, entrance lodge, mortuary, and front boundary wall to the proposed new burial ground.—F. Wicking Smith, solicitor, 63, Lincoln’s Inn-Fields, W.C. PULBOROUGH (Sussex), March 18.—Yor the erection of a new house at Todhurst Farm.—Mr. Henry Moase, Todhurst Farm, Pulborough, Sussex. CueEsTER, March 16.—For the erection of the pro- posed new Wesleyan Chapel, with school and class- rooms, &c., in City-road.— Vestry of the Wesleyan Chapel, S. John-street, Chester. Keswick, CUMBERLAND, March 18.—For the erec- tion of a mansion at Lingholm. Mr. A. Waterhouse, architect, 20, New Cavendish-street, W. CAMBRIDGE, March 18.—For a new block of under- graduates’ rooms in connection with Trinity Hall. Mr. Alfred Waterhouse, architect, 20, New Cayendish- street, W. es BATH AND OTHER BUILDING STONES, OF BEST QUALITY. RANDELL, SAUNDERS & CO., Limited, Quarrymen and Stone Merchants. List of prices at the Quarries and Depdts, also cost of transit to any part of the United Kingdom, furnished on application to BATH STONE OFFICE: CORSHAM, WILTS. —>—_—_ TO ARCHITECTS. GREEN ROOFING-SLATES. Assupplied to H.R.H. The Prince of Wales at Sandringham The Penmoyle Sea-green Slates are specially adapted for Churches, Public Buildings, &c., &e, [ApvT.] (Less costly than ordinary Gothic Tiling.) These durable and non-absorbent Slates can be obtained in sizes suitable for Gothic Architecture, at prices as under. In Railway Trucks, Docks, Gloucester:— Per Equivalent to 1,200 Slates. per square. Best Green Slates14by7.. ««. 217 6 16s. 6d Do. do. Poihyisie cere Leo 16s. 6d Do. do. Sy Wien) leon 2 OE Ole assy eked Do. do, Wby7.. w. 118 6 .. 18s. Do. Os uel? by. Gissay, tee, Lo 18) noo tBe Prices of large Sizes, Cost of Transit, Reference Testi- monials, and Sample Specimens may be obtained on ap- plication to MESSRS. RANDELL & CO., Corsham, Wilts. Specimens at Museum of Geology, Jermyn-street, Picca- dilly, W., and at Architectural Museum, Tufton street. Westminster. —————<——_—_—_ Ashton & Green, Slate and Slab Merchants and Quarry Agents.—Shippers, Merchants, and Con- tractors furnished with Price Lists of every description of ROOFING and MANUFACTURED SLATE, Railway- rates, &ec, Agents for London and Country for the Sale of the celebrated WHITLAND ABBEY GREEN SLATES, S. Columba Church, Haggerstone; Patriotic Schools, Wandsworth, ters’ Home, Finsbury, S. Mary Abhott’s Church, Kensington, are fine specimens of Whitland Slating. Complete list of Buildingscovered with these Slates supplied. Drawings and Prices of A. & G.'s RED RIDGE TILES specially prepared for use with these Slates, on application Offices and Show-rooms, 14 & 25, Bury- gtreet, Si. Mary Axe, London, E.0.—[ApyT.]