THE BUILDING NEWS. “/ Vo ae Marcu 8, 187
March 20, S. Morris, Church-end, inchley, builder.
James Robert and Edward Jardine, Dumfries, joiners,
March 12, at twelve.
A. & T. Burslem, Adswood, Cheshire, brickmakers.—
Potter & Bell, Musbrough, jciners.—Blackshaw & Foss,
Lower Tooting, builders.— William Pickering & Co.,
Stockport, brass founders.—Austen & Young, Tunbrilge
Wells, timber merchants.—Asher Ashley & Co., Rochdale,
slaters.—H. P. Bolt & Co., Newport, Monmouthshire,
timber and slate merchants.—Millward & Co., Camden
Town, Highgate, and Abney Park, marble merchants.—
N. & G. O. Wright, Morpeth, timber merchants.
—_~——_ LATEST PRICES OF MATERIALS USED IN CONSTRUCTION. , LEAD. Pig—Foreien. . . . -perton £1815 0 £1817 6 ae Enelish Webs un ten OD 2010 0 21 0 0 me, BRO: «0 4) .« 1-0 19)°% 6 19 12 6 Other brands. . . do 19,296 1976 sheet Mies 1s is) 650. 100 20 5 0 000 Shot, Patent . - + do 2110 0 00 0 dorminium. .. .- do 22.0 0 000 Litharge, W.B.. -.-.- do 22: 0.0 00 0 White Dry. = =<. . - do 2610 0 000 » groundinoil . . do 0 0 0 000 COPPER. British—Cake &Ingot .perton £89 0 0 £91 0 0 Best Selected . eieeeh | LO) 91 0 «0 930° 0 haa es ke aS 94 0 0 96 0 0 Bottoms . - Goo, le) 97.0 0 98 0 0 Australian... ++ do 91:0 «0 9 0 0 Spanish Cake ... .- do 000 000 ChiliBars,cash ... do 83 0 0 81 0 0 » Refinedingot .. do 93 0 0 00 0 ’ Yellow Metal . . .per lb. 000 0 0 SF TRON. Pig in Scotland, cash .perton £319 6 <£0 0 0 Welsh Bar, in London . do 10 0 0 10 5 0 55 Wales . do 95 0 910 0 Staffordshire ... . do 1110 0 12510816 Rail,in Wales .... do 810 0 00 0 Sheets, singlein London do 1310 0 1410 0 Hoops, first quality . . do 1210 0 13 1¢ 0 WellpRodes <8) 2h Soxdo 1110 0 12:10)50 Swedish .....-. do 1300 1400 Ors, &¢. Seal, pale te - -pertun £38 0 0 £0 0 0 Sperm body. A eee 100 0 0 00 0 DOG shee in hee} hehe) ay 34 0 0 00 0 Whale, South Sea,pale .,, 37 0 «0 000 Olive, Gallipoli. . . « a 5210 0 00 0 Cocoanut, Cochin, tun. .,, 44.0 0 00 0 Palm, fine .. +... es Re 3810 0 39 0 0 Linseed . ... ety tay 3310 0 00 0 Rapeseed, Eng. pale. . . ,, 4315 0 000 Cottonseed . 20. es oe © 33.10 0 33.15 0 TIMBER. Tesk . Deemer eae LOM mole 0) 80. tole 00 Quebec, redpine. ... ” 3815 0 415 0 » yellow pine. * ” 450 5 0 0 Quebec oak, white .. . iS 600 6) 15; 0 Aye DITCH te otter sie! a 315 0 5 0 0 5p DUI ew Cae oa Te a ne 410 0 5 0 0 Dantzic'oak<: 1) ne leuiepce 9 410 0 610 0 39 RES oleh irk ones ” 210 0 410 0 MamelOrs, <iiclisreie: a 3.5 0 40 0 irra de alayiow sine awe 9 3 2 0 3813 0 PSWOUIEUL ci lcmue led eUita cee it 200 210 0 Masts, Quebec red pine . > 40 0 610 0 » yellowpine... Ay 40 0 610 0 aron cee iol gece cals ea 10) 10) 9 00 Lathwood, Dantzic,fm. . os 5 00 T 00) ” St. Petersburg af 9 00 10 0 0 Deals, per C., 12ft. by 3 by 9in., Quebec, white spruce . . > 13 00 19 0 0 St. John, white spruce a uw 00 14 0 0 Yellow pine, pr reduced C Canada, Ist quality. . . 200 0 22 00
- Qndido) <6 = « 1400 15 0 0
Archangel, yellow 1210 0 1410 0 St. Petersburg, yellow . oi 1210 0 13 5 0 STIR Wiley cipro) ie = 615 0 715 0 Meme! and Dantzie . sess 000 00 0 Gothenburg, yellow. atts 810 0 1100 ae white’... a 8 00 9 0 0 Gefle, yellow ..... » 1010 0 1210 0 NOGHTHAMN, sakes aes ee a, Ay §10 0 12 0 0 Christiana, per C., 12ft. by 3 by 9in., yellow a 10 0 0 1210 0 Other Norway. .... = 8 00 900 Flooring boards, pr square of lin., first yellow o 010 0 O11 6 ree grUlee let teseeuet iy 9-8 010 0 Second qualities . ... i 060 09 0 — BREAKPAST.—Epps’s COCOA.—GRATEFUL AND COMFORT- InG.—" By a thorough knowledge of the natural law which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition and by a careful application of the fine properties of well- selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills.”—‘Civil Service. Gazette.” Made simply with Boiling Water or Milk Each packet is labelled—*Jamms Epps & Co,, Hommo- pathic Chemists, London.” Also, makers of Epps’s Milky Cocoa (Cocoa and Condensed Milk), POYAL INSTITUTE OF BRITISH w AROHITECTS. THE VoLUNTARY ARCHITECTURAL EXAMINATION will be held during the second and third weeks of May next, pro- vided that a sufficient number of eligible candidates present themselves for examination—viz., five in the PRE- LIMINARY OLASS, flve in the PROFICIENCY CLASS, or one in the CLASS OF DISTINCTION. Candidates desiring to he examined either in the Ar? SECTION or the Scrence SECTION exclusively will be permitted to come up for ex- amination in the section selected. APPLICATIONS OF CANDIDATES (in accordance with a printed form to be previously obtained at the Institute), together with the probationary work required, must be delivered on or before the 25th inst. Copies of the Examination Rules, price 1s, 6d, and copies of last year’s questions (for Preliminary Class), price 6d., may be obtained on application to the Secretary. Certifleates will be given to all candidates who pass in the Class of Proficiency or in that of Distinction. FRED. P. COCKERELL, Hon. Sec., CHARLES L. EASTLAKE, Secretary. 9, Conduit-street, Hanover-square, W.
Patron—A. J. B. Beresford Hope, Esq., M.P.
President—Sydney Smirke, Esq., R.A.
Trustees—Professor T. L. Donaldson, Member of the In-
stitute of France; George Gilbert Scott, Esq., R.A.;
Sir Matthew Digby Wyatt.
Treasurer—Sir William Tite, C.B., M.P., &c.
Notice is hereby given that the ANNUAL GENERAL
MEETING of the Society will be held in the Rooms of
the Royal Institute of British Architects, No. 9, Conduit-
street, Regent-street, on Wednesday, March 13, inst.
The Chair will be taken at 3 o'clock p.m. precisely.
Information relative to the Society may be obtained of
the Collector, Mr. Alfred Hill, No. 16, Bancroft Hospital,
Mile End-road, E.; or of Mr. John Turner, Hon. Sec.,
No. 154, Wilton-street, Grosyenor-place, S.W.
March 2.
Temporary Church or Chapel.
ae be SOLD, with immediate possession,
erected flve years since. The body of the Church is
GOft. x 46ft., seated for about 500 persons. The Building is
constructed with timber framing (bolted together for easy
remoyal and re-erection) covered externally and inter-
nally with boarding having felt between, the roofs are
covered with zine on boarding and felt.
In addition to the Church proper, there is a schoolroom
separated from the building by movable shutters; there
are also two double entrance porches, vestry, and two |
water-closets. The building is furnished with ornamental
backed forms, platform, desk, gas fittings,stoves, &c., which
may be taken with the building or left. The whole is very
substantial and in good repair, and thorcughly warmed,
ventilated, and lighted.
Further particulars may be obtained from the Architect,
E. Appleton, Esq., Torquay, to whom offers for purchase
are to be made,
Torquay, Jan. 4, 1872.
Building Material Dealers, and Others—For IM-
MEDIATE SALE at a considerable reduction in price, a
quantity of Welch, Newcastle, and Stourbridge LUMPS
and TILES of various sizes, now lying on Honduras
Wharf, Cubitt Town, Poplar, E.—For particulars apply to
Ramsay & Co., 80, Bankside, London, 8.E.
O BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS.— An old-established business, doing an extensive trade, in the South of England, to be DISPOSED OF. Principals or their solicitors only will be recognised.—lor particulars apply to Mr. Walter Bird, Surveyor, 61, Edgware-road. REOSOTING APPARATUS to be SOLD at Lowestoft, comprising, one Beam Engine, wrought iron cylinder, 50ft. long, 6ft. diameter, and 12 wrought and cast-iron Trucks.—Apply, W. H. B., 4, Great George-street, Westminster. WO STONE-SAWING FRAMES of large size for SALE, Quite new and complete.— Apply to Rotheroe and Bastin, makers of STONE WORK- ING MACHINERY, 48, King William-street, London, E.C.
ATHES.—The Cheapest House for good 4 Lathes, with planed iron beds, iron standards, &e., the friction parts of hardened steel, is NEILSON'S, 19, Denmark-street, Soho, London, makers of every description of tools and apparatus for amateurs and mechanics. Inventions worked out. MTlustrated price list three stamps. WORKMEN'S INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1870 Silver Medal (only prize for Lathes) awarded for excellence of workmanship.
immense improvement, three times more efficient, seven
times more durable, than other Cistern Filters; above
2,000 in use; rented in London if preferred. Prevents
pe in engine boilers. Prospectus free.—TEMPLE-
EF ENRY HILL, whose last known address
was Craddock-street, Haverstock-hill, is requested
to communicate with WILLIAM WILDS, Hertford,
BOARD are prepared to receive DESIGNS for a
Premiums of £50 for the Best, and £25 for the Second-
best, Designs will be awarded.
Designs will be received up to the Ist day of April, 1872.
Printed conditions and particulars may be had on ap-
plication to
OTHO GILES ABBOTT, Clerk to the Board.
27, Estate Buildings, Huddersfleld, Feb. 14, 1872.
Advertisements for * Situations Wanted” are inserted in
the ““Bur~pinG News” at a charge of One Shilling
for the first Twenty-four Words.
WANTED with a moderate Capital to join in an
established business, which is capable of much extension,
in an improving county town. An active partner is
necessary to assist in conducting the business, which has
much increased of late.—For particulars apply to Messrs.
Pilgrim & Phillips, Solicitors, Church-court, Lothbury,
NEERS. A Junior Assistant of practical experience
is open to a RE-ENGAGEMENT.—W. L., 30, Abingdon-
road, Kensington.
O ARCHITECTS. — A well-qualified
Junior Assistant is open to an ENGAGEMENT.
Terms moderate. Excellent references.—R., 4, Jervis-
road, Lillie-road, Fulham.
and DESIGNER, accustomed to the General work
of an Architeet’s Office, wishes an ENGAGEMENT.
Terms, 2 guineas a week.—Address, C. W., 147, Stanley-
street, S.W.
MANAGER, Builders’ Book-keeper, and Clerk of
Works wants a SITUATION, former two preferred. A
thorough judge of all materials.—Weddle's, Hyde-street,
FIRST-CLASS Quantity Surveyor, does business at a very moderate percentage, or half-guinea. a day.—V. W. T., No. 2, Queen-street, City.
horse. State price, &.—Thos. Pink, Builder, 15,
St. Ann’'s-terrace, Harlesden-green, N.W.
B. AXFORD, Builder and Contractor,
e _ begs to inform his friends in general that he has
REMOVED from the Temporary Premises in Ockenden-
road, Islington, to the Premises, No. 44, HENRY-STREET,
GRAY’'S-INN-ROAD, and respectfully requests that on
and after this date all communications shall be sent to
his address.—Dated the 9th day of March, 1872.
MopELLER. Estimates furnished to the Trade for Carry-
ing out of Wood and Stone Carving in every style.
High Class Testimonials.
Country Orders promptly attended to.
OUT or RHEUMATISM is quickly
relieved and cured in a few days by that celebrated
They require no restraint of diet or confinement during
their use, and are certain to prevent the disease attacking
any vita) part.
Sold by all Medicine Vendors at Is. 1}d.and 2s. 9d. per
ATIONAL INSTITUTION for DISEASES of the SKIN. Physician :—Dr. BARR MEADOWS. Patients attend at 227, Gray's Inn-road, King’s-cross, on Mondays and Thursdays, and at 10, Mitre-street, Aldgate, on Wednesdays and Fridays; mornings at 10, evenings from 6 till9. Average number of Cases under treatment, 1,000 weekly. THOMAS ROBINSON, Hon. See Oral POLY TECHNITE.L— Entirely New Entertainment, by Professor Pepper, entitled SHADUWS, AND THE STORY OF T SHADOWLESS MAN!—Professor Pepper's New Enter- tainment, BATTLE OF DORKING ANSWERED BY THE AUTUMN MANGUVRES; or, the British Army and its Stations. Patriotic Songs by Miss Alice Barth.— New Musical Entertainment, by Mr. George Buckland, written expressly for him by the Chairman of the Institu- tion, entitled THE GHOST OF THE TOLL-HOUSE! Illustrated wich New Scenery and Spectral Effects. Mr. George Buckland will introduce many original Songs.— The renowned swimmer Marquis Bibbero, willenact THE DROWNING MAN. Illuminated’ by a powerful light— . The Arabian Mystery.—“CHRISTMAS COMES BUT ONCE A-YEAR!” by J. L. King, Esq.—Matthew's Magic
and Mystery.—Dugwar's Juggling—Admission to tho ~
whole, One Shilling.
A |