Page:The Cannery Boat.pdf/69

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Next morning they discovered that every thing on the boss’s table had been smashed to pieces. The boss, however, was unhurt, as he had been elsewhere. ····· [For various reasons it is impossible to give this story in full. The translator summarizes the conclusion in the following note. It is hoped that later circumstances may permit a full version.]


In the concluding chapters conditions become worse. One man dies of beri-beri and at the all-night vigil held beside the body one man gets up and makes a fiery speech, telling them to revolt before they themselves are killed. A committee is formed and the men are organized. One morning they are ordered to set out fishing in the boats, although a storm is clearly approaching. One boat refuses and the revolt spreads all over the ship. A student goes down below to tell the firemen and a mass meeting is held. A deputation goes to the boss with demands, which he refuses. The deputation attacks the boss. He is afraid to use his revolver. Everyone is jubilant but later the cruiser is seen approaching and the men realize they have been fooled and that the boss has sent a wireless. Still the cruiser is their protection and will understand their point of view, think the simple ones. Sailors come aboard and the nine ringleaders are seized and carried off. Everyone