Page:The Cannery Boat.pdf/70

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is at first dazed by this failure but gradually they realize that cruisers are owned by capitalists and plan to organize a new revolt more carefully.

A short appendix is added with the following notes:

(a) The second revolt succeeded perfectly. The boss found they had taken possession of the wireless room and could do nothing.

(b) The Hakko Maru was not the only ship that had strikes and sabotage at the end of the season. Red propaganda was found at work on two or three ships.

(c) The boss and the foreman, faithful dogs of the company, were not awarded for their services, but dismissed. The boss is said to have said. “Ah, I’ve been deceived by the company.”

This work is one page of the History of the Penetration of Capitalism into the Colonies.

30th March, 1929.