Page:The Carcanet.djvu/12

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Hooker, Addison, Pope, Johnson, Shakespeare, Beattie, Sheridan, Burke, Goldsmith, Sterne, Young, Cowper, Byron, Southey, Moore, Walter Scott, Campbell, Rogers, Montgomery, Hume, Junius, Canning, &c.

It is right to observe, that in those instances, where the names of the authors are not inserted, the omission arose either from the gleaner having forgotten to mark whence they were copied: or from their having been taken from anonymous productions.

To expect that every reader will equally approve of these Selections would be ridiculous, but it is hoped that all will find some which will give them pleasure. As the passages are avowedly taken from the most popular authors, they will, of course, sometimes meet with what they previously knew; but who is there that does not derive gratification, from renewing an acquaintance with one, whose merits are deeply impressed upon his memory?

March, 1828.