Page:The Carcanet.djvu/13

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Greatly instructed I shall hence depart;
Greatly in peace of thought; and have my fill
Of knowledge, what this vessel can contain:
Beyond which was my folly to aspire.
Henceforth I learn, that to obey is best,
And love with fear the only God; to walk
As in his presence; ever to observe
His providence; and on him sole depend:
Merciful over all his works; with good
Still overcoming evil; and by small
Accomplishing great things; by things deem'd weak
Subverting worldly wrong; and worldly wise
By simply meek; that suffering for truth's sake,
Is fortitude to highest victory,
And, to the faithful, death the gate of life
Taught that by his example, whom I now
Milton.Acknowledge my redeemer ever blest.


Oh! know'st thou why, to distance driven,
When friendship weeps the parting hour,
The simplest gift that moment given,
Long, long retains a magic power?