Page:The Carcanet.djvu/88

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his admiration of her excellence and variety. Propped upon the fragment of some rock, he gazes upon the trembling waterfall with a vacant eye; he views without emotion the glory of the setting sun. Slowly he returns to his cell at evening, for no one there is anxious for his arrival: he has no comfort in his solitary meal : he throws himself upon his coucli of moss, despondent and dissatisfied; and wakes only to pass a day as joyless and monotonous as the former.


That which Alexander sigh'd for;
That which Cajsar's soul possess'd;
That which heroes, kings have died for,
Glory—animates my breast.

High minds, of native pride, and force,
Most deeply feel thy pangs, Remorse!
Fear, for their scourge, mean villains have;
Thou art the torturer of the brave!
Yet fatal strength they boast to steel
Their minds to bear the wounds they feel;
Even while they writhe beneath the smart
Of civil conflict in the heart.

Frank in his temper, ingenuous in his sentiments, quickly offended, but easily appeased; irritated by any appearance of disrespect, but melted by a concession,a