Page:The Carcanet.djvu/89

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high sense of houour rendered him no more jealous of offence, than a delicate humanity made him ready for reconciliation, and anxious to spare the feelings of others.

Thus oft it haps, that when within
They shrink at sense of secret sin,
A feather daunts the brave;
A fool's wild speech confounds the wise,
And proudest princes veil their eyes
Scott.Before their meanest slave.

The following is said to have been written by Mrs. RoBinson on her leaving England, and the protection of an illustrious personage:
Bounding billows! cease thy motion
Bear me not so swiftly o'er;
Cease thy roarings, foamy ocean,
I will tempt thy rage no more.

Ah! within my bosom beating,
Varying passions wildly reign;
Love! with proud resentment meeting,
Throbs by turns with joy and pain.

Joy! that far from foes I wander,
Where their taunts can reach no more;
Pain! that woman's heart grows fonder,
When her dream of bliss is o'er.