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of histology. University of Pavia; at present, profes- sor of experimental psychology. University of Turin. Fellow of the Pontifical Academy of the Lincei; member of: the Anatomical Society, the Biological Society (Paris), the Italian Society of Natural Sciences (Milan) : the Society of Naturalists of Aosta; the Italian Psychological Society; the ItaUan Philo- sophical Society. Author of: "Recente scoperte e reoenti teorie nello Studio dell' origine dell' uomo" (4th ed. 1912); "L' origine subcosciente dei fatti mistiei" (1912); the series "Quaestiones Theologiae Medico-Pastoralis"; "L'Enigma della vita" (3 ed.); "De Scrupulis" (2 ed.); "Non Moechaberis" (5 ed.); editor of: "Rivista filosofia Neo-Scolastica"; "Vita e pensiero". ARTICLE : Fobttinato of Brescia.

Geoghan, Reverend John Joseph, s.j., b. at Philadelphia, Pa., 1 December, 1874. Education: St. Joseph's College, Philadelphia; Jesuit scholasticates in Austria, England, and the United States. Entered the Society of Jesus 1893; has held the post of profes- sor of humanities, sophomore class. Holy Cross College, Worcester, Massachusetts (four years); ordained 1907; associate professor of rhetoric, St. Andrew-on-Hudson, Poughkeepsie, 1909-1912; at present, prefect of studies, Boston College, Boston.

ARTICLE : Bsitius, Feancib.

Gerard, Reverend John, s.j., f.l.s., b. at Edin- burgh, Scotland, 30 May, 1840, son of Colonel Archi- bald Gerard, of Rochsoles, Lanarkshire, Scotland, and brother of the novelists Emily Gerard Luszowska and Dorothea Gerard Longard; d. in London, 13 December, 1912. Education: Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, England; London University. Entered the Society of Jesus 1856; ordained 1873; prefect of studies, Stonyhurst, 187.5-1893; editor of "The Month" 1894^1897; provincial of the Enghsh Jesuits 1897-1900; once more editor of "The Month" 1900-1912. Author of: "Stonyhurst Centenary Record"; "Stonyhurst Latin Grammar"; "What Was the Gunpowder Plot?"; "A Course of Rehgious Instruction for CathoUc Youth"; "Essays on Un- natural History" (3 parts); "The Old Riddle and the Newest Answer" (in answer to Haeckel); has con- tributed historical and scientific articles to numerous periodicals.

ARTICLES; Bridgewater Treatises; Calendar, Reform OP the; Chronology, General; Coleridge, Henrt James; DiGBY, Sir Everard; Dionysius Exiguus; Galilei, Galiteo; MoNiTA Secreta; Perry, Stephen Joseph; Roman Catholic Relief Bill: in England.

Gerland, Ernst Wilhelm Ferdinand, Byzantine scholar, b. at Imshausen, Hesse-Nassau, Germany, 19 May, 1870. Education: public schools, Partschen- dorf and Fubiek; Gymnasia at Troppau, Austrian Silesia, and Halberstadt, Prussia; Universities of Berlin and Jena. Teacher 1893- ; professor at the Gymnasium, Homburg von der Hohe, 1898- ; at present also engaged in editing the collections of Gelzer: "Teilnehmerlisten der altern Konzilien" and "Notitise episcopatuum" at the instance of the Prussian Academy of Sciences (Berhn), under the title: "Corpus notitiarum episcopatuum ecclesise orientalis Graecae", in collaboration with August Burckhardt, of Ba^el, Nicola RadojSid, of Karlowitz, and Peter Thomsen, of Dresden. With the aid of the Schonhauser Fund, journeyed for special studies to the Institute for Austrian Historical Research, Vienna, and to the archives and libraries of Venice and Macer- ata, 1897-1898; travelled for the same purpose to Florence, 1900. Author of: "Das Archiv des Herzogs von Kandia im koniglichen Staatsarchiv zu Venedig" (Strassburg, 1899); "Geschichte des lateinischen Kaiserreiches von Konstantinopel; Teil I: Baldwin I und Heinrich" (Homburg von der Hohe, 1905); "Histoire de la noblesse cr^toise" (Paris, 1907;

Itab'an translation, "Bollettino araldico", 1908); collaborator in: " Historisches Jahrbuch der Gorres- Gesellschaf t " (by Professor Gerland: "Kreta als venetianische Kolonie") (1899); "Neue Jahrbiicher fiir das klassische Altertum"( lay Professor Gerland: "Kreta, ein Uberblick iiber die neueren wissenschaft- hchen Arbeiten auf der Insel", 1902; "Photios und die Angriff der Russen auf Byzanz, 18 Juni, 860", 1903; "Der vierte Kreuzzug und seine Probleme", 1904); "Scriptores sacri et profani" (by Professor Gerland: Fasc. V, "Neue Quellen zur Geschichte des lateinischen Erzbistums Patras", Leipzig, 1903); Krumbacher, "Byzantinische Literaturgeschichte" (by Professor Gerland: editing of Gelzer's "Byzan- tinische Kaisergeschichte"); " Mitteilungen des Ve- reins fiir Geschichte und Altertumskunde zu Homburg von der Hohe " (by Professor Gerland : Fasc. XI, "Der Mosaikschmuck der Homburger Erloserkirche"); contributor to: "Byzantinische Zeitschrift"; "Revue de I'Orient latin"; "Literarische Centralblatt"; "Berliner Philologische Wochenschrift"; "Deutsche Literaturzeitung"; "Mitteilungen aus der histori- schen Literatiir ; "Historische Zeitschrift"; "Histor- isohe Vierteljahrssohrift"; "Byzantis"; "Zeitschrift fiir die osterreichischen Gymnasien"; "Padagogisches Archiv".

ARTICLE : Byzantine Empire.

Gerrard, Reverend Thomas John, b. in Lanca- shire, England, 1871. Education: Oscott College, Birmingham, England; d. in England, January, 1916. Became a Cathohc 1891; ordained 1896; former chaplain, New Hall Convent, Chelmsford, Essex. Author of: "The Cords of Adam" (1908); "The Wayfarer's Vision" (1909); "Marriage and Parent- age" (1910); "The Church and Eugenics" (1912); ""The Cult of Mary"; "Bergson: an Exposition and Criticism"; "A Challenge to the Time Spirit"; contributor to: "Dublin Review"; "HomUetic Monthly " ; "New York Review " ; "American CathoUc Quarterly Review"; "Month"; "Cathohc World". ARTICLE: Eugenics, The Church and.

Gertrude, Sister Mary.

ARTICLE : Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mart, Irish.

Geudens, Right Reverend Peter Henrt Francis Martin, cpraem., b. at Lichtaert, Belgium, 7 May, 1841; d. at Namur, Belgium, 11 July, 1913. Education: Episcopal College, Herenthals, Belgium. Entered the Premonstratensian Order 1860; professor at Tongerloo Abbey, Belgium, 1862; ordained 1866; successively professor of philosophy, master of novices, and superior, Tongerloo Abbey, 1866-1872; founded St. Norbert's Priory, Crowle^ Lincolnshire, England, 1872; opened St. Mary's Priory, Spalding, Lincolnshire, 1875; opened Corpus Christi Priory, Manchester, 1889; titular Abbot of Barlings 1898; stationed at Tongerloo Abbey 1911-1913. Reintro- duced Premonstratensian Order into England; formerly Director for Great Britain and Ireland of the Archconfraternity of the Mass of Reparation; built Votive Basihca of the Blessed Sacrament, Manchester; former Synodal Examiner, diocese of SaKord. Author of: "Sketch of the Premonstra- tensian Abbeys in Great Britain and Ireland"; "Life of St. Norbert"; "Sister Rose and the Mass of Reparation"; "Manual of the Third Order of St. Norbert"; "Annus asceticus Norbertinus " ; "Short Lives of Norbertine Saints"; "Dis.sertatio de B. Juliana Cornehonensi"; "Manual of Eucharistic Devotions"; "History and Objects of Eucharistic Congresses"; tracts; reports; contributor to Enghsh and Flemish reviews.

ARTICLES: Backx, Peter Hubert Evbrmode; Barlings. Abbey of; Bonne-Esp^rance, The Abbey of; Cornillon. Abbey of; Druys, Jean; Floreffe, Abbey of; Friqolet, Abbey of; Gofpine, Leonard; Hugo, Charles-Hyacinthe; Lohel, Johann, Archbishop of Prague; Nbwhousb, Abbey