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of; Noebert, Saint; Pahk, Abbey of the; Premonstratensian Canons; Phemontr^, Abbey of; Psatime, Nicholas, Bishop OF Verdun; Tonqerloo, Abbey of; Wichmans, Francis.

Geyer, Very Reverend Francis Xavibr, c.s.h., of Verona, b. at Regen, Germany, 3 Dec, 1859, elected titular bishop of Trooamada and vicar Apostolic of the Sudan, August, 1903.

ARTICLE: Sudan, Vicariate Apostolic of.

Ghellinck, Reverend Joseph de, s.j., b. at Ghent, Belgium, 30 October, 1872. Education: Ghent, Tournai, and Louvain, Belgium; Jesuit Bcholasticate, Stonyhurst, Blackburn, England. Entered the Society of Jesus 1889; ordained 1904; formerly professor of syntax (five years), and, at present, professor of patrology and the history of dogma (1906- ), College of St. Michael, Brussels; librarian, Jesuit scholasticate, Louvain, 1909- Member of the Gorres-Gesellsohaft. Author of "Le Mouvement tMologique du XII " siecle" (Paris, 1913); collaborator in Vaoant-Mangenot, "Diet, de Th^ol. cathoMque"; contributor of theological articles to: "American Cathohc Quarterly Review"; "Revue d'histoire eccl&iastique"; "Revue des questions historiques " ; "Revue b6n6dictine"; "Recherches de science religieux"; "Dublin Review"; "Bulletin de litt^rature eocMsiastique"; "Revue n6o-scolastique"; "Irish Theological Quarterly"; " Byzantinische Zeit- sohrift"; "Bulletin d'ancienne litt6rature et d'arc^ho- lorie chr6tienne".

ARTICLES: Heilsbronn, Monk of; Henry of NSrdlingen; Hermann of Fritzlar; Herp, Henry; Ivo of Chartres, Saint; Lessius, Leonard; Lugo, John de; P^tau, Denis; Peter Cantor; Peter Comestoh; Peter Lombard; Radulph of Rivo; Simon of Tournai; Vincent of L^rins, Saint.

Gibbons, James Cardinal, Archbishop of Balti- more, Maryland, b. at Baltimore, 23 July, 1834. Education: private classical school in Ireland; St. Charles College, Ellioott City, Maryland; St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore. Ordained 1861; successively assistant at St. Patrick's Church, Baltimore, rector of St. Bridget's Church, Canton, with the additional charge of St. Lawrence's Church, Locust Point and the soldiers of Ft. Henry and Ft. Marshall, and secretary to Archbishop Spalding and chancellor of the diocese of Baltimore, 1861-1868; first vicar- Apostolic of North Carolina 1868-1877; titular Bishop of Adramyttum 1868-1872; Bishop of Rich- mond, Virginia, 1872-1877; Coadjutor Archbishop (1877) and Archbishop (1877- ) of Baltimore; Cardinal, with the title of Santa Maria in Trastevere, 1886; chancellor of the CathoUc University, Washing- ton, 1887- . Assistant chancellor. Second Plenary Council of Baltimore, 1866; presided at the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore, 1884; enlarged the sanctuary of the cathedral, in which six archbishops of Baltimore are buried; has given eighty-six new churches to the archdiocese. Author of: "Faith of Our Fathers"; "Our Christian Heritage"; "The Ambassador of Christ"; "Sermons and Discourses"; "A Retrospect of Fifty Years"; contributor to various periodicals.

ARTICLE: Magnien, Alphonse.

Gietmann, Reverend Gerhard, s.j., writer, b. at Birten, Rheinland, Germany, 21 May, 1845; d. at VaUcenburg, Holland, 11 November, 1912. Educa- tion: College, Gaesdonck; Academy, Munster; further studies in Prussia; Jesuit scholasticates in Germany, Holland, and England. Entered the Society of Jesus 1864; expelled with his Society from Germany 1872; ordained 1879; former professor of languages, poetry, and aesthetics (26 years) and of secondary branches of theology and philosophy (4 years), Jesuit colleges, Wynandsrade and Exaten, Holland; at St. Ignatius College, Valkenburg, Holland, 1907-1912. Author of : " De re metrica Hebraeorum " (Freiburg, 1880); "Klassische Dichter und Dich-

tungen", 3 vols. (Freiburg, 1885-1889); "Beatrice" (Freiburg, 1889); " Commentarius in Esclesiastes et Canticum" (Paris, 1890); "Kunstlehre", Vols. I, II, III and V (Freiburg, 1899-1903); etc., etc.; various translations; collaborator in several encyclopedias; contributor to numerous periodicals.

ARTICLES: Aesthetics; IJahtolommeo, Fra; Basilica; Batteux, Charles; Bellini, Giacomo; Bernini, Giovanni Lorenzo; Botticelli, Sandro; Brunellesco, Filippo; Buo- narroti, Michelangelo; Burckmair, Hans; Byzantine Ar- chitecture; Byzantine Art; Canticle of Canticles; Cob- NELisz, .Jakob; Cornelius Peter; DOrer, Albrecht; Eccle- siASTEs; Erwin of Steinbach; FtJHRicH, Joseph; Ghibebti, Lorenzo de Cione; Girardon, Francois; Knabl, Joseph; Krapft, Adam; Lanzi, Luigi; Lemercier, Jacques; Lescot, Pierre; Levau, Louis; Liesborn, Master of; Lochner, Stephan; Madbrna, Carlo; Mansard, Francois and Jules; Michelozzo di Bartolommeo; Miller, Ferdinand von; MoHR, Christian; Muller, Karl; Music, Ecclesiastical; Neumann, Johann Balthasar; Niessenderger, Hans; Nim- bus; Oppenordt, Gilles-Marie; Orme, Philibert de l'; Per- rault, Claude; Peruzzi, Baldassare; Porta, Giacomo della; Pozzo, Andreas; Pulpit; Rethel; Riemenschneider, Til- mann; Robert op Luzarches; Rococo Style; Rumohr, Fried- rich Karl; Sansovino, Andrea Contucci del; Schadow, Friedrich Wilhelm; Schmidt, Friedrich von; Schrandolph, Johann; Schwanthaler, Ludwig von; Schwind. Moritz von; Seitz, Alexander Maximilian; Stalls; Steinle, Edward von; Vanni, Andrea; Vanni, Francesco; Veit, Philipp; Vig- NOLA, Giacomo Barozzi da; Viollet-Le-Duc, Eug£;ne-Em- manuel; Vischer, Peter; Wachter, Eberhard; Wilhelm of Herle; Winckelmann, Johann Joachim; Zwirner, Ernst Friedrich.

Gignac, Reverend Joseph Narcis,se, s.t.d., J.C.D., b. at Deschambault, P. Q., 22 Sept., 1864. Education: Seminary, Quebec. Ordained 1888; for a number of years professor of canon law, Laval Univer- sity, Quebec; at present, rector of Saint-Ephrem de Tring, Beauce, P. Q. Author of: "Compendium juris canonici", 2 vols.

ARTICLES: Abbtemii; Alimentation; Anathema; Beau- VAis, Jean-Baptiste-Charles-Marie de, Bishop.

Gigot, Reverend Francis Ernest, a.b., d.d., b. at Lhuant, Indre, France, 1859. Education: primary with Christian Brothers; College at Le Dorat, Seminary at Limoges, and Cathohc Institute, Paris, France. Ordained 1883; has held the posts of professor of dogmatic theologv (1885), of philosophy (1886-1887), and of Sacred Scripture (1888- ); professor of Sacred Scripture, New Testament, and Hebrew, St. Joseph's Seminary, Yonkers, 1896- Member of: the American Oriental Society; the New York Oriental Club. Author of: "Causes which Entailed the Mutilation of St. Mark's Gospel", essay (awarded a prize by the Catholic Institute, Paris, 1884); "OutUnes of Jewish History" (New York, 1897); "Outlines of New Testament History" (New York, 1898); "General Introduction to the Study of Holy Scripture" (New York, 1900); "BibUcal Lectures" (Baltimore, 1901); "Special Introduction to the Study of the Old Testament", 2 vols. (New York, 1901, 1906); "Christ's Teaching Concerning Divorce in the New Testament" (New York, 1912); collaborator in Vigouroux, ' ' Dictionnaire de la Bible " ; contributor to: "American Ecclesiastical Review"; "New York Review"; "Irish Theological Quarterly". ARTICLES: Abdias; Abomination of Desolation ;_^bra- HAM, The Bosom of; Adonais; Aggeus; Amos; Baruch; Bible; Calendar, Jewish; Carmel; Carmel, Mount; Cedron, Brook of; Daniel; Daniel, Book of; Ecclesiasticus; Gabbatha; Gad; Gamaliel; Gedeon; Generation; Gentiles; Glosses, Scriptural; Gospel and Gospels; Habacuc; Habor; Hanb- BERG, Daniel Bonifacius von; Haymo, Bishop; Hillel; Holocaust; Hugo of St. Cher; Hyssop; Introduction, Bib- lical; Isaac; Ibmael; Israelites; Isbachar; Jacob; James of Edessa; Jason; Jews and Judaism; Joseph; Joseph of Ari- mathba; Justiniani, Benedetto; Kabbala; Loaves of Propo- sition; Maunouhy, Auguste-Francois; Merneptah I; MiD- rabhim; Moab and Moabites; Moloch; Proverbs, Book of; Redemption (in O. T.); Red Sea; Ruben; Ruth, Book of; Sa, Manoel de; Scholz, John Martin Augustine; Seraphim; Seripando, Girolamo; Synoptics; Temptation of Christ; Wisdom, Book of.

Gilbert, John Wilmams, b.a., k.s.s., alderman, London County Council, b. in London, 1871, nephew of Monsignor Daniel Gilbert. Education : St. Joseph's