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Academy, Kensington; St. Joseph's College, Clap- ham; London University, London. Assistant Master secondary schools, London, 1891-1896; secretary, Providence Row Night Refuge and Home, London, 1896- ; actively engaged in social work in South London for many years; has been at various times manager of Catholic schools in and near London; joint honorary secretary with Monsignor Brown of South London Committee of Cathoho School Mana- gers 1904- ; co-opted member (1908-1910), permanent member (1910- ), vice-chairman (1911-1913), and chairman (first Catholic) (1913- ), Education Committee, London County Council; Knight of St. Sylvester 1909; Alderman (first Catholic), London County Council, 1910- ; member of: Poor Law Inspectors' Advisory Com- mittee on Homeless Poor; London County Insurance Committee 1912 - ; Executive Committees of Southwark Rescue Society; Catholic Boys' Brigade. One of the honorary secretaries. Catholic Demonstra- tion against Mr. BirreU's Education Bill, Albert HaU, 1906; former editor of "The Shield", 1903- 1908; lay honorary secretary, Eucharistic Congress, London, 1908. Author of "Monsignor Gilbert, a Memoir", Cathohc Truth Society pamphlet (1897); contributor to: "The Month"; "The Tablet".

ARTICLE : Poor, Care of, by the Church, in Great Brit- ain AND Ireland.

Gildas, Reverend Father Marie (Jean Marie Ropert), O.C.R., writer, b. at Ploerdut, France, 3 December, 1865. Education: College of Our Lady of Langennet and Seminary of St. Anne d'Auray, diocese of Vannes, France; Gregorian University, Rome. Served in the army in France and Tonkin, China, 1886-1890; entered the Trappist Order 1896; ordained 1903; stationed at the Abbey of Our Lady of the Lake, La Trappe, P. Q., Canada, 1905- ; at present, Master of Novices. Author of: "L'Abbaye de Notre Dame du I^ac des Deux Montagnes et I'ordere de Ctteaux au Canada et dans les Etats Unis" (Montreal, 1907); "Un Moine Cistercien, le P. Marie-Benott" (Montreal, 1910).

ARTICLES: Bernardines, The; Bernard op Claihvatjx, Saint; Cistercians; Cistercian Sisters; Citeaux; Clair- vAux; Lestrange, Louis Henri (Dom Augustine) ; Robert of MOLESMB, Saint.

Gillet, Louis-Marie-Pierre-Dominique, art critic, b. in Paris, 4 December, 1875. Education: College Stanislas and Higher Normal School, Paris. Lecturer on the French language, University of Greifswald, Germany, 1900; professor, Laval Univer- sity, Montreal, Canada, 1907-1909; art critic, resident in Paris; at present with the French forces. Author of: "Raphael" (Paris, 1907); "Histoire Artistique des Ordres Mendiants" (Paris, 1912).

ARTICLES: Carpaccio, Vittore; Castagno, Andrea; Ci- cognara, Leopoldo, Count; Cimabue, Cenni di Pepo; Cima DA CoNEGLiANO, GiovANNi Battista; Clovio, Giorgio (Giulio) ; Delahoche, Hippolyte (Paul) ; Duccio di Buoninsegna; Eyck, Hubert and Jan van; Farinato, Paolo; Ferrari, Gaudenzio; Feti, Domenico; Flandrin, Jean-Hippolyte; FouQUET, Jelian (Jean) ; Francia (Francesco Raibolini); Fhombntin, EuofeNE; Ghirlandajo (Domenico di Tommaso BiGORDi); Giotto di Bondone; Giulio Romano Gossaert, Jan; Greuze, Jean-Baptiste; Imola, Innocenzo di Pietro Francucci da; Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominiqub; Jouvenet, Jean; Juste; Limbourg, Polde; Lippi, Filippino; Lippi, Filip- po; Lorenzetti, Pietro and Ambrogio; Mabolino da Pani- cale; Masbys, Quentin; Meisbonier, Ernest; Melozzo da FoRLi': Memling, Hans; Mignard, Pierre; Millet, Jean- Fhancoib; Montagna, Bartolomeo; Muntz, EuofeNE; Muril- Lo, Babtolom^ Esteban; Raphael; Painting, Religious; Perugino (Pietro Vannucci) ; PouasiN, Nicolas; Puvis de Cha VANNES, Pierre Raphael; Ribera, Jusbpe de; Titian, Tisio DA Garofalo, Benvenuto; VelAsquez, Diego RodrI- QUEZ de Silva y; Vinci, Lenardo di Ser Piero da.

Gilliat-Smith, Frederick Ernest, writer, b. at Woodmansterne, Surrey, England, 8 July, 1858. Education; private; convert to the Church, 1879. Has followed a literary career; for many years resident at Bruges, Belgium; resident in Rome 1913- Author of: "Songs from Prudentius" (London, 1898); "Fantasies from Dreamland" (London, 1899); "Story of Bruges" (London, 1901); "Story of Brussels" (London, 1906); "St. Clare of Assisi" (London, 1913); contributor to: "Dublin Review"; "Tablet ; "American Ecclesiastical Review"; "Irish Ecclesiastical Record"; "Catholic World".

ARTICLES; Beguines; Beghards; Brussels; Common Life, Brethren of the.

Gilligan, Reverend Edward Augustine, s.s., A.M., S.T.L., b. at FishkiU, New York, 24 May, 1873. Education: St. Charles College, Ellicott City, and St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, Maryland; St. Sulpice, Paris; Cathohc University, Washington. Entered the Sulpician Order 1902; ordained 1905; formerly at St. Austin's College, Brookland, D. C; professor of dogmatic theology and homiletics, St. Patrick's Seminary, Menlo Park, California, 1909-

ARTICLES: Barral, Louis Mathias, Count; Bouillon, Emmanuel Theodore de la Tour d' Auvbrgne, Cardinal de.

Gillis, Reverend James M., c.s.p., s.t.l., b. at Boston, Mass., 12 November, 1876. Education: Boston Latin School; St. Charles' College, CatonviUe, Md.; St. John's Seminary, Brighton, Mass.; St. Thomas' College, Washington, D. C. Entered the Congregation of St. Paul, 1897; ordained 1901; successively professor of ecclesiastical history, profes- sor of dogma and superior, St. Thomas' College, 1907-1910; missionary to non-CathoUcs, 1910- ; resident in New York. Contributor to: "Catholic University Bulletin"; "Cathohc World"; collabora- tor in "Encyclopedia Americana".

ARTICLES : Agony of Christ; Areopagus; Bible Societies.

Gillow y Zavalza, Most Reverend Ettlogio Gregorio, D.D., Archbishop of Antequera (Oaxaca), Mexico, b. at Puebla, Mexico, 1841, son of Thomas Gillow, of Lancashire, England, and Marquesa de Selva Nevada. Education: Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, England; College at Alost and College of Notre Dame at Namur, Belgium; Ecclesiastical Academy, Gregorian University and Sapienza, Rome. Ordained 1869; private chamberlain to Pius IX 1869; theologian to one of the Mexican bishops at the Vatican Council 1871; Bishop (1887-1891) and Archbishop (1891- ) of Antequera (Oaxaca), Mexico. Pronounced the oration, then annually dehvered by one of the students of the Ecclesiastical Academy before the Pope and Cardinals at St. Peter's, choosing papal infallibihty as his theme, 1870; senior of the eight archbishops of Mexico; convened the Fourth National Catholic Congress of Mexico, 1908; has done much for Mexican Indians, including those who have settled in the United States.

ARTICLE: Oaxaca (or Antequera), Archdiocese of.

Gilmartin, Right Reverend Thomas Patrick, D.D., Bishop of Clonfert, Ireland, b. at Castlebar, Co. Mayo, Ireland, 1861. Education: Errew Monastery and O'Dea's Academy, Castlebar; St. Jarlath's College, Tuam; Maynooth. Ordained 1884; professor of mathematics and natural science, St. Jarlath's College, Tuam, 1884-1891; Dean (1891-1904) and vice-president (1904-1910), Maynooth College, Dub- lin; Bishop of Clonfert 1910- . Contributor to: "Irish Ecclesiastical Record"; "Irish Theological Quarterly".

ARTICLES: Good Friday; Guardian Angels, Feast of.

Girouz, Reverend Constant Hilairb Alaric, O.M.I., b. at St. Blaise, Canada, 1 December, 1862. Education: Christian Brothers School; Preparatory Seminary, Montreal; Oblate scholasticate, ArcheviUe; University of Ottawa. Entered the Society of Oblates of Mary Immaculate 1882; ordained and sent to the north as a missionary 1887; missionary at Ft. McPherson (1888-1905) and at Providence (1905-