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Verna” (Castello); “Miscellanea francescana” (Foligno); 'A7aToXr) (Syra);°B>'wo-is and'AXiJfea (Cyprus).

ARTICLES: Dardel, Jean; Marignolli, Giovanni ed'; Quaresmius, Francescus; Ubertino of Casale.

Goodwin, Reverend Eneas B., a.m., b.d., b. at Chicago, 3 February, 1873. Education: St. Ignatius College, Chicago; St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore; Johns Hopkins University; Cathohc University; University of Chicago. At present, rector of St. Joseph's Church, Downers Grove, Illinois. Fellow of Johns Hopkins University.

ARTICLES: Barat, Nicolas; Bernini, Giuseppe Maria.

Goral, Very Reverend Boleslaus Edward, b. at Koenigsdorf, Prussian Poland, 12 March, 1876. Education: primary, Koenigsdorf; Seminary of Sts. Cyril and Methodius, Detroit, Michigan; St. Francis Seminary, St. Francis, Wisconsin. Came to the United States 1889; ordained 1899; professor successively of Polish, German, French, Greek, and Latin (1899-1906) and of homileti'cs and philosophy (1906– 1908), St. Francis Seminary, St. Francis, Wisconsin; president and treasurer of the daily newspaper "Nowiny Polskie", Milwaukee, 1908- ; rector. Church of St. Vincent de Paul (1908-1909) and of St. Hyacinth's Church (1909– ), Milwaukee; diocesan consultor (1912– ), member of the School Board, and director of St. Michael's Priest Fund, archdiocese of Milwaukee; spiritual adviser, Polish Association of America. Founder and editor (1905-1908), "Oredownik Jezykowy"; instrumental in founding and organizing weekly Polish Cathohc paper "Nowiny", 1906; changed publication to a daily, 1907; founded Pohsh Charitable Association, 1910; his treatise on Polish punctuation pronounced best extant by European Pohsh critics. Author of: "Zasady interpunkcyi polskiej" (1905); verses; essays; "Bells of Corneville" (tr. from French and produced several times on stage); other translations of drama and poetry; collaborator in "Memoirs of Milwaukee County" (by Father Goral: "Poles in Milwaukee") (1909) ; contributor to Polish periodicals.

ARTICLE: Antoniewicz (Botoz), Charles.

Gorey, Reverend James L., rector, Immaculate Conception Church, Newport, Ky. ARTICLE: Covington, Diocese of.

Goyau, Pierre-Loris-Theiophile-Georges, b. at Orleans, France, 31 May, 1869. Education: Lyc4e, Orleans; Lyc6e Louis le Grand, and Higher Normal School, Paris; French School in Rome. Associate editor, "Revue des Deux Mondes" (Paris), 1895– married Lucie (d. 1913), daughter of President F6Hx Faure, 1903. Winner of the Prix Bordin (1898) and of the Prix Vitet (1908), French Academy. Commander of the Order of St. Gregory; Fellow of the University of Paris. Author of: "Le Pape, les cathohques et la question sociale" (1893); "Autour du catholicisme social", 5 vols. (1896-1912); "L'Allemagne religieuse, le protestantisme", Prix Bordin (1898; translated into German); "L'^cole d'aujourd'hui", 2 vols. (1899, 1906); "Le franc magonnerie en France" (1899); "Lendemains d'unit6: Rome, royaume de Naples" (1900); "L'idfe de patrie et I'humanitarisme, essai d'histoire frangaise" (1902); "Les nations ap6tres, vieille France, jeune Allemagne" (1903); "L'Allemagne religieuse, le cathohcisme, 1800-1870", 4 vols. (190.5-1909); "Moehler" 1,1906); "Jeanne d'Arc devant I'opinion allemande" (1907); "Ketteler" (1907; translated into Itahan and Spanish); "Sainte M61anie" (1907), "Autour du Catholicisme social", 4th and 5th series; (1910, 1912); "Bismarck et I'Eglise: le culturkampf ", 4 vols. (1896-1912); "Le Vatican" (in collaboration with Perate and Fabre), (1895; translated into German).

ARTICLES: Agen; Aire; Ajaccio; Albi; Algiers; Amiens; Angers; ANGOnLfeMB; Annect; Articles, The Organic; Auch; Autun; Avignon; Baunard, Louis; Bateux; Bayonne; Beau- VAis; Bellby; Berryer, Pierre- Antoine ; Besancon; Beugnot, Auguste-Arthur, Count; Blois; Bodin, Jean; Bordeaux; BouRGEs; Cahors; Cambrai; Carcassone; Catherine de' Medici; ChIlons-sur-Marnb; Chamb^ry; Charette de la CoNTRiE, Baron Athanase-Charles-Marie; Chartres; Choiseul, Etienne-François, Duc de; Clermont; Compagnie do Saint-Sacrement; Concordat of 1801, The French; Con- stantine, Diocese of; Coutances; Dax; Digne; Dijon; Ev- REUX; Falloux du Coudray, Frederic Alfred Pierre, Vicomtb db; Farfa, Abbey op; Fesch, Joseph, Cardinal; Fischer, Antonius, Cardinal; Fleury, Andh^-Hercules de; France; Francis I, King of France; Fr^jus; Gallia Chris- tiana; Gap; Grenoble; Grenoble, University of; Guade- loupe; Guise, House of; Harlay, Family of (5); Henry IV, King op France; Hirscher, Johann Baptist von; Hugh Capet, King of France; Joyeuse, Henri, Duc de; Ketteler, Wilhblm Emanuel, Baron von, Bishop of Mainz; Lamoignon, Family op; Langrbs; La Rochbfoucauld-Liancourt, Fran- 50IS-Alexandre-Fr^d^ric, Duke op; La Rochelle; Lauren- tie, Pierre-Sbbastien; Laval; League, The; Leclerc dtt Trbmblay, FRANgois; Lb Mans; Le Puy; Le Roy Beaulieu, Anatole; Le Tellier, Michel; L'Hospital, Michel de; Lille; Limoges; Louis IX, Saint, King of France; Louis XI, King op France; Louis XIV, King of France; LugoN; Lyons; Lyons, Councils of; MacMahon, Marie-Edm^-Patrice- Maurice de; MAcon; Maintenon, FRANgoisE, Marquise de; Mame, Alfred-Henri- Amand; Marie Antoinette, Queen op France; Marseilles; Martinique; Mazarin, Jules, Car- dinal; Meaux; Medici, Marie db'. Queen of France; Mende; Menestrier, Claude-François; Molai, Jacques de; Mon- strelbt, Enguerrand db; Montalembbrt, Charlbs-Forbbs- Ren:6, Count de; Montauban; Montmorency, Anne, First Duke of; Montor, ALEXis-FRANgois Artaud de; Montpbl- LiER, Diocese and University of; Moulins; Namur; Nancy; Nantes; Napoleon I; Napoleon III; Nevers; Nice; NImbs; Normandy; Odo, Bishop of Bayeux and Count of Kent; Oll^-Laprunb, L:6on; Oran; Oriflamme; Orleans; Orleans, Councils of; Pamiers; Paris; P^rigueux; Periodical Lit- erature, Catholic: France; Perpignan, Diocese and Uni- versity op; Philip II (Augustus), King op France; Philip IV, surnamed Le Bel CThe Fair), King of France; Pithou, Pierre; Play, Pierre-Guillaume-Frederic le; Poitiers; Quimper; Reims; Renaudot, Th^ophraste; Rennes; Retz, Jean-Fran50is-Paul-Gondi, Cardinal de, Archbishop of Paris; Revolution, French; Richard de la Vergne, Fran- gois-MARiE-BENjAMiN, Archbishop OF Pabis; Richelieu, Ab- mand-Jean du Plessis, Cardinal, Duke de; Rodez; Rouen; RoYBR-CoLLARD, Pierre-Paul; Sahara; Saint Bartholomew's Day; Saint-Bhieuc ; Saint-Claude; Saint-Denis; Saint-Di^; Saint-Flour; Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne; Saint-Simon, Louis De Rouvroy, Duc de; Saint-Simon and Saint-Simonism; Sa- vary; S:6ez; Sens, Akchdiocese and Councils of; Soissons; Tarbes; Tarentaise; Tellier, Michel, le; Thiers, Louis- Adolphb; Thou, Jacqubs-Auguste db; Thou, Nicolas de. Bishop op Chartres; Tocqubvillb, Charlbs-Alexis-Henri- Mauricb Clerel de; Toulouse; Tours; Troyes; "Tulle; "Tur- GOT, Anne-Robert-Jacques, Baron db l’Aulne; Turpin, Archbishop of Reims; Vaison; Valence, Diocese and Uni- versity of; Vannes; Verdun; Versailles; Villefranche, Jacques-Melchior; Villenbuve-Barcement, Jean-Paul-Al- ban, Vicomte de; Villerm^, Louis-RbniS; Viviehs; Wolowski, Louis-François-Michel-Reymond.

Graham, Right Reverend Charles Moricb, D.D., b. at Mhow, India, 5 April, 1834; d. at Havle, Cornwall, England, 2 Sept., 1912. Education: Prior Park, Bath, England; English College, Rome. Ordained 1857; secretary to the bishop and treasurer, diocese of Plymouth, England, 1859; coadjutor to the Bishop of Plymouth with the right of succession and titular Bishop of Cisamos 1891; Bishop of Plymouth 1902; titular Bishop of Tiberias, retiring from the see of Plymouth on account of ill health, and resident at Hayle, Cornwall, 1911-1912.

ARTICLE: Plymouth, Diocese of.

Graham, Reverend Edward P., a.m., ll.d., b. at Enniskillen, Ireland, 1862. Education: Chris- tian Brothers schools; St. Michael's College, Toronto; Canada; theological studies at Genoa, Italy; St. Mary's Seminary, Cleveland, Ohio. Before ordina- tion, professor of English and mathematics, St. Francis College, Quinoy, Illinois (3 years); ordained 1890; engaged in parish work 1890-1895; one of the original band of Apostolate Fathers, Cleveland, 1896- 1899; at present, pastor. Holy Angels Church, Sandusky; lecturer. Assisted Reverend Francis C. Kelley in founding the Cathohc Church Extension Society and its first general secretary. Knight of Columbus; member of the Men's Literary Club, Sandusky. Author of: "Via Dolorosa, Prayers at