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), Northwest Territory; vicar-general, vicariate Apostolic of Mackenzie, 1909- . Delegate of his vicariate to Rome for the election of a superior general of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, 1908. ARTICLE: Mackenzie, Vicariate Apostolic op.

Glancey, Very Reverend Canon Michael Francts, b. at Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, Eng., 25 October, 1854. Education: Sedgley Park School, Dudley; Oscott College, Birmingham; St. Bernard's Seminary, Olton. Ordained 1877; professor, Oscott CoUege, Birmingham, 1877-1888; diocesan inspector of schools (1888-1897) and chancellor (1897- ), diocese of Birmingham; pastor, Sohhull, 1899-1908; principal. Institute of St. Charles, Begbroke, Oxford, 1908- ; chairman of the Education Committee, Birmingham School Board; member of the Cathohc Education Council; canon of Birmingham 1905. Pormer member of the Board of Governors, Birming- ham Universitv; former Manager of- Voluntary Schools; editor of: the "Oscotian", 1881-1888; "Calendar and Directory of the Diocese of Birming- ham", 1900-1912; "Official CathoKc Directory of the Province of Birmingham". Author of: "Charac- teristics from the Writings of Archbishop UUathorne" (1889); "The Press on Cardinal Newman" (1890); "Scripture Histories for Schools" (1891-1894); "The Catechism Rearranged for Schools" (1891); pam- phlets and addresses on the education question; "Christian Apology" (translated from the German of Schanz, in collaboration with Monsignor Schobel), 3 vols. (Dublin, 1890-1892); editor of: Knecht, "Commentary on Holy Scripture" (with Preface) (1893; 3 English eds.); "Orbis Catholicus"; contribu- tor to: "Dubhn Review"; "Tablet"; "Catholic Times".

ARTICLE: Christian Doctrine, Confraternity of.

Glass, Right Reverend Joseph Sarspield, cm., D.D., Bishop of Salt Lake, Utah, b. at Bushnell, Illinois, 13 March, 1874. Education: parochial schools; St. Vincent's College, Los Angeles, California; Minerva, Rome. Evptered the Congregation of the Mission 1891; ordained 1897; at various times teacher in Lazarist colleges, director of seminarians and assistant superior, St. Mary's Seminary, Perryville, Missouri; president of St. Vincent's College and rector of St. Vincent's Church, Los Angeles; Bishop of Salt Lake 1915-

ARTICLES: Jean-Gabriel Perboyrb, Blessed; Lb Gras, Louise de Marillac, Venerable; Medal, Miraculous.

Glouden, Athanasb, Ph.D., iJtt.D., b. at ChdtQ- lon, Belgium, 4 February, 1873. Education: primary school at Chatillon, Preparatory Seminary at Bastogne, Institute of St. Louis and Central Board of Higher Education at Brussels, Belgium. Teacher 1894r- ; at present, professor of hterature and history. College of St. Michael, Brussels; journahst. Has lectured in Paris, Brussels, Aix-la-ChapeUe, etc. ; decoration Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice from Pius X; one of the founders of "L'Extension universitaire beige". Member of the Belgian Authors' Association. Author of: "PoSmes catholiques" (1896); "Mon jardin fleuri", poems (1898); "L'Energie beige" (1905); "En pays gaumet", novel (1906); "Les id^es de M. Goedzak, philosophe bruxellois" (1910); contributor to: "Revue giSn^rale"; "Journal de Bruxelles"; editor of "Le Patriote"; literary editor of "Journal beige des examens". Pen name: "Edouard Ned".

ARTICLE: Periodical Literature, Catholic; Belgium.

Godinho, John Chrysostom, philatelist, b. at Dabul, Bombay, India, 15 December, 1862. Educa- tion: St. Francis Xavier's High School, Bombay; matriculated at Bombay University. Began career as operator in the Electric Branch, Indian Govern- ment Telegraphs; rose to First Grade Telegraph

Master, for some time charged with the Bombay Central Telegraph Office; subsequently Telegraph Instructor for Bombay; connoisseur in jewelry and old china, resident at Bombay. Founder of "the Indian Postage Stamp News"; lectured on the mihtary service of the Parsees under the Portuguese Supremacy in India before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Secretary of the Council, Philatehc Society of India. Author of: "Abul-Aziz"; contributor to: publications of the Ethnographic Survey of the Bombay Presidency; "Horas Vagas"; "Anglo-Lusitano " ; "Civilisacao Indiana"; "Indian Telegraphist"; "Bombay Gazetteer"; associate editor of "Philatelic Journal of India". ARTICLE: Damao (Damau, Damaun), Diocese of.

Godrycz, Reverend John, d.d., ph.n., j.u.d., b. at Chehn, Russian Poland, 21 Oct., 1872. Educa- tion: Russian Poland; England; Italy. Ordained 1897; successively professor at St. Mary's Seminary, Detroit, Michigan, and rector of St. Casimir's Church, Shenandoah, Pennsylvania; rector, Pennsylvania Pohsh College (1910- ) and of St. Stanislaus Church (1911- ), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Founded the Pennsylvania Polish College, employing his private fortune for the purpose. Author of: "Essays on the Foundation of Education" (Lansing, Michigan, 1900); "Doctrine of Modernism and Its Refutation" (Philadelphia, 1908).

ARTICLES: Dlugosz, Jan; John Cantius, Saint.

Goggin, Reverend John Francis, Ph.D., d.d., b. at Pahnyra, New York, 22 July, 1877. Education: Palmyra Classical Union School; St. Andrew's Preparatory Seminary and St. Bernard's Seminary, Rochester; American College, Rome. Ordained 1902; professor 1902- ; former professor of dogmatic theology and (at present) professor of exegesis, moral theology, and Itahan, and, since 1908, prefect of studies, St. Bernard's Seminary, Rochester.

ARTICLES: Acolouthia; Addeus and Maris, Liturgy of; African Liturgy; Amalarius of Metz; Basil, Liturgy of Saint; Bread, Liturgical Use of; Pontificale; Pontifical Mass; Priest, Assistant; Sacristan.

Golubovich, REArEREND Girolamo, O.F.M., writer, b. in Dahnatia, 7 February, 1865. Education: Franciscan Convent, Jerusalem. Entered the Fran- ciscan Order 1879; ordained 1888; librarian, Francis- can Convent, Jerusalem, 1888-1889; engaged in missionary and parochial work at Larnaca and Limassol, Cyprus, 1889-1895; title of Missionary Apostohc from Cardinal Ledochowski 1895; succes- sively professor of rhetoric, Franciscan Lyceum, Aleppo, Syria, and missionarj' to the Greeks, Slavs, and Itahans of Alexandria and Port Said, Egypt, 1895-1896; vicar of the mission of Constantinople 1902-1904; historian of the Franciscan Mission of the Holy Land, and in this capacity sent for research to the hbraries of Italy, Austria, Belgium, France, and England, collecting and editing many rare documents, 1898-1909; one of the editors of the works of Alexan- der of Hales and Bartholomew of Pisa 1904-1907; director of the "Archivum franciscanum historicum" (Quaracchi) 1907-1908; stationed in Florence 1909- . Author of: "Serie Cronologica dei Reveren- dissimi Superiori di Terra Santa" (awarded the Diploma of the Gold Medal, Exposition of Saored Art, Turin, 1898) (.lerusalem, 1898); "II Trattato di Terra Santa e dell' Oriente di frate Francesco Suriano" (Milan, 1900) ; " Ichnographise Locorum et Monumen- torum veterum Tarrse Sanctae, accurate dihneatse et descriptse a P. Elzeario Horn" (Rome, 1902); "Bibliotbeca Bio-bibhographica della Terra Santa e dell' Oriente Francescano", Vols. I and II (Quaracchi, 1906, 1913); contributor to: "Archivum franciscanum historicum"; "Archive storico itaUano"; "Mission! francescane" (Rome); "Oriente serafico" (Assisi); "Bessarione"; "Luce e amore" (Florence); "La