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ville, France, 1883-1886; entered the Order of Priests of the Sacred Heart 1886; missionary in Ecuador 1888-1890; director of the College of the Priests of the Sacred Heart (which he rebuilt), Bahia, Ecuador, 1890-1896; missionary (and founder of the mission), Stanley Falls, Belgian Congo, 1897-1908; titular Bishop of Sagalassus and vicar Apostolic of Stanley Falls 1908- ; canon of honor of the cathedral of Verdun and honorary canon of the cathedral of Cahors, France; Officer of the Royal Order of the Lion (Belgium).

ARTICLE : Stanley Falls, Vicabiate Apostolic of.

Gruber, Reverend Hermann, s.j., writer, b. at Kufstein, Austrian Tyrol, 5 February, 1851. Educa- tion: State Gymnasium and SteUa Matutina College, Feldkirch, Austria; Jesuit scholasticates in Germany, Holland, Austria, and England. Entered the Society of Jesus 1868; professor, Stella Matutina College, Feldkirch, 1874^1876; ordained 1879; professor of philosophy, Jesuit scholasticate of Lyons, which was transferred the same year to Mold, Cheshire, England, 1881; occupied in parish and literary work in Belgium, Germany, Austria, etc., 1882- ; stationed at Stella Matutina College, Feldkirch, 1899- . Has visited for research purposes the Ubraries of Paris, Brussels, Vienna, etc.; one of the chief instruments in bringing about the exposure of Leo Taxil, 1896- 1897; ardent opponent of freemasonry; compiled reports for the Antimasonic Congress, Paris, 1909, reprinted in "La Franc-Majonnerie d^masqu^e", organ of the French Antimasonic Association. Author of: "Auguste Comte, Begrunder des Positivis- mus" (1889; French translation 1891; Itahan trans- lation 1893; Polish translation 1898); "Der Positivis- mus" (1891; French translation 1893; Italian trans- lation 1896); "Leo Taxils Palladismus-Roman", 3 parts (1897-1898); "Betrug als Ende eines Betrugs" (1897); "Einigungsbestrebungen und innere Kampfe in der deutschen Freimauerei seit 1866" (1898); "Der giftige Kern", Vol. I (1899); "Mazzini, Frei- mauerei und Weltrevolution" (1901; Italian trans- lation 1902); etc.; collaborator in: Herder, "Kirchen- lexikon"; " Staatslexikon der Gorres-Gesellschaft"; contributor to: "Stimmen aus Maria-Laach"; "Ger- mania"; "La Franc-MaQonner'e diSmasqute"; "Kol- nische Volkszeitung"; "Civilt^ CattoUca".

ARTICLES: Illuminati; Libeealism; Masonbt (Fsee- masonrt); Rosicrucians.

Grupp, Reverend Geobg, Ph.D., b. at Bohmen- kirch, Wiirttemberg, 25 May, 1861. Education: pubUc school, Bohmenkirch; Gymnasium, Rottweil; University of Tiibingen; Seminary, Rottenburg. Ordained 1886; hbrarian and curator, Ottingen- Wallerstein Collection, Maihingen, 1887- . Has compiled numerous catalogues of manuscripts, books, etc., for the Ottingen-Wallerstein Library. Author of: "System und Geschichte derKultur" (Paderborn, 189 1 ) ;" ' 'Ottingische Geschichte der Ref ormationszeit ' ' (Nordhngen, 1894); "Kulturgeschichte des Mit- telalters", 2 vols. (Paderborn, 1894, 1895; 2nd ed., 3 vols., 1906, 1908, 1912); "Ottingische Regesten", 3 fascs. (Nordlingen, 1895, 1899, 1908); "Hand- schriften von Maihingen" (Nordlingen, 1897); "Geschichte der Herrschaft Baldem" (Nordlingen, 1900); "Kulturgeschichte der romischen Kaiserzeit", 2 vols. (Munich, 1902, 1904); "Kulturgeschichte der alten Kelten und Germanen" (Munich, 1905); "Deutscher Volks- und Stammescharakter" (Stutt- gart, 1906); "Jenseitsrehgion" (Freiburg, 1910); "Kupferstichsammlung in Maihingen" (1912). ARTICLES: Constantine the Great; Historical Appre-

Guasco, Alexandre, ll.d., b. at Bastia, Corsica, 7 December, 1853. Has spent his hfe in the practice of law in Bastia and Paris; has been for many years

secretary of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, a post which he still holds; Knight of: the Order of St. Sylvester; the Holy Sepulchre; the Order of St. Gregory. Author of: "Condition des Etrangers" (thesis for doctorate); (pamphlets) "Les Missionaires et la Science"; "Les origines et I'histoire de rOeuvre de la Propagation de la Foi"; collaborator in: Piolet, "Missions Catholiques" ^by M. Guasco, "Etats Unis"; "Haiti"; "Guyane frangaise"; "L'A- merique et ses habitants"; "Les anciennes missions dans I'Am^rique du Sud"); contributor to "Revue de la Revolution"; "Revue des questions diplo- matiques et coloniales"; "Revue g^n^rale'de Droit international pubHc"; "Annales de la Propagation delaFoi". ARTICLE: Corsica.

Giiereca Cueto, Rbviirend Reginaldo, b. at San Juan del Rio, Durango, 7 February, 1883. Education: Seminary, Durango City. Ordained 1906; engaged in parish worksuccessively at Durango City, Tepehuanes, Canatlan and (at present) once more at Durango City, Durango, Mexico; accom- plished linguist; government interpreter. Member of the Iniversalla Esperanto Asocio. Contributor to: "El Tiempo"; "El Domingo". ARTICLE : Durango, Abchdiocese of.

Guerin, Reverend Charles, White Father missionary, b. in the department of Seine-et-Marne, France, 21 May, 1872; d. at Ghardaia, Sahara, 19 March, 1910. Education: College Stanislas, Semi- nary of St. Sulpice, Paris. Ordained 1896; entered seminary of White Fathers. Prefect Apostolic of Ghardaia 1901-1910. ARTICLE: Ghardaia, Prefecture Apostolic of.

Guinan, Reverend Joseph, b. near Cloghan, King's Coimty, Ireland, 1863. Education: St. Mary's College, Dundalk; St. Mel's College, Longford; May- nooth. Ordained 1888; successively engaged in parish work, Liverpool, England, and curate, professor and examiner of schools, diocese of Ardagh and Clon- macnoise; pastor, Bornacoola, Coimty Leitrim, 1910— . Author of: "Priest and People in Doon" (1903); "The Soggarth Aroon" (1905); "The Moores of Glynn" (1906); "The Island Parish" (1908); "Donal Kenny" (1910); "The Curate of Kilcloon" (1910); pamphlets for the Irish CathoUc Truth Society: contributor to: "The Lyceum"; "Irish Rosary"; "Irish Monthly"; "Ave Maria"; "Magnifi- cat"; "Messenger".

ARTICLE : Edoeworth, Henry Essex.

Guinet, Vert Reverend John Petbk, m.s. b. in France, 1866. Education: school and seminary of the Missionaries of La Salette, Grenoble, France. Entered the order of Missionaries of La Salette; ordained 1890; pastor. Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, Hartford, Connecticut, 1895-1898; pastor, St. James Church, Danielson, Connecticut, 1898- 1905; superior of the Missionaries of La Salette, Hartford, 1905-1908; provincial 1908- ; resident at Hartford. Contributor to "BuUetin of the Missionaries of La Salette". ARTICLE: La Salette, Missionaries of.

Guiney, Lotiise Imogen, writer, b. at Boston, Massachusetts, 7 January, 1861, daughter and only child of General P. R. Guiney and Janet Margaret Doyle. Education: Notre Dame Convent, Boston; Academy of the Sacred Heart, Ehnhurst, Providence, Rhode Island; private tutors. Has devoted most of her time to literature; resident (since 1900) in England. Author of: "The White Sail", poems (1887); "Monsieur Henri" [de la Rochejaquelin) (1892); "A Roadside Harp", poems (1893); "A Little Enghsh Gallery", essays (1894); "Patrins", essays