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(1897); "England and Yesterday" (1898); "The Martyr's Idyl" (1899); "Hurrell Froude" (1904); "Robert Emmet" (1904); "Edmund Campion" (1908); "Happy Ending" (1910); edited: "Matthew Arnold" (Riverside Literature Series); Parson's Translation of Dante's Divina Commedia (1893); "James Clarence Mangan" (1897) ; Vaughan, "Mount of Olives" (1902); "Thomas Stanley'^ (1907); con- tributor to: "The Atlantic Monthly"; "Scribner's"; " McClure's ";" Blackwood's ";" The DubUn Review " ; "The Catholic World".

ARTICLES: Chaucer, Geoffrey; Edmund Campion, Blessed; Guinet, Patrick Robert; Johnson, Lionel Piqot.

Guldner, Reverend Benedict, s.j., b. near Saarlouis, Prussia, 10 March, 1845. Education: Gymnasium, Trier, Germany; Jesuit scholasticates at Woodstock, Maryland, and Laval, France. Entered the Society of Jesus 1866 ; teacher of Classics successively at the Jesuit colleges at Montreal, Canada, Buffalo, and Fordham, New York, 1868- 1874; ordained 1878; for the greater part of his Ufe has held the post of professor in various Jesuit scholasticates and colleges in the United States, devoting much of his time in addition to Uterary and ascetical work; editor ot the "Woodstock Letters" 1888; former professor of philosophy and theology, Woodstock College, Maryland (12 years); professor of psychology and lecturer on ethics in the Medical Faculty, Georgetown University, Washington, 1904- 1906; professor of philosophy, Fordham University, New York, 1906-1907; chaplain, St. Joseph's College, Philadelphia, 1907- . Contributor to: "The Messenger"; "America", other German and English periodicals.

ARTICLES: Anqelus, Silesius; Anneoarn, Joseph; Apo- tactics; Aquarians; Archontics; Balde, Jacob; Berno (Apostle of the Obotrites); Beschi, Costanzo Giuseppe; BoLLiG, Johann; Bougeant, Guillaume-Hyacinthe; Bran- cati, Francesco; Brischar, Johann Nepomucenb; Bbumoy, Pierre; Brunner, Sebastian; Brunswick; Carneiro, Mel- choir; Coffin, Robert Aston; Contzen, Adam; Conversion; Schmid, Christoph von.

Giinter, IIeinrich, Ph.D., b. at Schelklingen, near Ulm, Germany, 15 February, 1870. Education: Gymnasium, Ehingen; University of Tubingen; University of Vienna. City arehvist, Rottweil, 1893- 1897; lecturer (1897-1902) and special professor of history (1902- ), University of Tiibingen. Visited Spain for purposes of research, 1906. Member of the Wiirttemberg Historical Commission. Author of: "Urkundenbuch der Stadt Rottweil" (1896); "Das Miinzwesen in der Gratschaft Wiirttemberg" (1897); "Das Restitutionsedict von 1629 und die katholische Restauration Alt-Wurttembergs" (1902); "Kaiser Heinrich II der Heihge" (1904); "Legenden- Studien" (1906); "Die Habsburger-Liga 1625-1635" (1908); "Die christHche Legende des Abendlandes"

(1910). ARTICLE: Legends of the Saints.

Gurdon, Reverend Edmund (Arthur Leslie Gurdon), o.carth., b. at Assington, Suffolk, England, 7 April, 1864, son of Philip Gurdon, M.A., AngUcan

clergyman, convert to the Church. Education: France. Entered the Carthusian Order 1882; or- dained 1888; has been stationed at various periods in France, England, and Spain; at present stationed at Barcelona.

ARTICLES: Contemplative Life; Denys the Carthusian; DissEN, Heinrich von; Lanspergius (John Justus of Lands- berg); William Exmew, Blessed.

Gutberlet, Right Reverend Canon Constantin, Ph.D., S.T.D., b. at Geismar, Germany, 10 January, 1837. Education: pubUc school Geismar; Gymna- sium, Fulda; German College, Rome. Ordained 1861; professor of humanities, mathematics, and the natural sciences. Seminary, Fulda, 1862-1875; direc- tor of the Fulda Seminary, transferred by him during the Kulturkampf to Wurzburg, in which were received students from the whole of Germany, 1875-1886; professor of philosophy, apologetics, and dogma, Seminary, Fulda, 1886- ; vicar-general, official of the matrimonial court, prosynodal examiner and canon of the cathedral, diocese of Fulda; private chamberlain to His Holiness; domestic prelate; protonotary ApostoUc; Knight of the Prussian Order of the Red Eagle. Member of: the Philosophical Society of Louvain ; the Advisory Board of the Gorres- Society; the Pontifical Biblical Commission. Author of: "Lehrbuch der Philosophie", 6 vols.; "Lehrbuch der Apologetik", 3 vols.; "Die Willensfreiheit"; "Der mechanische Monismus"; "Der Kosmos"; "Der Mensch"; "Ethik und Eehgion"; "Lehrbuch der Naturphilosophie" (4 eds.); "Der Gottmensch Jesus Christus"; continuator of Heinrich, "Dog- matik" (by Dr. Gutberlet: Vols. VII-X); editor of "Philosophisches Jahrbuch". ARTICLE: Materialism.

Guthrie, William B., b.s., ph.D. Education: Lenox College, Hopkinton, Iowa; Iowa University; Columbia University, New York; University of Ber- Un; School of Law, Paris. Has held the posts of manager of the Riverside Settlement House, New York (two years), special lecturer, New York Univer- sity, departmental editor, "Charities and the Com- mons"; for several years connected with College of the City of New York; at present, associate professor of political science; platform lecturer for a number of years; at present lecturer for the Public Lecture bepartment, New York Board of Education. Former fellow of the Department of Pohtical Science, Univer- sity of Chicago. Member of: the Academy of Political Science; the American Pohtical Science Association; Society of International Law and National Municipal League; Board of Governors and of the Executive Committee of the "World's Court League" and president of the New York State Branch of the League. Author of: "Housing Problem in German Cities", monograph; "History of Socialism before the French Revolution"; "Brief History of the American People"; collaborator in "International Encyclopedia"; contributor to various journals. ARTICLE: Migration.