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Ross, School of; Tuam, Archdiocese op; Tuam, School op.

Healy, Very Reverend Patrick Joseph, d.d. Education: Mt. Melleray College, Cappoquin, Ire- land; St. Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie, New York; Catholic University, Washington. At present, pro- fessor of Church history, CathoUc tFniversity, Washington. Member of the American Historical Association. Author of : "The Valerian Persecution" ; "Christianity and the Social Question"; contributor to: "American Historical Review"; various other periodicals.

ARTICLES: Allakd, Paul; Antoninus, Pius; Apotheosis; Augustus; Aurelian; Aurelius Antoninus, Marcus; Bene- dict XIII, Pope; Benedict XIV; Caius; Caracalla; Ceillier, R^Mi; CoMBEFis, Francois; Commodus; Decius; Facundus of Hehmiane; Faustus of Riez; Felicissimus; Firmicus Mater- Nus; Flavia Domitilla; Fulgentius Ferrandus; Jovinianus; Julian of Eclanum; Lactantius, Lucius C^cilius Firmianus; Ldcian of Antioch; Macasius the Alexandrian; Macarius the Egyptian, or the Elder; Nicolaiteb; Parabolani; Peace of the Church; Priscillianism; Quadratub; Sardica, Coun- cils of; Seleucianb; Serapion, Bishop of Antioch; Sibylline Oracles; Sicard, Bishop of Cremona; Socrates; Sozomen, Salaminius Hermias; Tatian; Ulfilas; Valentinub and Valentinians; Victorinus, Caius Marius; Victor of Capua; Victor Vitensis; Vigiliub, Bishop op Tapbub.

Heaxn, Edward I.bo, b. at Boston, Massachusetts, 2 August, 1865, brother of Reverend David W. Hearn, S.J. Education: high school, Hopkinton, Massachusetts. Upon graduation, entered commercial life; Supreme Knight, Knights of Columbus, 1899- 1909; successively second and first vice-president and general manager, Casualty Company of America, 1907- . During his administration as Supreme Knight, Knights of Columbus extended throughout the United States, Canada, the Philippines, Mexico, and Cuba; placed the Society's finances and insurance system upon a firm basis; under his direction, the $50,000 endowment of the Knights of Columbus of a chair of Secular History at the Catholic University, Washington, was inaugurated and accomplished and plan for a further endowment of 8500,000 successfully started; declined a second election as Supreme Knight. Treasurer of the Casualty and Surety Social Club; member of the Manhattan Club, Bankers Club, and numerous Catholic societies.

ARTICLE: Knights of Columbus.

Heckmann, Reverend Ferdinand, o.p.m., b. at Guetersloh, Germany, 6 June, 1879. Education: St. Francis Solanus College, Quincy, Illinois; St. Bonaventure's Monastery, Paterson, New Jersey; CathoUc University, Washington. Came to the United States as a boy; entered the Franciscan Order 1898; ordained 1906; lector of Church history, Mt. St. Sepulchre Franciscan Monastery, Washing- ton, 1907-1911; stationed at St. Joseph's College, Callicoon, New York, 1911-1912; church of St. Stephen's Croghan, New York, 1912-1913; St. Bonaventure's Monastery, Paterson, N. J., 1913- 1915; again church of St. Stephen's Croghan, New York, 1915- . Contributor to: "Homiletic Monthly"; "CathoUc University Bulletin".

ARTICLES: Cord, Confraternities of the; Ferdinand III, Saint; Mary Frances of the Five Wounds of Jesus, Saint; Nicholas Piece, Saint; Peter Baptist and Twenty- five Companions, Saints; Peter de Regalado, Saint; Rites; Franciscan; Seraphim of Montegranaro, Saint; Seraphina Sforza, Blessed; Tertiaries; Third Order Secular of the Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel; Third Order Reg- ular of St. Dominic in the United States; Third Order Regular of St. Francis, in the United States; Third Order Secular of St. Francis; Thomas of Celano.

Hehir, Very Reverend Martin A., c.s.sp., ll.d., b. near Kildysart, Co. Clare, Ireland, 10 November, 1855. Education: Classical School, Co. Clare; Blackrock College, DubUn; theological studies, Paris. Entered the Congregation of the Holy Ghost 1872; teacher and disciplinarian, Blaokrook College, DubUn, 1877-1880; ordained 188i; successively

professor and vice-president (1884-1899) and presi- dent (1899- ), Holy Ghost College (since 1911 Duquesne University), Pittsburg; member of the School Board and synodal examiner, diocese of Pittsburg. President of the CoUege Department, Catholic Educational Association, since 1910. ARTICLE: Ratisbonne, Maria Teeodor.

Heimbucher, Reverend Max, s.t.d., b. at Miesbaoh, Bavaria, 10 June, 1859. Education: Gymnasium, Freising; University of Munich. Or- dained 1883; prefect, Preparatory Seminary, Freising, 1883-1887; vicar, St. Cajetan's Church, Munich, 1887-1891; professor of apologetics, dogmatic theolo- gy, and patrology. High School, Royal Lyceum, Bamberg, 1891- . Member of the Order of Michael, 4th Class, with crown. Author of: "Die Wirkungen der heiUgen Kommunionen" (1884); "BibUothek des Priesters" (1885; 6th ed. 1911); "Die Papstwahlen unter den Karolinern" (1889); "Die Orden und Kongregationen der katholischen Kh-che", 2 vols. (1896; 2nd ed., 3 vols., 1907-1908); "Die praktisch-soziale Tatigkeit des Priesters" (1902; 4th ed. 1912); "Die Adventisten" (1911); "Dr. Ernst Horneffer und seine KiinstUche Religion" (1911); collaborator in Herder's "Kirchenlexikon".

ARTICLES: Hermits of St. Augustine; Weber, Heinhich.

Heinlein, Reverend Edward, d.d., b. in Bavaria, Germany, December, 1870. Education: St. Mary's College, North East, Pennsylvania; St. Joseph's Seminary, successively at Troy and Yonkers, New York; further studies at Jerusalem. Ordained 1897; has been assistant pastor of various churches in the archdiocese of New York; rector, successively of Holy Family Church, Unionport, New York, Church of St. Mary Magdalen, New York, and (1911- ) Church of Our Lady of Victory, Mt. Vernon, New York. Contributor to: "New York Review"; German periodicals.

ARTICLES: Adonai; Adoption; .^non; Affinity (in the Bible).

Heinz, Reverend Odorick, o.M.cap., b. at Lorsch, Hesse, Germany, 23 March, 1878. Educa- tion: CoUege at Burghausen and Seminary at DilUn- gen, Germany. Entered the Capuchin Order 1900; ordained 1905; former professor at one of the houses of his order; at present, Ubrarian, Capuchin Convent, Munich; preacher. Contributor to: " Literarischer Handweiser" (Minister); " Monatsblatter flir den kathoUschen ReUgionsunterricht" (Cologne).

ARTICLE: Tricassin, Charles Joseph.

Hellne Marie, Mother, superior of the Convent of the Sisters of St. Ursula of the Blessed Virgin, New York.

ARTICLES: Ursula of the Blessed Virgin, Society op THE Sisters of St. ; Xainctonge,! Anne de. Venerable.

Hendrick, Right Reverend Thomas Augustine, D.D., LL.D., Bishop of Cebii, PhiUppine Islands, b. at Penn Yan, New York, 29 October, 1849; d. at Cebd, 29 November, 1909. Education: common schools and academy, Penn Yan; St. John's CoUege, Ford- ham, New York; Seton Hall CoUege, South Orange, New Jersey; St. Joseph's Seminary, Troy, New York. Ordained 1873; assistant, St. Mary's Church, Roches- ter, New York, 1873-1874; rector. Holy Cross Church, Charlotte, New York, 1874-1877; rector at Union Springs, New York, 1877-1891; rector suc- cessively at Aurora and Cayuga, New York, 1891- 1895; rector, St. Bridget's Church, Rochester, 1895- 1903; Bishop of Cebii 1903-1909. Participated in all congresses of American charitable organizations; delegate of United Charities of America to World's Congress of Charitable Associations, London, 1904; regent of the University of the State of New York, 1900-1904; reorganized diocese of Cebvi; practically