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HERBERT ended Aglipay schism in his diocese. Former vice- president of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children; member of numerous charitable associa- tions. Constant contributor of articles on charity and charitable organizations to various newspapers. ARTICLE: Cebu, Diocese of. Hennessy, Right Reveeend John Joseph, d.d., Bishop of Wichita, Kansas, b. in Ireland, 19 July, 1847; son of Michael and Ellen (Cronin) Hennessy; came to the United States, 1850. Education: Christian Brothers' College, St. Louis, Mo.; St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, Wis. Ordained 1869; pastor. Church of the Immaculate Conception, Iron Mountains, Mo., 1869-1880; rector of the Pro- Cathedral, St. Louis, 1880-1888; Bishop of Wichita, Kansas 1888- ; instrumental in establishing the reform school at Glenooe; founded the Railroad Men's Benevolent Union 1871; estabUshed Ursuline Convent, Arcadia, Mo. 1877; Procurator and vice- president. Board of Managers, St. Louis Protectory, 1878-1886; edited "Youth's Magazme", 1880-1887. ARTICLE: Wichita, Diocese of. Hennessy, Reverend Brother Patrick Jerome, F.S.O., b. at Tralee, Co. Kerry, Ireland, Oct., 1855. Education: schools of the Irish Christian Brothers. Entered the Irish Institute of Christian Brothers 1869; former teacher in Christian Brothers' Schools, Waterford, Ireland (five years); former teacher (21 years) and director (1904^1906), Our Lady's Mount, Cork, Ireland; assistant to the superior general of the Irish Christian Brothers, DubUn, 1906- As visitor of the schools of his congregation, has travelled extensively. Author of school text-books; contributor to periodicals. ARTICLE: Rice, Edmund Ignatius. Henry, Right Reverend Monsignor Hugh Thomas, Litt.D., ll.d., b. at Philadelphia, 1862. Education: La Salle College, Philadelphia; University of Pennsylvania; St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, Pennsylvania. Ordained 1889; professor of EngUsh and Gregorian chant, St. Charles Seminary, Over- brook, 1889- ; spiritual director. Confraternity of St. Gabriel, 1896- ; rector, Roman Catholic High School, Philadelphia, 1902- . Lectured for six years at Catholic Summer School, Chff Haven, New York: editor of "Church Music", 1905-1906, 1907- 1909. Member of: (president two terms) American Cathohc Historical Society; American Historical Association; National Geographical Society. Col- laborator in: "St. Joseph's Anthology" (Dublin, 1897); "Sonnets on the Sonnet" (London, 1898); "Carmina Mariana", 2nd Series (London, 1902); "Poems of Leo XIII" (Philadelphia, 1902); "Original Sources of European History" (Philadelphia, 1903); "Old Times in the Colonies" (Philadelphia, 1904); "The Book of Hymns" (Edmburgh, 1910); "Eucha- ristica" (Philadelphia, 1912); contributor to: "Ameri- can Catholic Quarterly Review"; "American Ec- clesiastical Review"; "Catholic World"; "Records of the American Catholic Historical Society"; "The Dolphin". ARTICLES: Abkaham (in Litukqt) ; Acathistus; Adoso Te Devote; Agios O Theos; Agnus Dei (in Lituhqy); Alma Re- DEMPTORis Mater; Ambrosian Htmnography; Andrew of Crete, Saint; Antiphonart; Ave Maris Stella; Ave Regina; Canticle; Congregational Singing; Dies Ir.e; Gloria, Laus bt Honor; Jesu Dulcis Memoria; Lauda Sion; Magnificat; Mass, Music of the; Miserere; Nunc Dimittis; O Antiphonb; O Deus Ego Amo Te; O Filii et Filije; O Salutaris Hobtia; Pange Lingua Globiosi; Precentor; Quem terra, pontus sidera; Quicumque Christum Qu/eritib; Rector Potens, Verax Deus; Regina Cceli; Rerum Creator Optime; Rerdm Deub Tenax Vigor; Rex Gloriose Martyhum; Rex Sempi- terne Celitum; Rorate Cceli; Rosary, Breviary Hymns of the; Sacra Jam Splendent; Sacris Solemniis; Salve Mundi Salutare; Salve Regina; Salvete Christi Vulnera; Sanc- torum Meritis; Stabat Mater; Tantum Ergo; Te Deum; Tb Lucis ante Teeminum; Urbb beata Jerusalem dicta pacib visio; Ut Queant Laxis Rebonare Fibhis; Veni Creator Spihitus: Veni Sancte Spiritub et Emitte Ccelitus; Veni Sancte Spiritub Reple; Vehbum Supehnum Pbodiens; Ves- pers, Music of; Vexilla Regis Pbodeunt; Victims Paschali Laudes Immolent Chbistiani. Hansen, Vert Reverend Antonius Hubertus Leonakdus, D.D., b. at Rotterdam, Holland, 1854. Education pubhc school, Rotterdam, College,: Hageveld, and Seminary, Warmond, Holland; College de Urbe, Rome. Ordained 1879; successively vicar at Volendam, vice-president of St. Joseph's Labor Union, Amsterdam, and vicar of St. James Church, The Hague, Holland, 1879-1886; professor of Church history, Seminary, Warmond, 1886- ; chamber- lain to His Hohness 1911. Member of: the Com- mittee of History and Archaeology, Society of Dutch Literature (Leyden) ; the Historical Society (Utrecht) ; one of the directors of the Episcopal Museum, Haarlem; Knight of the Dutch Order of the Lion. Author of: "Roomsch-Katholiek Rotterdam" (Rot- terdam, 1906); contributor to: "De KathoMek"; "Bydragen v. d. Geschiedenis van het bisdom van Haarlem"; "Archief v. d. Geschiedenis van het Aartsbisdom Utrecht"; "Bydragen en Mededeelingen V. h. Hist. Genootschap te Utrecht"; "KathoHeke lUustratie"; "Vincentius-Ahnanak"; one of the managers of "De Katholiek" and "Bydragen v. d. Geschiedenis van het bisdom van Haarlem".

ARTICLE : Haahlem, Diocese of.

Herbermann, Charles George, A.M., Litt.D., Ph.D., LL.D., K.S.G., b. at Saarbeck, Westphalia, Germany, 8 December, 1840; d. in New York, 24 August, 1916, son of George Herbermann and Elizabeth Stipp. Education: St. Francis Xavier's College, New York. Came to the United States 1851; instructor, St. Francis Xavier's College, New York, 1858-1869; professor of Latin language and Literature (1869-1914) and librarian (1873-1914), College of the City of New York; married 1st, Mary Theresa Dieter, of Baltimore (d. 1876), 1873; 2nd, Elizabeth Schoeb, of Marburg, Germany (d. 1893), 1880; editor-in-chief, "The Catholic Encyclopedia", 1905-1916. First president: St. Francis Xavier Alumni Sodality, 1863; Xavier Alumni Association (reelected eight times); president of: the Catholic Club, 1874; German Catholic Congress, Newark, New Jersey, 1892; gave course on German Literature, Catholic Summer School, Cliff Haven, New York, 1896; gave various lectures on medieval universities, comparative philology and ancient paintings; recipient of Lsetare Medal, Notre Dame University, Notre Dame, Indiana, 1913; decoration Pro ecclesia et pontifice. Charter member and reorganizer (president 1898-1916), United States Cathohc Historical Society; former member of the Catholic Club. Author of: "Business Life in Ancient Rome" (New York, 1880; reprinted in England and Australia); "The Sulpicians in the United States" (New York, 1916); essays; translated (for United States Catholic Historical Society): Torfeson, "History of Vinland"; "Life of Bishop Dubois"; "The Waldseemüller Map of 1507"; edited: "Sallust's Jugurthine War" (New York, 1886); "Sallust's Catiline" (Boston, 1891); "Unpublished Letters of Charles Carroll of Carrollton"; Thébaud. "Forty Years in the United States"; "An English Colony in the United States" (last three for United States Catholic Historical Society); contributor to: "American Catholic Quarterly Review"; "Catholic World".

ARTICLES: Achtermann, Theodore William; Aubignao, Francois Hédelin Abbé d'; Castelli, Pietro; Constantine the Great (Part First); Dance of Death (Part First); Frank, Michael Sigismund; Heliand, The; Thébaud, Augustus.

Herbert, John Alexander, b.a., b. at Gateshead, England, 1862. Education: Royal Grammar School, Newcastle-on-Tyne; St. John's College, Cambridge. Assistant master, Castle House, Petersfield, and high