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state deputy, Knights of Columbus. Author of "Oklahoma Form Book" (Oklahoma City, 1902; lasted. 1912). ARTICLE: Oklahoma.

Hilgenreiner, Vert Reverend Monsignor Karl, D.D., Ph.D., b. at Freidberg, Hesse, Germany, 23 February, 1867. Education: Gymnasia of Maria- sehein and Leitmeritz, Bohemia; Gregorian Univer- sity, Rome. Ordained 1891; primarily engaged in parish work at Eger, Austria; director of the Seminary, Mies, Austria, 1894-1899; special professor of canon law and sociology (1899-1904) and professor of moral theology (1905- ), German University of Prague. Has been active in organizing "Catholic Days"; decoration Pro pontifice et ecclesia. President of the Federation of non-political CathoUo German Societies of Bohemia; manager of the German Catholic Organization of Bohemia; vice-president of the Board of Trustees of the Count Straka Academy. Author of: "Die kirchUche Vorzensur und das Partikularrecht" (1901); "Zur Frage deutscher Bistiimer in Bohmen" (1902; 2 eds.); "Der Kleri- kaUsmus" (1912); collaborator in "Kirchliches Handlexikon" (Munich, 1907- ); contributor to various German theological and literary periodicals.

ARTICLES: Btjdweis; Piusverein; Prague, University of.

Hilgers, Reverend Joseph, s.j., Ph.D., s.t.d., writer, b. at Kuckhoven, Rhine, Germany, 9 Sep- tember, 1858. Education: German College, Rome. Ordained 1882; entered the Society of Jesus 1883; engaged in teaching for ten years; at present, devotes his time to writing; resident in Rome. Author of: "Der Index der verbotenen Bticher" (1904); "Die Biicherverbote in Papstbriefen" (1907); Maria der Weg zu Christus" (1907); "The Roman Index and Its Latest Historian" (1908); "Das goldene Buchlein fur Priester und Voile" (1910; 2nd ed. 1911; trans- lated into Polish, Bohemian, Spanish, and EngUsh); "Livre d'or du Coeur de Jesus" (1911); "II Ubro d'oro" (1911); "Das Buchlein von unserer Ueben Frau" (1912; 2nd ed. 1913); "Die Katholische Lehre von den Ablassen" (1913); a number of historical and ascetical writings and books dealing with indulgences published anonymously; succeeded Beringer in the editing and pubhcation of "Die Ablasse"; collabora- tor in: Herder, "Kirchenlexikon"; Ibid., "Konversa- tionslexikon"; contributor to: "Stimmen aus Maria- Laach"; "Linzer theologische Quartalschrift"; "Civilt& Cattolica"; " Zentralblatt fiir Bibhotheks- wesen". See photo facing page 190.

ARTICLES: (Jenbobship of Bookb; Index of Prohibited Books; Novena; Pubgatobial Societies; Sabbatinb Peivi- lege; Scapulae; Simon Stock, Saint; Sodality.

Hind, Reverend George Elphege, o.s.b., b. at Warrington, Lancashire, England, 15 September, 1874. Education: Ampleforth College, Yorkshire, England; Oxford. Entered the Benedictine Order 1893; ordained 1901; at various times professor of mathematics and librarian, Ampleforth Abbey, and assistant pastor at Liverpool and Warrington, England; at present, assistant, St. Mary's Church, Merthyr Tydvil, Wales; decipherer of manuscripts. Catholic Record Society. Contributor to: "Irish Ecclesiastical Record"; "Ampleforth Journal".

ARTICLES: Cbolfbid, Saint; Ceolwulf; Chauncey, Maubice; Chichele, Heney; Clark, William; Clayton, James; Clement, John; Coenbed; Cole, Henry; Coleman, Edward; Courtenay, William; Cressy, Hugh Paulinus Seee- nus; Cuthbebt, Abbot of Weabmouth; Cuthbebt; Eanbald; Easteewine; Egbeet, Aechbishop of Yoek; Ellwangen Ab- bey; Favebsham Abbey; Folkestone Abbey; Fountains Ab- bey; FuENESs Abbey.

Hinojosa y Naveros, Eduardo de, ph.D., ll.d., b. at Alhama, Granada, Spain, 25 October, 1852. Education: Universities of Granada and Madrid. Official, National Archaeological Museum, Madrid,

1875-1882; professor at the School of Diplomacy, Madrid, 1882-1900; civil governor of Madrid 1897, 1900; professor of ancient and medieval Spanish and American history, University of Madrid, 1900- ; senator; director general of Public Instruction; member of the Commission on Archives, Libraries and Museums. Honorary President, Congress of Historical Sciences, Berlin, 1908. Member of: Royal Academy of Spain, Royal Historical Academy, Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences; corresponding member of the Institute of France. Author of: "Historia del derecho espanol"; "Estudios sobre la historia del derecho espanol"; "El riSgimen senorial y la cuesti6n agraria en Catalufia durante la Edad Madia"; "Influencia de los te61ogos y jurisconsultos espaiioles".

ARTICLES: Andalusia; Cadiz, Diocesb of; Calahoeea AND La Calzada, Diocese of; Canal, Jos^ de la; Canaby Islands; Cartagena, Diocese of; Ciudad Real; Ciudad RoDBiGO, Diocese of; Coimbea, Diocese and Univeesity of; Coeea, Diocese of; Cbusade, Bull of the; Cuenca, Diocesb of.

Hoeber, Karl, Ph.D., writer, b. at Diez, Hesse- Nassau, 8 February, 1867. Former Training College principal; editor of: the "Kolnische Volkszeitung"; the "Akademische Monatsblatter", Cologne. Author of: "Fr. W. Weber, Leben und Dichtungen" (1894); "KorneUus Nepos" (1895); "Ovidius Naso" (1895); "Kommentar zu Nepos" (1897); "Kommentar zu Ovid" (1898); "Handbuch des Verbandes der Katholischen Studenten-Vereine Deutschlands" (1900); "Goethes Egmont, mid Kommentar" (1902); "Edmund Hardy, Lebensbild" (1905); "Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Sprachgebrauchs im VoIksHed des 14 und 15 Jahrhunderts" (1908).

ARTICLES : Dillingen.'Univebsity of; Galerius, Valeeius Maximianus; Gallienus, Publius Licinius Eqnatius; Geaz, Univeebity of; Geeipswald, University of; Hadbian, Roman Emperor; Heidelberg, University of; Heliogabalus; Hono- Rius, Flavius; Ingolstadt, University of; Josephus, Fla- vius; Jouvancy, Joseph de; Jovianus, 1'lavius Claudius; Julian the Apostate; Kaufmann, Alexander and Leopold; Kellner, Lorenz; Lasaulx, Ernst von; Leipzig, University of; Marius Maximus, Lucius Perpetuus Aurelianub; Max- entius, Marcus Aurelius; Maximianus, Marcus Aureliub Valerius; Maximinus, Caius Valeeiub Daja; Maximinus Theax, Caius Julius Verus; Nero; Otho, Marcus Salvius; Peetinax, Publius Hblvius; Pebcenniub, Niqee; Philip the Arabian; Placidia, Galla; Probus, Marcus Aurelius; Rom- ulus Augustulus; Rostock, University op; Septimius Se- VERus; Upsala, University of; Vitbllius, Lucius; Wuezbueg, Univeesity of.

Hoflmann, Reverend Alexius, o.s.b., ph.s., b. at St. Paul, Minnesota, 31 January, 1863. Education: parochial school, St. Paul, and St. John's University, Collegeville, Minnesota. Professed in Benedictine Order 1881; ordained 1885; professor (1885- ), librarian, professor of dogmatic theology, Latin, EngUsh and Pedagogy, and (1891-1899) vice-presi- dent, St. John's University, Collegeville. One of the directors, St. Paul Cathohc Historical Society. Author of: "College Life" (1894); "St. John's University" (1897).

ARTICLES: Belin, Albert (Jean); Feder, Johann Mi- chael; Feilmosee, Andeeas Benedict; Fenebeeq, Johann Michael Nathanabl; Hbbebmann von Zuydwyk, Clemens, Aug. Ant., Fbeihebb von.

Hofler, Reverend Walter A. Education: St. Wilfrid's College, Oakamoor, England; Olton Semi- nary and Oscott College, Birmingham, England. Successively professor of Classics, St. Wilfrid's College, Oakamoor (seven years), assistant at Burs- lem (three years), chaplain at Spetchley Park (one and a half years); parish priest and chaplain to the Sisters of the Poor Child Jesus, Southam, England, 1904^1915; rector. Church of St. Ambrose, Kidder- minster, England, 1915-

ARTICLE: Foob Child Jesus, Sistees of the.

Hofmann, Reverend Michael, s.j., b. at Kundl, Tyrol, Austria, 27 August, 1860. Education: German