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school, Gateshead, 1883-1886; assistant, Department of Manuscripts (1887-1912), and Assistant Keeper of Manuscripts (1912- ), British Museum; became a Catholic 1909. Assisted H. L. D. Ward in prepar- ing "Catalogue of Romances", British Museum, Vol. II. Author of: "Catalogue of Romances", British Museum, Vol. Ill (1910); "Illuminated Manuscripts" (1911); edited "Titus and Vespasian", Middle English poem (1905); collaborator in "Dictionary of National Biography"; contributor to: "Romania"; "The Library"; "Burlington Magazine".

ARTICLES: Odo of Cheriton; Rtjfford Abbey; Wirbkeh, Nigel.

Hernandez y Gimeno, Reverend Pablo, s.j., B.A., writer, b. at Rubielos de la C&ida, Teruel, Spain, 9 October, 1852. Education: primary studies, Rubielos de la C^rida; secondary studies, Teruel; Seminary, Saragossa; Jesuit scholasticates in France and Spain. Entered the Society of Jesus 1872; professor of Latin grammar at one of the Jesuit colleges in Chile 1877-1880, of science at one of the Jesuit colleges in Argentina 1880-1885; returned to Spain 1885; ordained 1888; professor of philosophy, Jesuit college, Valencia, 1889-1890; of scholastic philosophy (1890-1893) and of Sacred Scripture (1893-1894), various Spanish scholasticates; professor of physics, zoology and mathematics. College of Our Saviour, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1894^1896, of theology and canon law, Seminary, Buenos Aires, 1896-1898 ; assist- ant to Father Rafael P6rez, s.j., in his "Historia de la Campania moderna en la Argentina y Chile", 1898- 1903; assistant to Father Astrain, s.j., in his "Historia de la Asistencia de Espana", resident at Buenos Aires, 1903-1911; on the staff of the "Raz6n y Fe", 1912- 1913; resident at Sarria, near Barcelona. As vice- postulator of the Society of Jesus, conducted the informative and non cultu processes for the beatifica- tion of the three Araucanian martyrs and Father Pedro Mayoral, s.j.; has travelled extensively for purposes of research. Author of: "Juicio critioo de la educaci6n antigua y la moderna" (Buenos Aires, 1886; 2nd ed. Madrid, 1888); "El extranamiento de los Jesuitas del Rio de la Plata y de las misiones del Paraguay" (Madrid, 1908); "Los Jesuitas en el Rio de la Plata: Historia del Paraguay", 4 vols., with map (Madrid, 1910-1913), being a translation with additions and annotations of Muriel, "Historia Paraguajensis"; edited with Introduction Cardiel, "Declaraci6n de la verdad" (Buenos Aires, 1900); "Organizaci6n Social de las Doctrinas Guaranfes (Misiones del Paraguay) de la Compania de Jesiis" (2 vols. 608 pp. and 740 pp. with maps, plans and engravings, Barcelona, 1913); contributor to : "Raz^^in y Fe"; "Revista eclesidstica del Arzobispado de Buenos Aires"; "Amigo del Clero" (Lima); "Revista eclesiiistica" (Santiago de Chile); "Resena Hist6rica de la Misi6n de Chile-Paraguay, 1836-1914" (Barce- lona, 1914); "El P. Francisco Sudrez, s.i." (Barcelona, 1917).

ARTICLE : Buenos Aires.

Herrera, Reverend Feliciano, Comayagua, Honduras. ARTICLE : Comatagca, Diocese of.

Herrick, Reverend Joseph Cawdell, ph.D., b. at Shelbyville, Illinois, 6 May, 1874. Education : University of Virginia; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland. Instructor, University of Virginia, 1896-1897; ordained 1906; professor of biology, St. Joseph's Seminary, Yonkers, New York, 1900- ; professor of botany, Mt. St. Vincent College, New York, 1910- . Former Fellow of Johns Hopkins University. Member of the American Anthropological Association. Contributor to "American Naturalist".

ARTICLE: Atavism.

Herwegen, Right Reverend Ildefons, o.s.b., b. at Junkcrsdorf, near Cologne, Germany, 27 November, 1874, son of Peter Herwegen, headmaster at Koln-Lindenthal. Education: Gymnasium, Co- logne; Abbey of Seckau, Austria; Abbeys of Maria- Laach and Beuron, Germany; S. Anselmo, Rome; University of Bonn. Entered the Benedictine Order 1895; ordained 1901; editor (and organizer) of "Beitrage zur Geschichte des alten Monchtums", Mtinster, 1911- ; Abbot of Maria-Laach, 1913- . Author of: "Das Pactum des heiligen Fruc- tuosus von Braga", Faso. 40 of "Kirchenrechtliche Abhandlungen" (Stuttgart, 1907); "Studien uber die alten Wandmalereien in der Oberkirche zu Schwarzrheindorf", Fascs. 86 (1908), 88 (1910) and 90 (1911), of "Annalen des Historischen Vereins fiir den Niederrhein"; "Die lothringischen Pfalzgrafen und die niederrheinischen Benediktinerkloster", Fasc. 88 of "Annalen des Historischen Vereins fiir den Niederrhein" (1910); "Die Geschichte der Pro- fessformel der Benediktinerordens", Supplement to "Studien und Mitteilungen aus dem Benediktiner- orden" (Salzburg, 1911); collaborator in: "Theolo- gisches Handlexikon"; " Hagiographischer Jahres- bericht"; contributor to: "Revue Benedictine"; " Deutschrechtliche Beitrage"; "Repertorium fiir Kunstwissenschaf t " ; "Der KathoHk".

ARTICLE: Mahia-Laach.

Hetherington, Reverend Arthur Joseph, b.a., b. at London, England, 9 August, 1879. Education: St. Charles College, Kensington, London; London University; Oscott College, Birmingham, England. Ordained 1906; assistant, Westminster Cathedral, London, 1906-1913; secretary and chancellor, diocese of Calgary, Canada, 1913- . Author of "Notes on the New Rubrics and the Use of the New Psalter"; collaborator in Rhodes, "Unity of Faith" (by Father Hetherington: "The CathoUc Church"); editor of: "Ritus servandus in expositione"; "Ordo admini- strandi".

ARTICLE: Westminster, Archdiocese op.

Heuser, Reverend Herman Joseph, d.d., b. at. Potsdam, Germany, 23 October, 1851. Education: Gymnasium, Berlin, Breslau, Germany; Seminary, Philadelphia, Pa. Ordained 1876; professor of theology, St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, Pa., 1876- . Authorof:"Pr]estonDuty"; "Chapters: of Bible Study"; "Harmony of Religious Life"; "Sacrament of Penance"; contributor to "The American Cathohc Quarterly"; editor (and founder) of "The American Ecclesiastical Review".

ARTICLE: Absalom.

Hickey, Reverend Daniel, i.e., b.a., b. at Cardiff, 23 October, 1869. Education: Monte Calvario, Domodossola, Italy; Ratcliffe College, Leicester. England; University of London. Entered the Institute of Charity 1886; ordained 1895; successively assistant master, Ratcliffe College, Leicester, and assistant at St. Etheldreda's Church, London; has given missions and retreats in various, parts of England, Ireland, and Scotland; at present, rector, St. Mary's Church, Newport, England.

ARTICLE: Rosmini and Rosminianism (The Rosminian System).

Higgins, Sister Mart Philomena, St. .loseph's. Convent of the Faithful Companions of Jesus, Fitchburg, Massachusetts.

ARTICLE: Faithful Companions of Jesus, Society of the.

Highley, Mont Frederick, Litt.B., ll.b., m.l., lawyer, b. at Farmington, Missouri, 20 August, 1877. Education: Missouri State University; University of Texas. Practising lawyer; former assistant attorney general, State of Oklahoma. Former Oklahoma